Perspective – A Year Later


If you look back to last year at this time, there are some eerie parallels. In early January 2020, Trump’s impeachment was winding down – not enough to vote for conviction. I first read about the corona virus. A passing reference, nothing more. I remember because my neighbor was really ill, with three or four hospital stays. I had read about the corona symptoms and they sounded a lot like what my neighbor was experiencing. I asked her husband, a commercial pilot, if he’d flown to China recently.

“Not my route,” he said.

“Annette’s symptoms sound like this new corona virus in Wuhan, Kevin.”

He shook his head and said they’d been told she had a B virus.

On January 10, 2020, when the much talked about Saturn/Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn happened, Wuhan released the genome sequence of the virus. It was around this time that the trump admin was first notified about the virus.

Today is January 13, 2021. The House will vote on the second impeachment of trump, the only time in history that a president has been impeached twice. Thanks to Bob Woodward’s book, we know that trump knew about this virus back in January but chose to ignore it. So as of today, the virus trump said would magically disappear in April, has killed more than 380,000 Americans. But a vaccine is available – if your state has a plan.  Florida never had a plan for anything. Our governor, Ron DeSantis is a trump lapdog. But that’s another story.

Here in the east, this is a new moon day, at 23 degrees Capricorn. The moon, Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury are all in Aquarius, in trump’s 5th and 6th houses. Saturn and Jupiter will be playing tag for awhile, and now they’re just 2 degrees apart.

Saturn represents the status quo, government, structure, rules, discipline. Jupiter represents expansion, the higher mind and higher education, your worldview, spirituality, luck, synchronicity. Transiting Jupiter at 5 degrees Aquarius in the outer circle of the chart is opposed to Trump’s natal Pluto at 10 Leo in the 12th house, the inner circle. Pluto represents power. The spirituality (conscience?) of people in the government becomes central. Do you vote for a person or for a country? Are you loyal to your ideals, your vows, your moral compass – and the constitution – or are you loyal to a person?

That 23 degree Capricorn moon. I have a superstition about the #23. In the I Ching, that hexagram is called Splitting Apart. Author Robert Anton Wilson collected hundreds of incidents involving that particular number. Capricorn is the sign of government. They have a new opportunity to do the right thing, but thanks to that #23, things may have to split apart first.

Stay tuned for February astrological forecast.

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8 Responses to Perspective – A Year Later

  1. Cheryl Bartlett says:

    Don’t we want to “split apart” from what we have? As I remember, Robert Anton Wilson believed #23 to be a positive number, even a miraculous number. Splitting apart from this administration is devoutly to be wished. As I understand it, paradigm shift can’t be accomplished in any other way. This paradigm shift deconstructs government.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      I don’t think Wilson considered it to be positive. Splitting apart is appropriate for the trump admin.

  2. lauren raine says:

    I think impeaching the president (the second time) is splitting apart! Many of his supporters are leaving him too, and he will not even be attending the inaguration. Here in AZ we have the highest covid cases in the entire world thanks to a republican governor who also refuses to enact a plan. Let that split be the meaning of a turn in the direction of healing, sanity, and morality for the common good!

    • Trish and Rob says:

      I’d like to see him convicted. A 2nd impeachment is a good start, but it’s not enough!

      • lauren raine says:

        I agree. What we have seen from day one in the trump regime is no limits – he got away with everything. Unless there is a tangible consequence, then the rule of law that makes us a government and democracy means nothing, and we are left with corruption and chaos. I hope this hurts him in every way, and especially, in the only thing he values: money.

  3. Alisha says:

    I talked with my supervisor in the U.S. on Jan 13th, about the move! I am eagerly waiting for everything to unfold. I am trying to be patient and calm.

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