A Synchro Jackpot


This may not exactly be a jackpot story, but it definitely is a synchronicity of the Lotto kind.

A couple of weeks ago, we met Paula and Lloyd, our dog park buddies, at Darbster’s, a vegan restaurant named after the owners’ dog. The setting is a dichotomy – next to a canal that is peaceful and pretty, but adjacent to Federal Highway in West Palm Beach, which is noisy.

That first evening, the four of us sat outside, with our dog Nigel, as our only pooch. I’d thoughtLloyd was going to bring his dog, Abby, but he thought we’d agreed no dogs. My bad. Mercury was retrograde, communications got screwed up.

On the way home, Rob and I stropped by a gas station so I could buy a couple of Loteria $2 scratch offs. The station didn’t have any. So I bought a pair of $2 scratch offs called Gold Rush. Rob won a hundred bucks.

Two weeks later, the four of us met again at Darbster’s. This time, Nigel and Abby were with us. On her way home, Paula stopped at a gas station and bought a Gold Rush. And yes, she won a hundred bucks.

What are the odds?

Well, the Florida Lottery tells us that there’s a 1 in 796 chance of winning $100 with the $2 Gold Rush card. Paula bought a $10 Gold Rush card, which has much better odds: 1 in 71.

Already, Darbster’s feels like a hub of quantum physics, right?  Already, it figures into what is starting to feel like a cluster synchro. When we meet a third time, with all our dogs present, it’s Lloyd’s turn to buy a Gold Rush on his way home. If he does and wins a hundred bucks, then what’s the message?

These are the kind of synchros that beg for closer scrutiny!

Stay tuned.

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8 Responses to A Synchro Jackpot

  1. Darren B says:

    Last year in my birth month of September I was one number off winning one million Australian dollars … and that number I missed was #23, my birth-date 🙁
    I still won $1037 for having five of the six winning numbers –

    • Trish and Rob says:

      AH, THE 23!

    • Cheryl says:

      Darren, my understanding of large lottery wins is that they are life legislated changes. This has come to me from my own guides, who have told me that a big lottery win at the wrong time, when you are unprepared for it materially or spiritually, could hurt you in a big way. I read through your blog entry. Your version of the Fool in the Tarot shows him balancing easily in the air with one hand still on his cliff, inhaling the fragrance of a flower. That’s one way of doing it. My version of that card shows him joyfully stepping off into empty space as if the abyss beneath him doesn’t exist. I might prefer your way but I’ve never had that option. Interesting, isn’t it? Anyone who studies the numerology and symbology of the Tarot knows that the Fool is the most evolved card in the deck. It’s your intuitive leap into a new cycle that only you can see.

      23 is my birthdate too and it’s always come up for me in the lottery. It’s always swimming around in my numbers when I’ve had a win, though my wins have been smaller than yours. I think this particular win is telling you to use that vibration whenever you play. It makes sense that a life legislated change would be attached to your birthdate. 23 is part of the sacred law of fives that Robert Anton Wilson talks about in his books. It’s not an easy vibration but the lottery itself is a rough energy. Make no mistake about it. It’s an entirely new vortex. That kind of transition does not bring ease or comfort. The gift in it is much more like a tornado. Not that you can’t master it. I think it’s in the cards for you, if you persist.

      • Darren B says:

        I’ve been one number off winning the major prize five times so far in my lifetime Cheryl.
        Sometimes were as part of a lotto syndicate (which I organized at my old workplace), one was with my wife (at the time) and twice just by myself. 🙁
        I do have #23 as part of my regular Powerball numbers, which I play every week here in Australia, but I’m yet to have a significant win in Powerball.
        I was told by a palm reader over 36 years ago that I would get a significant windfall from either writing a book, or a lotto win, which would set me up for the rest of my life … when I was much older.
        He has been right about everything else he told me in that palm reading when I was about 20 years old, so fingers crossed that the rest of his reading pans out … which I believe it will … somehow. 🙂

        • Trish and Rob says:

          If everything else he told you has panned out, why not this windfall, too?

        • Cheryl says:

          Syndicates haven’t worked for me, so far. It’s important that people have attitudes about money that are compatible with yours, for example. Also that they be eligible. Difficult to ascertain, that last variable. I’ve made several mistakes in that area. It’s best to play on your own, I’ve realized. You can always share your winnings. You’re not always a match when you play with others. Lotteries are rarely, if ever, about luck.

  2. Cheryl says:

    The message would be about three is a crowd. That old saw is lucky if each player brings his or her own dog. Ergo, the Florida gold rush was set up for dogs. They can’t buy the tickets or spend the money but they do the winning. Probably the secret to all lotteries. You only win if you are playing to help out somebody else.

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