Synchros That Come in Threes

We ran a Golden Scarab contest for the best five synchros and Andrew Hicks was one of the winners. He recently sent us another synchro about clusters – specifically, about how a certain sent of clusters came in threes for him.


Synchronicity first wholly grabbed my attention in a rather subtle way, back around 2003. I was employed by Subway sandwich shop…
I would go all day without any customers ordering salads. Then, someone would come in and order one. They’d leave, and someone else would enter and order the same thing. It often happened in threes. By the third time, I’d really be paying attention, and it wouldn’t happen again. But then there would be another entirely different sequence of repetitive orders (in threes as well).

After being fascinated by this for a while, I’d “really be paying attention” after the second occurrence and amazingly, it usually didn’t happen a third time when that was the case. It seemed like there was this underlying pattern in reality that didn’t want to be noticed, so whenever I was “on to it”, the physical manifestation of the pattern would change to another frequency, or disguise itself a different sequence of identical events. I’m not saying I still see it as a pattern that doesn’t want to be noticed; I am merely articulating my initial thoughts on the phenomenon.

I didn’t call it synchronicity back then — I just called it “the patterns”. It became an obsessive point of interest for me over many years.

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34 Responses to Synchros That Come in Threes

  1. mathaddict3322 says:

    Well-ordered sets and ordinarities….you’re speaking of that, Whoot? Yes. And there are dissenting views among mathematicians regarding these areas of calculus. What do you know about this, and these? It can be a tangled web but is interesting and relevant.

  2. mathaddict3322 says:

    Yep, it is interesting. And the end of the 26,000 astrological cycle 0n 12-21-12 is also interesting numerically, 26 being a really significant dual frequency with some startling applications in countless areas, in both its positive and negative impacts. Remember that a zero following any number increases the potential impact of that number. So the three zeroes after that 26….wow. Pretty mind-boggling.
    We live in unprecedented times, at least in terms of modern recorded history. Day by day it becomes more challenging and more compelling.

  3. mathaddict3322 says:

    Here’s a bit of a simple math mind twister that many folks seem to have difficulty grasping. We are now living in 2011, right? Actually, we are living in 2012. How is that possible? When a child is born, it is at zero point. On the child’s first birthday, he has already lived one year. So, although we say “he’s one year old”, the child is actually living in his second year because he’s lived thru one year and it is past. Another example: on a person’s 21st birthday, that person is 21 years old but is then living in his or hers 22nd year, because at the time of the 21st BD, 21 years have already past. So, how does this relate to the year 2012, I wonder, in terms of predictions, the Mayan and other ancient calendars, etc. Altho this current year says it is the 11th year of the 21st century, it is actually the 12th year of the 21st century because the 11th year was finished on December 31, 2010, at midnight……the year 2000 being the zero point for the 21st century and on December 21st, 2011, we moved into the SECOND year of the 21st century even though on the calendar it said 2001….because the year from zero point 2000 to the year 2001, year one of the 21st century was past. Interesting to consider, huh. Especially in terms of 12-21-2012.

  4. mathaddict3322 says:

    My pleasure, guys! You know math is my gig and it just gets curiouser and curiouser as the years go by and the dots connect. I never cease to get excited each time I work extensively with a “new” individual’s numbers because it underscores the dynamics that demonstrate how intertwined we are with each other and with our planet and universe. Such a cool tool!!

  5. mathaddict3322 says:

    Absolutely correct, which is something I’ve tried to teach my math students over the years. We can’t delete the century from the year and maintain the integrity of the number representing that particular frequency. It’s like 12-21-2012 isn’t 12-21-12.
    However, when making comparisons of frequencies, we are able to extract a frequency that is a portion of the whole as a means of connecting. This isn’t “manipulation” of the math. It’s taking the parts of a combination of numbers and separating each into its own frequency. When I noted that there was much more complex material in my Dad’s numbers, I was indicating exactly what you saw….1959, which carries the root #6. Throughout all his numbers, that root number 6 is apparent virtually everywhere but there isn’t sufficient space here to delineate the workings. I don’t have the keys on the keyboard to demonstrate the math. (One of these simple ones is that although he was diagnosed at age 41/5, he died at age 42/6, and 1959 is root #6.) Your point is extremely important and highly relevant. We cannot add or subtract any number or numbers from a combination and maintain the integrity of the frequency. It gets complex.

  6. mathaddict3322 says:

    Just some comments on the synchronicity of numbers: the last four digits of our telephone land line are 3333, which of course is 12 which is of course back to 3. (3+3+3+3=12=1+2=3) We didn’t choose this number. Our house number on our street equals 12, which is 3. Another curious synchronicity is that the office number of our primary physician is the EXACT number of my husband’s cell number, backwards. His last four cell digits are 0116. Hers are 6110. Mirror image. There are endless examples of these kinds of number synchronicities in our life and, in fact, in everyone’s life, but most folks aren’t overtly aware of them.

    One simple example with which I am so familiar: my Dad died in ’59. In standard numerology, his whole name number was 59. The time of death on his autopsy report is 9:50pm. In standard numerology, the number of Emory Hospital where he died is 59. (The consonants =41/5. The vowels =27/9. Or it can be read in reverse as 95, which corresponds to his TIME of death but is still the same frequency.) All his numbers operated within the frequency of the root number 14/5. His cause of death was a deviation in the whole number that carried the 14/5 root. He died from a brain tumor, which is vowels 19/1, consonants 31/4, which =14/5. A final remark about my Dad’s circumstances: he was diagnosed when he was 41 years old; 41=5. His circumstances can be broken down in much more complex and continuous ways, but this suffices.

    His case was the initial set of numbers that clicked the light bulb in my mind and put me on the trail of number synchronicity, many decades ago. Once a person understands that numbers represent universal frequencies, and that each of our lives is lived within a matrix of certain frequencies, it becomes much easier to understand why the same numbers present themselves over and over and over again throughout our lives, our experiences, and the people in our lives. I’m very choosy about the room number we are assigned when we go to a motel while traveling. There are certain room numbers I won’t take. But generally we are “automatically” assigned room numbers that correlate with our personal frequencies. I’m also cognizant of dates and clock times when important events are to occur, avoiding if possible numbers that are not compatible. Again, this is rarely necessary because almost invariably, those dates and times come already compatible with our frequencies. Number synchronicity…..a natural phenomenon for each individual. I LOVE IT!!! Why? Because for me it demonstrates that there is a plan at work in our lives and that life isn’t random. There is such comfort in that awareness.

    • R and T says:

      But it was actually 1959, which is a different frequency, right? For instance, when we reach 11/11/11 – it will actually be 11/11/2011. A different beast than 6 11s.

  7. Natalie says:

    I totally agree , Daz.
    I seem to be in a continuous flow. Having said that, I did used to expect things to come in threes so they did. Now I expect Divinity to flow through me and it does. Loving your take on ‘sub way’ and course.. 🙂

  8. Darren B says:

    They don’t.
    But I don’t talk in terms of synchronicity around them.I might say isn’t that a coincidence?What are the odds of that happening?How weird is that?
    I let them draw their own conclusions about a situation.
    Most sycnchros are for me personally,and they are usually kept to my chest,unless I
    feel it is something to share with them.
    For instance I don’t show them orb photos like the ones on the weekend,because they would just say “that’s only sunlight !”…which it may well be? And I wouldn’t tell them about the presence I felt,unless that presence wanted me to.
    I only tell them that what they need to know…just like my work colleges…you know who you discuss these things with…and you know who you can’t.

  9. Darren B says:

    Interesting.I had Subway last night for dinner.Every second Wednesday we do our grocery shopping for the fortnight (because that’s pay day for us ,more or less).
    I’m not a big Subway fan,but my wife wanted Subway and we had a buy one get one free voucher,so I thought,why not? I had the Chicken Fillet one,so that might tell you who caved in to getting Subway.-)
    I’ve heard people talking about things coming in threes,but that doesn’t seem to happen to me.Synchronicities just seem to be one big all encompassing continuum to me.They don’t stop coming,it’s like I’m in a plane and a control tower is plotting a course through life for me.
    Of “course” I have the choice to ignore the control tower,cosmic lighthouse or whatever,but if it seems to be guiding me in the right direction,then why would I want to ignore it.
    Actually thinking about it I prefer the analogy of the lighthouse guiding me,because life is like the ocean,it can be real rough sometimes and smooth sailing other times,but it’s always good to get signals from the cosmic lighthouse,especially when you think you might be lost or sinking.A lighthouse can’t pull you out of trouble by itself,but it can point the way for you out,or towards land.
    “Subway” is another interesting word because it could be an analogy for the collective unconscious and why we do the things we do,sometimes it pays to study what goes on in the “Subway” of our minds.
    I think I’ll be blowing the dust off the Jung books sitting in my bookcase now,and getting a little bit more serious about my diet.-)

    And “course” how appropriate is that word.Whenever a puzzle or a realization comes together for us,what do we usually say ? “Of course !”.Like we are back on track in our lives and can move forward on the journey.

    course (kĂ´rs, krs)
    1. a. Onward movement in a particular direction; progress: the course of events.
    b. Movement in time; duration: in the course of a year.
    2. The direction of continuing movement: took a northern course.
    3. The route or path taken by something, such as a stream, that moves. See
    Synonyms at way.
    4. Sports
    a. A designated area of land or water on which a race is held: the course of a
    b. A golf course.
    5. A mode of action or behavior: followed the best course and invested her money.
    6. A typical or natural manner of proceeding or developing; customary passage: a fad
    that ran its course.
    7. A systematic or orderly succession; a sequence: a course of medical treatments.
    8. A continuous layer of building material, such as brick or tile, on a wall or roof of a
    9. a. A complete body of prescribed studies constituting a curriculum: a four-year
    course in engineering.
    b. A unit of such a curriculum: took an introductory course in chemistry; passed her
    calculus course.
    10. A part of a meal served as a unit at one time: The first course was a delicious soup.
    11. Nautical The lowest sail on a mast of a square-rigged ship.
    12. A point on the compass, especially the one toward which a vehicle, such as a ship,
    is moving.
    v. coursed, cours·ing, cours·es
    1. To move swiftly through or over; traverse: ships coursing the seas.
    a. To hunt (game) with hounds.
    b. To set (hounds) to chase game.
    1. To proceed or move swiftly along a specified course: “Big tears now coursed down
    her face” (Iris Murdoch).
    2. To hunt game with hounds.
    in due course
    At the proper or right time.
    of course
    1. In the natural or expected order of things; naturally.
    2. Without any doubt; certainly.

    So to me synchronicities are little signals trying to steer “a course” possibly not only for individuals,but for whole groups to get them heading in the right direction for humanities sake,more than for the individuals sake.
    No man/woman is a complete puzzle all to themselves,we are part of one big whole puzzle and some force is determined to get those pieces to come together into one harmonious group either by coalescing them gently along,or by banging them into their correct place.

    Just a thought…and a long one at that .-)

  10. "whoot" says:

    on a holiday in “1998” 1/8 of the way into the year in bozos state 6 lotto numbers where drawn on that night…noticed immediately…was having a certain talk on that time!!!!!! this to go with CJ reasonance of 3’s

  11. mathaddict3322 says:

    Just a quick comment. The word “HUMAN” resonates within the frequency that is represented by the number 3. H8+U3+M4+A1+N5=21=3. This is one of the underlying mathematical protocols or dynamics, of the human species, and therefore it becomes a fundamental element in the matrix of human experience. This can be demonstrated intitially by the Father-Mother-Child triad of our species and then resonates throughout the entire matrix of the inhabitants of this particular planet.

  12. Scaby says:

    I am totally into the things happen in threes thing and that synchronous events appear to be mathematically linked across time. The salad story very much reminds me of Kammerer’s theory of “seriality” which was written up in 1919 and undoubtedly influenced Jung. The question for me is…what is the underlying meaning?

  13. "whoot" says:

    wow totally crazy synchros!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “5 1 7”

  14. Though things / synchros happening in threes is significant I feel they (like everything else) can happen in any numbers. If you toss coins they don’t fall: heads .. tails .. heads .. tails etc. as the odds would state. There will be runs and often you will get five, six or seven heads / tails – way beyond the odds. I’ve done experiments with this. Try tossing a coin 100 times.

    When taking orders for anything these likewise go on runs of the same thing.

  15. gypsy says:

    neat salad synchro! odd how even the most innocuous something [ie, salad] may itself be the synchro subject –

  16. I’d say I have to agree with Andrew on the three’s. Here’s why….
    I’m about half way through your book ‘Synchronicity and the Other Side’, and last weekend I read a paragraph on page 93.
    “The dead speak to us in many ways, including synchronicities. So anytime you feel you are experiencing spirit contact, look for synchronicities–as guidance and confirmation that the universe really is far more mysterious and complex than we have been led to believe. ”
    Well…I read that last Friday. On Saturday my sister and I decided to get together to honor my mom’s would be 76th birthday had she not passed away in 1986. We thought of her as we lunched out at a restaurant, and decided to do some shopping afterward. In a resale shop we came across the exact kitchen set we both grew up with in my mom’s kitchen, we both thought it a coincidence, but then later in the day we were sitting in another shop at a small rest area. I had the strangest feeling to look behind me, and when I did there was a statue of my mom’s favorite patron saint, Saint Theresa. That evening when I got home and was thinking of my mom and thanking her for hanging with us that afternoon…I just glanced over at the clock and it was 8:52. Eight is the month my mom was born and fifty two is the year I was born. That made three synchros for that day. And I do believe we had spirit contact that Saturday. Our day with mom.
    So big thanks for putting that paragraph in the book and my being able to read it at just the right time…otherwise I may not have been even looking or conscious of observing any synchronicities that day. You’re so right…the universe really is mysterious and totally complex! And it came in three!
    Thanks Rob and Trish.

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