Amelia’s Retreat


When I joined Bernie Bernard’s Coincidence Project – I met some great people, all of then into synchronicity in is various facets. Amelia is one of them, an author and spiritual teacher who now lives in Mexico. Over the weekend of July 4, she’s holding a retreat on an island off the mexican coast.

I’d love to attend. She’s well-versed in synchronicity, in all the spiritual stuff that fascinates me. But honestly,  after all the hours we recently spent traveling  traveling  to Montana, I can’t abide the thought of getting on another flight where I’m jammed into a seat so tiny and narrow I can’t even cross my legs. It was an expensive trip. If we hadn’t taken it, I would be booked  to this island where Amelia is holding her retreat.

News and info:



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9 Responses to Amelia’s Retreat

  1. Darren B says:

    I’d like to attend that retreat, too.
    But us Aussies won’t be allowed out of the country for at least another year the way things are going with Covid vaccinations here.
    Unless you are someone like Chris Hemsworth or Nicole Kidman that is. 🙂
    Not that I’m complaining being stuck in what I think of as the best country in the world.

  2. Darren B says:

    I went with my sons to see the new Conjuring movie (yawn … I actually feel a sleep for a while) at the cinema the other night and remembered hearing that Diana Walsh Pasulka was a consultant on the first two Conjuring movies (which I liked, unlike this last one).
    When I looked up Diana’s IMDB web-page I saw that she was on an episode of Alexis Brooks ‘The Proof is Out There’ episode called ‘Weeping Mary and the Montana Alien.’
    Which made me think of you and Rob heading for a trip to Montana.
    I don’t think I have heard of the Montana alien before.
    Diana might be a good guest to interview on our podcast?
    I wouldn’t mind having a watch of those ‘The Proof is Out There’ episodes, but I don’t know if us Aussies have access to the show from over here.
    I hope apart from the crappy flight that you guys had a good trip to Montana.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      I’ll take a look at those links, Daz. Thanks. I’ve heard of the Flathead Lake monster (we didn’t see it!) but not the Montana alien! The trip was great – but cold!

      I didn’t realize Aussies couldn’t leave the country. Can you travel within the country? Will check out Diana.

      • Darren B says:

        Well, you can leave the country by going through a 14 quarantine in a hotel at your own expense when you get back.
        But trying to get a flight out of Australia for a normal citizen is hardly worth the bother.
        We can travel freely between Australian states, unless the state is in lock-down, like Victoria is right now.

  3. Cheryl says:

    I’ve been meaning to tell you how much I enjoyed her interview on your podcast. I didn’t listen to it until after I got back from Conchas Lake and you were in Montana by then, but it’s for sure a favorite. I don’t think you’ve ever done a podcast I haven’t liked but hers was a standout. How I would love to go! But it isn’t even as close as the moon, that possibility.
    This song came up on YouTube autoplay right after Amelia’s invitation. Probably not a synchronicity that it’s one of my favorite country western songs. I’ve loved it for years and it took a very long time to find it after the first time I heard it. Not recorded on any album anywhere, as far as I know. They left it off the soundtrack for some reason. It’s called BIG DREAM and if I were going to play you a song for your birthday, Trish, this would be it. Be sure you set it all the way back to the beginning before you listen to it. I was autoplaying it again as I was writing you this note.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      I’ll take a look! Thanks, Cheryl!

      • Cheryl says:

        Mercury doing its thing. I got Audrey Hepburn when I tested it but Samantha Mathis is right under that with her BIG DREAM. Maybe Amelia (who was occupying the place Audrey’s now in) is more of an Audrey Hepburn/Sting type. FIELDS OF GOLD is also a beautiful song. Maybe this is all just solar return synchronicity letting you know how beautiful you are. Happy Early Birthday.

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