Telepathic Alien Encounter

Starbrite A. Sparkles's picture

This story comes to us from Starbrite A. Sprinkle. It’s an interesting synchronistic link between a radio show and a UFO sighting combined with a telepathic message.


“Telepathy has been defined as the transference of thoughts or feelings between two or more subjects through Psi.  Dr. David Jacobs, one of the prominent researchers in the UFO field, in his studies has found in his abduction research that telepathy is the main communication provided between the abductees and the aliens.

“The experience I personally encountered was not an abduction, but I maintain it was telepathic communication, or a knowing.  This raises the question; can an event, other than an actual abduction, cause two subjects to become so connected that they are able to communicate without being in contact physically?

“Telepathy, which is of the psychic level of the mind, tends to operate beyond pure words and linguistics.  It takes the place in the form of feelings, images, and desires. You may be able to receive telepathic communication from another subject in the form of pure words.  However, it usually comes through a feeling, image, or desire.   All three occurred in my experience.

“Depending on whether the telepathic message is verbal or nonverbal as well as your dominant mental modality, you might receive the message by instantly knowing it (paracognition), hearing it from an inner voice in you mind (clairaudience), visualize it (clairvoyance) or feeling it (clairsentience).  The message I telepathically received comprised all four of these methods.

“My experience occurred while I was listening to one of the late night radio shows and working on my computer.  The subject that evening was exo-politics and disclosure.  The guest wanted listeners to post on-line at a site that President Obama set up to ascertain major policy areas that were important to the public.  The website was the Citizens Briefing Book.  I typically do not interact, other than listening to the show, but somehow, I was drawn to post on the Citizens Briefing Book site.  I look upon this as an experience in alien telepathy and connectivity.

“Listening to my inner consciousness, here is what I posted:

“‘I heard a comment on the news today that the government knew about the terrorist facts that led up to the 9/11 tragedy and did not disclose them to us because they were afraid that as a nation we could not handle it.  That is, we are not sophisticated enough to be given the facts and be allowed to discern the impact of this on our future.

“‘Such I feel is the way that the government has in the past viewed the extraterrestrial presence in our universe.  The government has feared that the country as a whole will not be able to handle the reality of the presence of multidimensional beings or alien lifeforms. Do not make the mistakes of our past administrations by not being forthright with us and allow the information to be disclosed.   You said that you wanted to be the administration of change.  Well, this is the prime opportunity.  You have the opportunity by allowing the truth and disclosure of the alien presence to be a primary objective of this administration.

“‘Another plus is the cost of disclosure in terms of budget dollars will be minimal, it will not cost millions or trillions of dollars.   You cannot attach a dollar value to the truth.  To remain in denial, as a nation could in the long run be one of the most costly mistakes this administration could make.’

“After I submitted this, I continued to work on the computer.  My office is in my house, but I also have a mobile home behind it.  As I walked out of the house, around 2:30 a.m. in the morning, to go to the trailer, I looked up into the sky and there to the right was a UFO.  The object was not exactly stationary, but appeared to behovering.  I was not frightened.

“The craft was oblong, as a sausage shape.  It had red lights circling on the outer perimeter and oscillating red lights at its base.  It was close enough that I could make out its form.   I have never seen lights like that before, and I have seen many in the nightsky.  I am not familiar with any military craft that meets this description.  There were no airport landings that evening that would have met this description either.

“What I am amazed at with this encounter is the synchronicity and symbolism.  It appeared for me  after I had made my first contribution to disclosure openly on the web or anywhere. I have heard it remarked that the aliens do not speak in open language and dialogue, but by thoughts they transmit as in telepathy.  The thoughts I received as I viewed the craft were those of a knowing, a knowing that the actions I had just taken were the correct ones and they approved.  It was a knowing confirmation and affirmation that this was the correct thing for me to do.

‘That psychic knowing message I received was not a thought I had conjured up in my mind.  Intuition is made up of feelings of clarity and inner certainty, exactly like my inner feelings during those moments.

“Out of this, I consider there is a psychic, telepathic element to the knowing, but in addition it is about mutual understanding.  Universal Mind or God will provide insights into a subject, because God is love and love connects you to that subject spiritually.  What I experienced was a mutual connectivity of knowing and connectivity.  The moment was pure, honest, and truthful. It was a knowing validation that there is an alien presence in our world, and the move towards disclosure is necessary and desired by them.”




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18 Responses to Telepathic Alien Encounter

  1. Natalie says:

    I have also experienced telepathy with them.

  2. mathaddict3322 says:

    I agree completely that the citizens of the world wouldn’t freak out or go crazy if disclosure of alien presence finally occurred. The folks who would be most disturbed would be the far right born-again Christians, and they would simply be forced to accept that their limited belief construct is severely limiting and incorrect. In my soul of souls, I honestly feel that every human on this planet knows deep within that we are not alone, and that God, by whatever name or word we use to describe or define It, has no parameters. It’s going to happen, so we maight as well buckle our seat belts and prepare for the fall-out, which will likely be a mixture of countless reactions, ultimately positive and not one fearful of Gort from THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL.

  3. whipwarrior says:

    I *was* rather envisioning a War of the Worlds scenario, but I do agree that decades of alien-themed entertainment has likely served to better prepare humanity if such an event comes to pass. And gyps, kindly note that I said the **government** is acting in (what they believe is) the public’s best interest; I certainly wasn’t citing that byline as my own, so please spare the whip of truth and quit flogging me over a simple misunderstanding. We’re all friends here, right? 🙂

  4. whipwarrior says:

    “The truth is out there,” as the X-Files tag line says, and I suspect that the government is acting in (what they believe is) the public’s best interest in keeping a lid on it out of concern for the mass hysteria that would erupt if the truth ever came to light. The myriad of widespread UFO sightings make for entertaining and provocative news coverage, but can you imagine the scale of panic that would grip the world if the powers-that-be actually stepped up and admitted: “Yes, aliens do exist, they are here among us now, and we are working together for the betterment of mankind.”?
    UFO believers would rejoice at the announcement, while the comfortable foundations of our earth-bound reality shattered into chaos. Religion and society—in tandem—would simply disintegrate, and the world would never be the same again.

    Sobering prospect, isn’t it?

    • gypsy says:

      a government hiding the truth from its citizens is just another form of power – control – and has nothing whatsoever to do with the betterment of any society – it is oppression and that line that “it’s all for their own good” makes me gag! minority groups have heard that line since the beginning of time – and it’s no more acceptable now than it was when it was shouted to the clanks of chains and the cracks of whips over any oppressed group – to go with the assumption that the populace of this globe is unable to handle “the truth” about anything is another fallacy created by the powers that be to maintain control and to denigrate the very people who put them into office – and i cannot for one single moment buy into the theory that this society would disintegrate from having the truth presented to them – another fallacy created to maintain power – and that the world would never be the same again? – well, i HOPE so! because that would mean that with the truth being given came also the respect and responsibility of the ruling group toward its citizens – yes – let us hope the world would never be the same with the disclosure of TRUTH!

      • R and T says:

        I agreed with whip warrior about a sobering prospect, but I can’t believe people would freak out completely if the truth was known. In the 50s, maybe. But now? Unlikely. Too many books and movies have prepared the collective psyche for contact.

        • It is a sobering prospect – and the earth is a ‘big’ place, not everyone is prepared. What ‘we’ need to do is to keep spreading the truth (or at least as we believe it to be). I feel there will be a ‘right’ time – though, I agree, this isn’t for governments to decide.

  5. gypsy says:

    i came by earlier and read this fascinating post – but didn’t comment as i wanted to think about my response a bit in light of an incident that happened yesterday – however, in-between my reading this and coming back now, i have sent an email message to trish outlining the events of yesterday that relate to this in a way – on a personal level in terms of this ufo sighting, the last ufo sighting i had, which was also very early morning hours, with the ufo hovering right above our house, there was that same sense that you describe here – and while i may not have mentioned it in any detail, actually even if at all, when i first described the incident, this story served as a flashback to that experience – one involving understanding and knowing – confirmation and affirmation – i’m glad you mentioned the telepathic communications with them, as i have found that to be so, as well – a very intriguing story – thanks so much for sharing –

  6. I think, as Math writes, that much is kept hidden from the masses and that this is a form of control.

    However, I’m not sure that the population (it wouldn’t be solely for the US as is suggested in the post) is ready to accept there are aliens amongst us – and there is no doubt that if this were generally known it would alter our whole perception of life and it’s so called ‘limitations’. There will be a right time for ‘us’ to know. In the meantime those who wish can confirm what they believe to be true and so help the world prepare.

    • R and T says:

      Worldwide, the information is being kept secret. But as more and more countries release their UFO files, perhaps the US will one day do the same.

      • gypsy says:

        i, for one, am way more than a little bit sick and tired of waiting on the government to inform us of what we already know, all as they build citizens’ concentration camps for the anticipated events about which they keep secret – it’s time for us all to stand up, speak up and act out about it all! down on the ellipse in dc! and on the steps of every other major governmental entity globally – ok – so that’s my rant – now, back to working on my postcards from the caravan where i belong!

  7. Nancy says:

    Interesting. This post and the last one have information parallel to the information I’m reading in a book called “Laarkmaa” – A Pleiadian View of the New Reality.

  8. mathaddict3322 says:

    Essentially, the humans (???) who comprise global governments consider themselves capable of handling the truth but have the apparent consensus of opinion that the masses of the general public are too stupid and too un-evolved to be able to handle the truth. But I think there is more to the cover-ups than this “fear”, which the gov’ts use as a reason to continue the subterfuge. As long as they, (the governemnts), believe they are the only ones who have the certainty that there is alien presence here, they believe that they hold all the cards and that they have all the power. To admit that there are alien presences here among us would be to admit that there is a more intelligent species in our midst, and the governments can’t allow that. Fear is the Great Controller. We see it constantly in the Christian religious denominations. “Do this or don’t do that or you’ll burn in hell for eternity” type of control. It’s identical with denial of the presence of alien beings. The governments have decided for us that we wouldn’t be able to cope with such disclosure, and all the while, there are so many millions of us who already know and are in contact with these alien entities. So who is being fooled?? Ditto to everything written in the above post. Great info.

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