The Monster of Florence


Peter Levenda explores the dark side of mankind in his books, such as Sinister Forces, and so it’s not surprising that his reading list would include The Monster of Florence. But for Peter, that book opened synchronicities connecting him with the co-author Douglas Preston.

I have just finished reading The Monster of Florence, by Douglas Preston and Mario Spezi.  It is an account of Preston’s investigation of Italy’s most famous serial murder case. I read a lot of serial killer non-fiction, and this seemed like an interesting addition.  The Monster has been killing and mutilating victims in Tuscany and primarily around Florence — a city I know well — since the 1960s and has never been caught.  But Preston’s book — written with the help of the most-informed Italian journalist on the case, Mario Spezi ,who is referred to as the “Monstrologer” — is equally about the corruption of the Italian judicial system which has allowed the Monster to escape justice to this day.  Okay.

   Today I was writing an email to a friend of mine about the book.  It was only after I had finished the book that I realized that Preston is the co-author, with Lincoln Childs, of a series of books about an occult detective named Pendergast.  I had been reading those novels in Indonesia last year, during Ramadan, as they were one of the few books I could find in English.   Okay, that was interesting, but …

I had just finished writing the email when I felt compelled to do a search on the Internet for some background information.  I found a blurb by Preston for a book by Whitley Streiber, Critical Mass, on the International Thriller Writers website. Now, I know Whitley and have been interviewed by him on a number of occasions, so that was eerie.  I didn’t know that Preston and Whitley knew each other, or were aware of each other’s work.

But what I especially did not realize was that the blurb from Preston appears on the site directly below a blurb for the same book … from me!
Interestingly, when Peter reviewed Streiber’s new novel, it was called Midnight…and that’s somehow appropriate.

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12 Responses to The Monster of Florence

  1. d page says:

    I was a once a field investigator for a UFO group on Berkeley (led by Dr James Harder).
    I have to say, UFO research is one area that there is no lack of synchronicities. There a very strong trickster element in that arena!

  2. Shadow says:

    how is it possible 'the monster's' never been caught?? but surely he can't still be around… but still, another jack the ripper, could do without that.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Great story, musing! You would've won that one hands down.

    Rob ran across that line from the album today and said, "Hey, here's a great quote for our book." Then we realized we would get charged a fee for using it in printed matter.

  4. musingegret says:

    Yesterday afternoon while listening to "Cash Cab" on Discovery as I fixed dinner I heard "…and meaningful coincidence." I yelled to hubby that the answer was Synchronicity. The question had included the clue that "the name of a best-selling Police album…"

    Of course the answer was SYNCHRONICITY !!!

  5. simple simon (sailor song) says:

    yeah "The Police", well can't go into where they were and when…"just a little to bizarre" but will only say, yeah have read about 40% of that one during this (off and on) year (M.of F.), what was the name of those brother's and cousin's, maybe and uncle nephew, who came from the neighboring island, who they had in jail for a while for the crimes….. It was all a cult thing,,, they just keep passing the weapon around….

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    love love love the quote!!! perfect!!!
    and now, i'll be hummin' that all night! 🙂

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Since this post deals with a law enforcement matter, what better time than to quote The Police:

    With one breath
    With one flow
    You will know synchronicity.

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Streiber popping up, Nancy. Hmm. UFO sightings?

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    well, the way my mind's been going/not going lately, i wasn't really sure! thanks!

    and ditto on nancy's comment about the reading list – interesting what she also said about streiber popping up around her –

    while i think of it, and just curious, but are there those who believe they know the identity of this killer who has not yet been caught?

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The mengele post was all messed up and I couldn't fix it. So I removed it. You're not imagining things, Gypsy!

  11. Nancy says:

    This is so interesting. Both books need to go on my very long reading list.

    Whitley Streiber keeps popping up for me in many different places. I wonder what that means?

  12. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    OMGoodness! what a wonderful maze of synchros – a literal international trail! neat!!! fun exciting post!

    oh, and i've still lost the mengele twin post!!! – or did i ever have it? 🙂

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