

The big guy is Earth, the little guy is Pluto


It’s the little planet that swirls at the edge of the solar system, the one that astronomers have dissed and demoted so it’s no longer a planet in their scheme of things. But astrologers who dismiss Pluto as irrelevant do so at their own peril.

Pluto is the great transformer, the absolute bottom line. It takes no hostages, can’t abide victims, and basically just does its thing: working from the bottom up, from the inside out, it strips away veneers, facades, lies, duplicities, and exposes the  truth, whatever it is.  Then it smacks it down, destroys it, and says, OK, now build something better from the ashes.

Right now, the world is experiencing Pluto’s transit  through Capricorn, a sign that rules authority, structures, foundations, everything we have taken for granted for decades. This transit began in late January 2008, then Pluto turned retrograde and slipped back into Sagittarius between June  14, 2008- late November 2008. Take a look at this Wikipedia timeline for how Pluto brought havoc to financial markets – the subprime mortgage crisis, the sky is falling shriek from Wall Street and the Bush administration, the bailout for banks and everyone except The People.

Once Pluto entered Capricorn again in late November 2008 – Obama had won the presidency and for a little while, life seemed to be pretty good despite the chaos. But Obama inherited a mess and any secret undercurrent held by the status quo has been subsequently stripped of its veneer and exposed for what it is: a scam. From the health care debacle in the U.S.  to the Murdoch hacking scandal in the U.K. to the debt ceiling absurdity to the downgrading of the U.S. credit rating, the monsters are being exposed.

And they’re running scared.

As Pluto continues to strip away the veneers (and it’s going to be in Capricorn until 2024), we are witness to chaos in the very institutions we thought were rock solid.  On a personal level, this transit forces us to look at the very things that may terrify us as individuals. I want security. I want a relationship I can depend upon. I want guarantees. Unfortunately, Pluto denies us our desires if those desires aren’t rooted in what’s best for each of us and, in the larger picture, if those desires don’t serve the collective need. A paradigm shift can’t occur until a tipping point is reached.

So unless that point is reached, Pluto will continue to expose  the lies and strip away the facade of organizations and corporations founded on greed, opportunism, and corruption. Capitalism is a broken system and Pluto is tearing it apart chunk by chunk, enabling us to peer behind the curtain and see the wizards for what they are – small, frightened people clinging to ways that no longer work. As these institutions crash and burn, Pluto expects us to build something better in those ashes.

What’s that something going to be?

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28 Responses to Pluto

  1. Hope you don’t mind but I linked your blog on my post today…felt this Pluto post is very important. It gave me the courage today to try to do my part in exposing that which needs to be changed. I have been feeling helpless about our country…and now I know the universe is working with us…it makes it easier to stand up to corporate America. Thanks guys!

  2. Interesting stuff. Liked what Nancy wrote: ‘A whole new paradigm based on caring for each other, secure in the knowledge that we ARE each other.’ Now wouldn’t that be something.

  3. Natalie says:

    Pluto on my ascendant? Am I gonna be busy or what?

  4. musingegret says:

    Dear All:

    I haven’t checked in for a long time, but I thought (of all the communities), that I’d check in with 2 synchros recently.

    These have nothing to do with Pluto.

    Either synchros happen because I read a lot and channel-surf or the universe is trying to tell me something.

    You decide.

    3 weeks ago, while browsing books at Thriftown, I picked up James Lipton’s book, ” Inside, Inside”………all the history and stories behind “Inside the Actor’s Studio”….(which I’d been watching for 5 years on Bravo.)

    On Saturday afternoon (a week later) as I was reading, desultorily, the half book I was up to, I hit page 352 about his interview with Johnny Depp (one of my ‘most favorite actors’ of the new generation……I happen to be enamored with Humphrey, Cary, William, Jimmy………..all the ‘old guys.’)

    Lipton was interviewing Depp about “Donnie Brasco.” I put down the book and picked up the remote and channel-surfed, and hit on AMC’s showing of “Donnie Brasco.” !!!

    After I watched a key scene with Al Pacino and Depp the commercial came on.

    I picked up book and read the 6 remaining paragraphs about Depp’s filming with Pacino……..and that added so much more to my continued viewing of the movie!


    Last weekend I was channel-S’ing again………on “e” I happened to land on a
    scene from “Knocked Up” where Paul Rudd (is that his name) was mimicking
    Robert DeNiro (mouth turned down, eyebrows furrowed, head turned-to-one-side.)

    Talking like a “gangster”………..a role he’s played so many times. (Like in “Good Fellas”)

    I’d seen Knocked-Up so I switched and landed (within 30 seconds) of Jimmy Kimmel (being interviewed by Piers Morgan)
    doing an impression of DeNiro (same mouth turned down, eyebrows furrowed, etc)

    It all happened so close together in time that it made an impression (I guess so!!)


    I haven’t gotten any empathic vibes about the earthquake that hit VA yesterday
    or the hurricane coming in. However, did anyone see the news story about
    the largest quake to hit southern CO/northern NM on the same day that
    VA got theirs? 5.3….largest in 40 years. And Peru got 6.9……

  5. This is great information. This country desperately needs transforming. Go Pluto! I just left a blog with a link that exposes corporations funding negative interests. We can then be better shoppers and stop spending money at places that support negative politics. More exposure…the better.
    Thanks R and T. and thanks Pluto ….you might be small but you are mighty.

    • R and T says:

      What’s that blog link? We’ll include it. That’s Plutonian stuff.

      We’ve got a new blog where we try to post pertinent astrological stuff and will repost some of those entries here, when they seem appropriate. That’s where the Pluto entry first appeared.
      We will post that blog link you mentioned there, too. Thanks!

  6. Lauren Raine says:

    Wow, elegantly expressed. I think of a post you had (last year?) in which you were wondering why “Phoenix” was a word so frequently googled. Perhaps that archetype relates to the properties of Pluto? What you write sounds true indeed for our time, the “shadow work”, collectively and individually.

  7. mathaddict3322 says:

    Thanks. It would seem to be Sadge, all things considered. So, Pluto in America’s House 2……influences??

  8. mathaddict3322 says:

    I took a look at those charts. As professional astrologers, would you put Sadge or Gemini as America’s Asc? That site gives both.

  9. mathaddict3322 says:

    I wasn’t referring to Pluto as the Trickster, guys. I’m not even certain what the trickster actually IS. But I should have separated my paragraphs. Negative day today for me, obviously, as my thoughts aren’t being expressed as I intend and are not being perceived as they are intended. Comes with the territory in which I’m currently residing. My bad, not anyone else’s. And I appreciate the info about Pluto and Mercury. If I understand it correctly, the influence any planet has depends upon the house it occupies in a specific natal chart, and its correlation to the other planets in whatever houses. I wonder where Pluto sits in the astro chart of the United States, based on its Independence Day? That would be a compelling chart, considering everything that’s happening in the moment. Now I shall go sit in my sanctuary and attempt to get my head on straight. Literally, as it’s in a jumble.

  10. D Page says:

    I was just reading up on Pluto, and was very happy to see a Pluto post, Trish.

    Pluto has a strong place in my birthchart in a “yod” configuration with Neptune and the Mid-heaven. When I had my first professional natal reading, I will never forget the astrologer saying that this “yod” configuration forces me to witness evil in high places and authority figures. There’s no “doing”, just witnessing.
    Jokingly, the small circle of astro students I was learning with called Pluto the “mutate or die” planet.
    My daughter has a Scorpio ascendent with Pluto exactly conjunct it. She is very much about uncovering deceptions behind facades in social structures. However,Pluto is not a personal planet, even if it feels personal.

    It’s been determined that Pluto has a partner, Charon, and the center of gravity for the two planets lies between them: they are a binary system (Think duality and secret double lives. NASA has said “Pluto has a dual identity.”.*1) In mythology, Charon’s grandmother’s name is Chaos. Pluto has two moons: Hydra(the 9 headed monster) & Nix (dark mist that blocks the light, or ignorance). So we can see what our Collective Soul is facing. We cannot afford to “live in the dark” any longer.

    *1) Lindstrom, 2008

  11. “What’s that something going to be?”

    How about an “Ethiconomy” to replace capitalism?

  12. Nancy says:

    A whole new paradigm based on caring for each other, secure in the knowledge that we ARE each other.

  13. mathaddict3322 says:

    I think Pluto’s influence is also having an effect on an individual level and is revealing what is real and what is not, and will eventually alter the perceptions of the individual by providing the microscope through which we are able to see others, and circumstances, for what they truly are. I think America has been fooled by the trickster, and the trickster is sitting in his hidden lair laughing his butt off at the naive
    vulnerablility of this country on the whole. Gee whiz, Beav, when will we wake up and become aware of what’s happening here??

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