Mercury Retro and the Debt Ceiling



It’s that time of year again. Mercury, the planet of communication, is due to turn retrograde on August 2. Unfortunately, this is the same day that the deadline looms for raising the debt ceiling of the U.S. For a bit of perspective on the kind of havoc that can ensue in this kind of situation, let’s look back eleven years.

On election night in 2000, Mercury was retrograde  in Scorpio when Tom Brokaw announced that Florida had gone to Al Gore. But at 9:20 EST, Mercury turned direct and moments later, Brokaw announced that Florida’s vote was undecided. The rest, as they say, is history.  There were ballot disputes in Palm Beach County due to the “hanging chads” and eventually the issue went to the supreme court, where Sandra Day O’Connor cast the deciding vote that Bush had won the presidency. O’Connor did a lot of good things when on the supreme court, but this decision was NOT one of those good things.

This kind of crazy back and forth is typical for a Mercury retrograde. Confusion, reversals in decisions.

So let’s take a look at August 2, 2011.  On that night, at 11:49 PM, Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo, a sign that is all about precision, details, perfection. At 12:01 AM on August 3, a mere 12 minutes later, the U.S. is officially in default unless the dysfunctional politicians raise the debt limit.

Our apologies to readers in other countries for whom this isn’t an issue.  But if the U.S. defaults on its debt, it could quickly become your issue. Presently, countries in the EU aren’t doing so great. Greece is in dire straits. Its credit rating has been cut out of fear that default is looming in that country. According to this excellent summary twenty-one countries may be facing default. It’s as if the global financial structure is having a nervous breakdown.

The breakdown won’t just affect “the markets” that so many political pundits refer to. Investors are nervous, investors are uncertain… as though we’re all investors in stocks and companies. Well, suppose you don’t have anything in the stock market? Then you’ll be okay, right?

Probably not. If the U. S. defaults, interests rates will skyrocket. The interest rates on your home mortgage, car loans, and student loans will go through the roof.  Food prices will soar and so will the cost of gasoline. And that’s just for starters. Nobel economist Paul Krugman has some insightful info on the subject.

On August 3, 54 million Americans are supposed to receive Social Security checks. For many of these people, the checks are their only source of income. Suppose those checks don’t arrive? It means these individuals can’t pay their bills. It means they may have to choose between putting food on the table and buying prescriptions drugs that keep their bodies stable and functional. It means they eventually may default on their mortgage payments and their homes could eventually go into foreclosure. It means the economic crisis triggered by Bush’s economic policies and perpetuated during Obama’s three years in office may deepen into an outright depression. Check out this article. Or this one.

The debt ceiling was raised numerous times under Reagan, Clinton, both Bushes. So why has it become such an issue now? Because a radical right wing faction of the Republican party – the Tea Party zombies – have a stranglehold on Republican politicians.

I would love to say, Well, I’m going to ignore it. I’m going to turn off my TV, my radio, and not read any Internet news. If I pay no attention to it, then it’ll go away. But I have a feeling that it may not be that easy to make stuff go away. Even if we create our reality from the inside out, we share the planet with six or seven billion others who are living out their individual scripts.We share a mass consciousness precisely because we all live on the same planet. I believe  we can mitigate our personal circumstances through mindful living, but ultimately what affects one, affects all.

Yes, the endless debates may  all be political theater, but the idea that any political party would bring this issue right down to the wire is unconscionable.   And it may well go beyond the wire.

As of Sunday evening, an agreement had supposedly been reached – although the votes in the house and senate won’t be taken until Monday. On Monday, Mercury the trickster will be stationary, preparing to turn retrograde.

Listening to the pundits this evening as they discussed what this so-called agreement entails, it looks as if entitlements programs, the safety nets for the most vulnerable in our society, may be going the way of the dodo bird. The wealthy will NOT lose their Bush-era tax breaks, the ones that Obama renewed through 2013. Corporations, of course, will continue to enjoy their many tax loopholes that have allowed companies like GE to not pay any taxes at all. So, once again, this “deal” seems to be made on the backs of the rapidly shrinking middle class, the sick, the elderly, and the poor. Once again, the Dems caved, just as they did during the health care debate.

We need a third party in this country.

Whatever is decided in the 11th hour on August 2 will probably be reversed once Mercury turns retrograde at 11:49 EST.   Stay tuned. We don’t just live in interesting times, we’re living a paradigm shift, and it’s huge.

– Trish


PS Paul Krugman says this deal signals that Obama caved and the U.S. may descend into banana repubic status.








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38 Responses to Mercury Retro and the Debt Ceiling

  1. "whoot" NOT says:

    would comment (elaborate) more,, just hate spelling it out in this medium, not worth it….

  2. "whoot" NOT says:

    shorten time here at the library,, just came from (most of) Cow + Aliens,,, have found out in the last week or so supposed friends have been storing up my finger prints on single shot Tequalia bottles,,,, has me feeling “marvulous” thanks “Mike and Scotty”,, familly,,, the ones who’ve left me alone,,, weakly in need of company,,, as for elaborating for math addict,,, thinking you did it for me Connie, with your statement of a “vulnerable” America,, we elected on what criteria,, “we bought the reteric” heh Rob can we comment on the comment from 9/14/09,, how about the guy who fell from the stands,, talk about metaphor “fallen man” last name first name occupation 7/7,, then there was a few weeks earlier……. no delusions,, just stressed,, who the heck you think can relate to a life like that comment hmmmm Rob….

  3. mathaddict3322 says:

    Whoot, can you elaborate on that comment a bit? Thanks. My true opinion is that the political circus is, in part, perfectly staged by all involved parties as a means of
    stirring the pot. The fact that they always come up with something at the eleventh hour seems to confirm my gut instincts. I think they all go to some high-class hidden cellar and share drinks out of the view of the public eye and have a great common laugh about the Dark Trickster jokes they pull on a vulnerable America. For me it’s disgusting, despicable, dirty politics, and no one in Washington is outside this clique. Yep, that’s a conspiracy theory, but I certainly feel it’s a viable one. Keep the masses in turmoil……that’s how they maintain control of the reins. Sooner or later we commoners will stand up and say “ENOUGH!!” I’m past ready to do that.

  4. "whoot" NOT says:

    thinks none of ya really “get it”….

  5. Natalie says:

    I didn’t mean to say i didn’t care about politics, but often i don’t understand who is who, or what is what, because I only watch one tv show per week, and do not listen to the radio anymore.
    My feeling it is going to be very ,very ugly, in order to galvanise the ordinary people into action. I am hoping fervently that I am wrong.

    In terms of BPD, there are many different mental illnesses which come under that large umbrella, and not all sufferers have no empathy for others. Many in fact are super sensitive and compassionate because they have had experience of being very wounded themselves in their early years. Some say it is a direct result of childhood trauma, some say biological causes. I say both are true for me. I know there are those who are labelled ‘narcissist’ who come under that umbrella, but certainly not all BPD sufferers are narcissists, or display no empathy for others.
    Just saying.

    I also received my book today, thanks so much! I will get right onto it as soon as my sick littlies enable me to do so.

  6. mathaddict3322 says:

    I still say all of us should find a copy of A TALE OF TWO CITIES and re-read it. It was required reading when I was in school. That’s where America is now, and in my opinion, The Big O is sitting in his chair knitting beside the guillotine as the heads roll:
    a male Madame Defarge. He needed to go to Hollywood and become a movie star instead of taking on the heaviest role on the face of the planet, for which he has ZERO experience or savvy and, as Gypsy says so eloquently, no balls. All of it…every bit of it….has the makings of an unprecedented situation in our country, and I agree with Nic. We need to take to the streets, somehow, some way, to let our united voices be heard.

  7. gypsy says:

    perhaps ¡Viva la Revolución! by the people against the ruling class – sound familiar?

  8. Nancy says:

    Just as I said in my post on Friday – there would be drama, hoopla, and then they would strike a deal, patting themselves on the back as the great voice of democracy – and the taxpayer would be the loser. What was cut? Anything and everything for the people actually paying the taxes. Politicians have the best medical money can buy, huge pensions, and thanks to the Supreme Court plenty of money from lobbyists. The ones that pay and pay and pay are US. We not only need another option – we need a whole new paradigm. Obama is a huge disappointment. He’s a lover, not a fighter. (Which is a good thing if we weren’t fighting for our lives here.)

    • R and T says:

      Except the deal isn’t sealed yet. I agree completely about O.

    • I’m afraid that the majority of Americans will continue to get shafted UNLESS or UNTIL people take to the streets in mass protest. What will it take to jolt Americans out of our complacency? When the mass of people rise up, politicians get scared…and they should be scared. There is more of us than there are of them. When the government fears the people, you have liberty…when the people fear the government, you have tyranny.

  9. Sandra Day O’Connor was my fave Supreme Court Justice. Unfortunately, her legacy is hurt by Bush v. Gore. I read that the reason why she made her vote for Bush in the worst Supreme Court decision ever is because she wanted to retire and didn’t want to retire if a Democrat was president, who would pick her successor. That’s pretty selfish. Its a choice she will have to carry to her grave. She bears responsibility in part for everything that happened since that decision.

  10. D Page says:

    This whole drama would have made me sick if I wasn’t already. My husband I struggle everyday to pay our mortgage on our tiny condo. My (also very tiny) Social Security check is critical to this, as well as for paying for my medicines.
    Analyst Fareed Zakaira (Newsweek, CNN) made some very valid points regarding the Tea Party behavior on AC 360 recently:
    * The T-party doesn’t have an education in Constitutional law, and they clearly don’t understand the function of the Constitution
    * They are NOT participating in the Democratic process. He described what they are doing in the Congress this way: “It’s an extraordinary act of hostage taking”. He syas they are nothing more than tyrants.
    * They do not have an education in economics and world finance.
    * He also pointed out that they have done damage to the USA’s standing in the world market.

    When questioned about how they could hurt the American people this way , the Tea Party’s response was basically this: “The country cannot run out of money. No one will be hurt by their actions.” They denied there was problem.

    In literature on the growing epidemic of Borderline Personality Disorder, the activities of the “right extremists” is considered a collective manifestation of the disorder. Though this was written before the Tea party formed, it’s not hard to see the parallels between BPD and the Tea Party behavior. Especially with their lack of empathy.

    What I can’t wrap my head around is this: WHY are the Republicans and the Democrats allowing this party a platform???

    • R and T says:

      Your last question really hits the bottom line. The entire gov, dems included, are in meltdown.

    • gypsy says:

      the key to the teabaggers is that they are doing nothing more than they are being “allowed” to do – are supported in doing – i mean, after a point the issue is no longer the teabaggers doing what they are doing, the issue becomes those who are not standing up to them – like in any dysfunctional relationship – the “doing” party will continue to “do” whatever it is they are doing – domestic violence, substance abuse, whatever – unless and until the “other party” gets enough and takes a stand against whatever the behavior is – while this may be a simplistic analogy, the idea is the same – and sadly, not enough people who really count – ie our president and other democrats and even republicans – are standing against them – now, what the deal is with the president for whom i voted, i have no clue – except that his lack of physical anatomy [balls, specifically] was hidden by that heavy cloak of being such a great orator – my mistake – of the republicans – i don’t even like to type the negative word –

      and again, no big surprise at all – is that the brunt of all this falls upon those least able to bear that brunt as cj said – dp is not alone – not by far – the majority who fall into the brunt-bearing have the same issues – health care needs – mortgages to pay – and limited economic resources –

      about the one party system – wonderful in theory – but how many have succeeded – and yes, tweets in this new information age may be a valuable tool – but without the votes and more overt actions of the tweeters and twitters to back it up, revolution of any kind is stuck in the bird cage as far as i can see – but that’s just me –

      what a mess!

  11. You are right this is an issue for more than just US residents. It was the main story on our UK lunchtime news. I gather that the outcome of the vote is far from definite. More loans though – isn’t that what got the country into a bit of a mess, along with most other countries? No doubt China will bail us all out but how scary is that.

    • R and T says:

      Their deal, as I understand it, is not so good for regular people. I’m off to check the news to see what’s going on. But you’re right about the debt, Mike. I think it’s time to get out of 3 wars.

  12. Great article, Trish –
    I think you should be a staff writer for the New York Times.

  13. mathaddict3322 says:

    My husband and I are among the 54 million receiving social security checks. And I can tell you, we are sitting on a razor blade, knowing our very lives rest in the hands of self-serving politicians. There are other critical issues to consider that is a branch of this catastrophic tree, and that is the global weather patterns, specifically here in this country where this absolutely stupid economic crisis is happening. There are millions of elderly folks who depend upon their SS checks to pay for electricity, ie, air conditioning and/or fans right now being the most important due to the unprecendented heat that has killed dozens and dozens of folks all over the U.S.A. since Spring of this year. Many are going without groceries and prescriptions in order to pay the exorbitant power bills in order to remain alive and not die from heat stroke inside their own houses. This entire set of circumstances is a snowballing domino effect that, if not controlled and fixed, is going to result in the deaths of countless Americans from various causes directly relative to the loss of some type of federal assistance. And then we must look at the military families. Last night I watched an clip of McMullen talking to the troops in Afghanistan. He had thought they would discuss the war. NO. Those troops were terrified that they weren’t going to be paid and without those paychecks, their families would be destitute. The word unconscionable is spot-on. This is a travesty and a crime of the highest order. Who would have ever beilieved it would come to this in our country? Not me…..yet here we are.

  14. I disagree with only one thing, I don’t believe a 3rd political party would be a good thing. I would rather only ONE political party that is of the people, by the people and for the people. I will continue to believe this is possible in every country.

    The two party system is outdated and was created for checks and balances, as the three levels of government were created to prevent any one gaining too much power. And the Forth Estate – the journalists – were supposed to report on it all and keep everyone in the executive, judicial & legislative branches – honest…

    That this is global economic debt crisis is taking place under a Mercury retrograde (it won’t be over in a day…) makes me remember that all the structures of governing, from the electoral college to both houses, were designed by stellar fathers of our country who could not perceive the information age. I don’t know how that will work out but I still feel there is much to be learned about a revolution begun and won by “Tweets.”

    • R and T says:

      I love your idea, Terri. One party, that is of the people. But that definitely won’t happen under a merc retro.

    • R and T says:

      Terri, I’ll weigh in on the question of party politics, two parties, three or one. In a sense, there are already three parties with the Tea Party existing to the right of the Republicans. Then again, maybe we really have only one party – the Oil Party sponsored by corporate America, which seems to pull all the strings, regardless of party affiliation. The Oil Party party, it seems, feeds off the dissension and chaos in Washington as their profits continue to grow. A sad state of affairs. – R

  15. Acer 5110 Battery says:

    If we had gone past Aug 2 w/out a deal, Social Security checks would have…gone out. We also wouldn’t have defaulted.

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