Grey Wolf in Delaware



We’ve posted a number of stories about animals as synchronistic messengers. This one  appeared as a  comment under Mush Head and the Owl. It’s such a striking confluence of events that we decided to bring it forward as a post. Jenean now lives in Delaware, so this sighting of a grey wolf is most unusual.


Today while I was out with my grandkids, we were approaching the turn off from the main highway to our house when a large gray wolf crossed the road. This is a four-lane divided highway that runs north/south through the entire state, right in the middle of the heaviest populated area of our town – and there’s the wolf.

Traffic was braking and nearly rear-ending for at least half a mile upon sight of this animal.  Several cars pulled over. I was northbound and the wolf was in the middle of the southbound lanes of traffic – but not one person failed to slow down or actually to stop for him. I mean, there were near-collisions with every blink of the eye. I so wanted to turn around and go back to where he was but I couldn’t have gotten through the backlog of cars. Finally, I saw a patrol car pull out toward where he was .

Aside from the absolute and total uniqueness of such a thing – a grey wolf in this Podunk Delaware town on a major highway – is that for some time I have toyed with the idea of buying a little camper. Well, when I Googled “grey wolf Delaware” the second site that popped up was one selling a “grey wolf” travel trailer.  And get this: it’s listed for sale in the town where I live!


What’s the message? Well, first we should consider   that Jenean’s blog is called gypsy woman and there are numerous references to the Gypsy’s caravan. So it would seem the grey wolf is telling her   to buy that little grey wolf camper and hit the open road.




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13 Responses to Grey Wolf in Delaware

  1. gypsy says:

    oh, my gosh – as i got here just now, i was wondering how in the world i could have missed this post yesterday! then i read the comments and realized yesterday was the EQuake day here, too [another story another time] – a misty dream like day actually – but – about the post itself – yes, it was an incredible thing to see – first the wolf at all – and then all the cars stopping to let him meander off the road – and he was taking his time – he/she was not running or in any kind of hurry – i really really wish i could have seen him/her longer and up closer – a very selfish wish of mine – as the wolf was kind enough to honor us with its presence for even those few moments in time – a sight that will not be repeated any time soon in all probability – and i did feel honored by its presence – a powerful sight – and what a powerful message to me personally – i mean, it’s true – for some time, i’ve said jokingly that i was going to get a little “gypsy trailer” to pull behind my car and just make the rounds cross-country visiting my children and grandchildren – every time that we see a camper when we’re out and about, the kids will holler, “there goes your camper, yaya!” – and they even will narrow it down to “no, i can’t have that one cause it’s 4-wheeled and not 2-wheeled” as they’ve heard me mention more than once that my car will only pull a small camper – anyway – it was truly an extraordinary experience, with the wolf – oh, and then, as soon as i got home i googled grey wolf to see what i could find and the second site that popped up was a grey wolf camper here in this little town!! unbelievable – except, of course, that it happened! thanks for posting, guys! and thanks to all for your comments!

  2. Natalie says:

    Great story, wow!

    Hugs, Vicki.xxxxx

  3. Vicki D. says:

    We just had a 5.9 earthquake here in NYC!

  4. lauren raine says:

    what an extraordinary thing………I can’t help but think of the power, and pathos, of such a sight. We idealize the wild symbolism of wolves, but they are almost extinct in our world, vanishing like dreams. This wolf must have seemed like a ghost to the motorists who saw him. I am in awe of the way they stopped, perhaps, in reverence for what is leaving our world. A world without wolves, or tigers, seems a sadder, less mysterious world to me.

  5. Google clinched it with that grey wolf travel trailer – on the road … again …

  6. I also think gypsy should consider a camper. 😀

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