Meditation and the other side

I’d just finished the fifth session of my six-week meditation course when one of the students, who I’ll call Laura, approached me somewhat hesitantly. She had a question.

“Do your students ever make contact with the other side during meditation?”

With that, she launched her story. It happened during a meditation in which I lead the students on a cosmic journey. They imagine they are lifting up out of their bodies, through the ceiling, and into the night. I direct them  away from Florida, away from the planet, and off to the stars, but only after a detour through the center of the moon.

That last maneuver is a trigger for travel to other dimensions. Usually, during this meditation, I find myself seated and meditating on a platform out in space among a vast field of stars. Sometimes I’m joined by a guide-figure, who meditates next to me.

But everyone takes his or her own journey. Laura told me that she had encountered several dead relatives. All but one were there merely to observe and made no effort to communicate. The exception was her brother, who had died five months earlier of brain cancer. He greeted her warmly and told her that was fine.

Now, after the session, she felt energized and thrilled that her brother had made contact. “It was the first time that I’d seen him or even sensed him since his death.”

Meanwhile, Trish had put several books on a table in the lobby outside the entrance to the studio. Since I play a couple of the recorded meditations from  the CD that comes with Psychic Power, I usually offer copies of the book after one of the classes. That day, however, I’d also grabbed one copy of  Synchronicity and the Other Side, which had just come out.

I told Laura about it and she went home with the book. It was a good evening.

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44 Responses to Meditation and the other side

  1. lauren raine says:

    great post – thank you, very comforting as well. wish I could share the meditation.
    greetings from Glastonbury…..fabulous place!

  2. What is this book Psychic Power…and CD please? I need to meditate more…after reading this. As always really interesting comments. I always learn so much popping in here. Thanks guys!

  3. Darren B says:

    Speaking of synchronicities,if all goes well,like it seems to be so far,it looks like I’ll be meeting James Redfield this weekend at the Byron Bay Writer’s Festival.Some odd synchronicities seem to be paving the way this week.
    Management at my work approached me last week and asked if I would consider taking some of my long service leave,because after 23 years working there,it seems to be worrying them that I haven’t taken any.At first I was offended and told them no way will I be touching it,as by law it has to be mutually agreed on,as to when you take it.
    The day after this I saw the Byron Bay Writer’s Festival was on this weekend (which I had forgotten about) and James Redfield was going to be doing talks and signing books (one of just many authors I wanted to meet this weekend).I should be working this weekend,and baring being sick there was no way my work would give me the time off at such short notice.So I went to them and said “If you want me to take some long service,I’ll take two weeks if you let me have it from this weekend”.At first they said no,but when I told them I wouldn’t even consider taking it again if they wouldn’t let me have it from this weekend,they bent over backwards to rush it through and grant me the two weeks off.I’ve paid for my tickets and even managed to get a fairly cheap hotel room not far from the venue,for Friday night,so things are shaping up quite nicely for a once in a lifetime weekend here.

    • R and T says:

      Fantastic, Daz! Be sure to report from the road! Take pics!!

      • Darren B says:

        I’m hoping to get lots great pics this weekend…I can’t wait.

        • R and T says:

          take your laptop, a smart phone.

          • Darren B says:

            I don’t own a lap top, just a Sony Ericsson 2 meg phone/camera…which still takes pretty good pics,
            just take a look at all the photos that I’ve taken on my blog.Maybe one day I’ll be able to afford a decent camera and a laptop…but until then I’ll just have to stick to my cell phone 🙁

            • R and T says:

              Those are good ones. Stick with the cell!

              • Darren B says:

                Well,it looks like some things are just not meant to be.
                James Redfield has had to cancel his trip to the Byron Bay Writers’ Festival due to an infected spider bite, which has escalated into a staph infection.
                Festival Director Candida Baker says Redfield is a great loss for the Festival. Redfield says his condition makes flying unsafe but considers this setback just a postponement. “During a hiking trip to Ashville, NC, I was bitten by what I think was a spider of some kind, which subsequently became infected, swelling my leg and making it dangerous for me to sit in a plane for the 15 hour trip to Australia,” says Redfield. “I am greatly saddened about the situation. Maybe I will get to Australia in the spring.”

                Oh well,I think this will still be a good weekend anyway,just not the weekend I thought it might be.
                “If you want to make God laugh then tell him your plans” 😛

                • R and T says:

                  A spider bite! Yuck. Poor Redfield. This is so typical of a mercury retrograde, Daz. Sorry you’re going to miss out on that part of the festival. Hope the rest of it turns out well, if you’re still going!

                  • Darren B says:

                    My tickets are paid for and my motel room has been paid for,so the universe has has baited me into a trip I probably wouldn’t have taken if Redfield
                    wasn’t going to be there,the funny thing is that I always had a gut feeling something like this was going to happen to prevent our paths crossing,but I never would of seen a spider bite being the cause.If anyone was more likely to be bitten by a spider,it would have been me,with all the deadly ones we have here.
                    I still think this will be a magical mystery tour of sorts and I’m looking forward to it.

  4. mathaddict3322 says:

    Yes to your question, Gyps. There’s a “person” who is a constant presence in so many of my dreams, especially my lucid dreams. I recognize him; know that I know him; yet can’t identify him although I can describe him and see him clearly. In almost all the dreams, we are dancing together. In one of the most dramatic and heart-wrenching lucid dreams, we were together in one of two adjoining auditorium-appearing spaces, with a stage and seats that were empty, sloped as in a theater. We were in the smaller of the spaces, dancing. It was magnificent. He said, “I have to go now. There’s something I have to take care of. But I’ll come back for you.” Then he let go of me and walked down a long hall away from me. I just stood there and watched him fade away, and awakened in sobs, bereft that I couldn’t get back into the dream and be with him. This same entity is with me often, and again, almost always dancing….which indicates perfect harmony. I KNOW I know him, but don’t know who he is. The feelings are too soul-deep to be described. I see him in meditation, too. It comforts me to have the conviction that when I transition, whoever he is, he will be right there when I step into his dimension. Meanwhile, my soul has an empty hole. Yet I’m blessed when he comes.Very weird experiences. He’s a beautiful Spirit.
    I assume from a different lifetime, not this one.

    • R and T says:

      I got a call from my mother who had just finished reading Synchronicity and the Other Side and was pleased that I’d included her stories about seeing my father first as a glowing orb in the basement where she was doing laundry shortly after his death, and then years later, appearing as a fully formed figure wearing a colorful shirt. Her comment to him was: “I’ve never seen that shirt before.” He smiled and disappeared. Now, while reading the new book, she had another experience. She saw my father again in the den where she had been reading. This time he wore a sweater and a Scottish tam. And again he smiled and disappeared.

      I’m not surprised by these incidents. Both of my parents were always intrigued by mystical matters and mysteries of the unknown. I was actually shocked when I met Trish’s parents, because they were both high skeptical of anything of a mystical or paranormal nature. They were nice people, but had beliefs that diverged widely from Trish’s outlook. She follows her own path.

  5. Natalie says:

    A good evening indeed!

    Gypsy ~ My children have quite a few stories of my grandparents visiting them even though they died before my children were born. My poor ex husband nearly fell over from shock on the first occasion. My eldest daughter then aged two, came out for breakfast one morning and said: ” Oh, that Poppy Vic is a funny man, he sits on my bed and tells me really funny jokes”
    When he was alive, Pop was a really funny man and he adored children. It made perfect sense to me that Pop would check in on my first baby and just be himself. My poor ex didn’t quite see it that way. 😀

  6. DJan says:

    I am always amazed at the comments of your followers. They are ALMOST as interesting as the two of you! I have never had anybody visit me from the other side during meditation, but so often my dreams are filled with loved ones who have gone over. They are always affirming and often convey a sense of celebration.

  7. Nancy says:

    Great story. I have received my copy of Synchronicity and The Other Side, along with Psychic Power and can’t wait to dive in. Thank you!

  8. Great post which ties in perfectly with your book. I believe that with meditation it is possible to contact the other side, though I’ve only really achieved this twice personally.

    • R and T says:

      One of those times was contact with your dad, right?

        • gypsy says:

          oh, and trish, remember the story of the ouija board and the exploding large pillar candles when my friend and i asked about the circumstances of his untimely death? while i no longer remember the specific question, it was a question as to the circumstances of his death – and the large pillar candles we were burning all exploded – red wax all over the new carpeting and the furniture they sat on – of course, i’ve since learned that red was not the best color to use in conjunction with the ouija board – anyway, this was one of the most gripping encounters of that kind that i have experienced – so from whom did this exploding response emanate? my brother? other spirits? whose?
          so many questions – so few answers – except that my brother should never have died –

  9. mathaddict3322 says:

    Well, Darren, one can’t change what’s already out on the shelves, can one?? 🙂 And the most important, essential part of the story is the incredibly warm and comforting impact it had for your family! Oh, how I do understand the experiences Laura had, and how wonderful it was for her to be greeted by her newly-transitioned brother who was once again alive and whole and well! I have contacts with Spirits virtually at any time and under any circumstances, including meditation. Was once standiing on our side of the fence dividing our property from our neighbors. We had just moved into that country home on large acreage, and I was chatting with my neighbor for the first time. A woman in spirit appeared right beside her and kept badgering me to “ask her about Judy! Ask her about Judy!: Well, ordinarily I’m extremely cautious with strangers about being a medium, but this spirit wouldn’t hush, so finally I asked the neighbor, “Do you know someone named Judy?” Her eyes grew huge and teared up. She said, “My sister was Judy! She died two weeks ago. How do you know about her?” I explained that Judy was standing beside her, described the dress Judy was wearing and other features, and Judy told me to tell her that she (Judy) was rocking the rocker by the fireplace. My neighbor was astonished and ever-so-grateful, and confirmed everything. As for me, I was just delighted that my new neighbor didn’t run away and hide from me! But contact during meditations….absolutely all the time….and during dreams, as well. Great post, guys!

    • R and T says:

      I remember this story, math. Another good one!

      • gypsy says:

        nancy p – fabulous that is was durante! i know he loved every minute of it all!

        cj – i remember your telling me that incredible story, too!

        this post reminds me of the many instances after my brother’s untimely death that he was with me – i mean, literally, or so it was to me – anyway, stories for another time – but thanks for the memories prompt!

        what a neat story of laura’s – it’s so comforting to hear from a loved one from that other side –

        and of that other side – as an aside, i’m wondering if anyone else has had the nde/obe experience of contact with relatives whom we might never have met – who died before our birth – but whom we recognized during this experience – and who communicated without speaking during that experience –

        neat post, macgregors –

        • R and T says:

          Now THAT’S an interesting thought, Gypsy. Contact with relatives who died before we were born….

          • gypsy says:

            yes, ANY contact – actually i realize now that the question i posed about contact with those who had died before our own birth is really too limiting by relegating it to nde/obe experiences only – and that ANY contact is the question –

            • Darren B says:

              It’s funny you mention the name Judy,because that’s the name of my mother-in-laws sister,who actually spent the nights before John’s funeral sleeping over to make sure she was alright.I wasn’t there when this incident happened,but the way it was related to me by the pair of them,I have no reason to doubt them.
              They were cooking chips on the stove and my mother-in-law said to Judy “that’s not the way John used to cook them” and Judy said in a half-joking manor “Blow John,’cause he ain’t here any more to tell me how to cook chips” (or something to that effect) and as soon as she said that the fluorescent bulb over the stove blew out.
              Something I could well imagine him doing for a laugh.
              That was another incident that had them scratching their heads 🙂

  10. Darren B says:

    Speaking of “Synchronicity and the Other Side” the copy you guys sent me arrived today in the post,and there should be a copy from Amazon,that I bought to give to my mother-in-law,arriving any day now,as well.
    Thanks for the very kind gesture of sending me a copy,it was greatly appreciated.
    Although I’m yet to start reading it properly,I did flick through it and it does look quite impressive.
    Just a minor correction to my father-in-law’s story on page 195 of the book.The funniest home video show came on the night he died,and not the next day.He died at around 11 am Saturday morning and the show came on at about 6.30 pm that same night.I was sitting on the couch beside her when it came on the TV and we both just looked at each other dumbfounded and tried to call the others in to have a look.Unfortunately it wasn’t being taped,so the other family members that weren’t in the room missed seeing it.It was funny because she was telling anyone who would listen that afternoon about John and the parrot dance.The humour of it seemed to give her some comfort in between the tears that day,but seeing that clip really gave her a jolt for the better.She only had just turned the set on because most of the family had left and the room and it was becoming silent once more.So she thought a funny show like that might lighten the mood.It certainly did change the mood for her,and I think it will last a very long time.
    Whether it was just a coincidence or not,it certainly was a Godsend.
    I think she would have spiraled into depression if it wasn’t for this “coincidence”.
    There is no pill on the market that could have buoyed her spirits like this did.

    • R and T says:

      It was definitely a synchro, Daz! Sorry about the mistake. We can get it corrected for the trade paperback version. I’ll copy your comment and keep it.

      • Darren B says:

        It’s no big deal.It doesn’t really take anything away from the story,although the timing of the bird clip was perfect,because I was worrying how she was going to hold up through the night and that coming week with the funeral and all.So it really could not of come at a better time.Hollywood scriptwriters could not have done a better job with the circumstances surrounding his death.
        There were other incidents that occurred leading up to the funeral and after,that have only strengthened her belief that his spirit has survived physical death.

  11. Nancy pickard says:

    Rob, on a personal level, this post is funny to me, because years ago, when I was visiting you guys, I did a daily meditation that placed me on a platform on space, from where I’d leap off and do flips and loop- di- loops, and soar off to other worlds. It was great, mental fun. I had a guide on the platform with me, too. Oh, you’re all gonna laugh at ne! It was– and I have NO idea why– the late, great comedian, Jimmy Durante. Lol

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