Madison Avenue

No astonishing, mind-blowing synchronicities–like the Blue Dog tale–came our way today. But, nevertheless, being aware of synchronicities seems to attract them.

For instance, this afternoon I opened an e-mail from my friend Madison just as a five-year-old neighbor girl walked into our porch looking for our cats. Trish called out: “Madison, what are you doing?” I replied to on-line Madison, and mentioned the cute little ‘synchronous’ Madison on the porch. Then I peeled myself away from the computer, walked into the kitchen, and glanced at the mundane photo of a teen girl and horse on the front page of a section of the Palm Beach Post. For some reason, I leaned over and read the caption below the picture, and found out the girl was named Madison. That made three Madison’s in five minutes. Nothing mind-boggling, but interesting.

I also experienced a yoga-related synchronicity today. Early this morning in a half-sleep before getting up, the image of one of my yoga students, who I hadn’t seen in months, came to mind. I wondered if she was still a member of the gym where I teach. I don’t know the woman very well, and for a moment wondered why I had thought of her. So I was surprised when, five minutes into the class, she walked into the room.

After class, she was standing by the front counter as I left. I stopped, said it was good seeing her again, then told her my story. She smiled and said, “Yeah, we’re all connected, aren’t we.”

UPDATE, 3/6/09
There’s actually a fourth Madison aspect to this story. While posting a new synchronicity tonight, I read Therese Patrick’s comment under the Madison story, that perhaps the synchronicity was a message for her. I mentioned this to Rob and he pointed out there was actually a fourth Madison. Yesterday, he was reading a novel called “Last On Earth,” which takes place in Madison High School.

UPDATE, 3/12/09
I just received a long, rambling synchronicity tale from a ‘Madsy.’ It was one of those stories in which the synchronicities are significant to the person experiencing them, but not that impressive or comprehensible to ‘outsiders’ like myself. But what struck me was that near the end she said her name is Madison and she attends the University of Wisconson in…Madison. That struck me as synchronous sense, but probably didn’t impress her when I replied with my serial Madison tale.

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3 Responses to Madison Avenue

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Oh, sorry. I misread and misinterpreted. Yet, you’re still Madison, the male version. And Madison University is still Madison, though not in Madison, Wisconsin.

    I forgot to mention that a while before I read your e-mail I was watching a college basketball game. It was being played in Madison Square Garden. – Rob

  2. redsolarmoon says:

    No offense but im a dude, strange huh? Anyways the girl the guy pointed to who was revealing my past life went to madison university. It was a way of signaling that our meeting was of no coincidence because he knew my name before even asking. peace.

  3. terripatrick says:

    I hope you mentioned the three Madison’s, that maybe it’s a message for her.

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