Darren’s Byron Bay Synchros


Darren, from Brisbane, Australia, experiences synchros that are layered and complex. We’ve reposted several of his synchronicities on our blog and also used one in Synchronicity and the Other Side.   The following story occurred at the Bryon Bay Writers’ Conference, which apparently features incredible art sculptures like the one in the photo above.

Darren originally decided to take time off to attend this conference because James Redfield (The Twelfth  Insight, Celestine Prophecy) was the featured speaker.  He bought his tickets, booked a hotel room, the whole nine yards. But then – a Mercury retrograde event occurred. Redfield cancelled due to an infected spider bite.  Wonder what the message is with that one?

But because all the signs seemed to be pointing to a good weekend that would be ripe for synchros, Darren went to the festival. So off he went.

One of the first synchros that struck him was the view of his door from inside his room.

As Darren describes it: “The door  reminded me of two doors I had seen somewhere before. One in a dream in the middle of an open field, and the other on a book I purchased, read and had a lot of strange synchronicities, as well.

During the weekend, Darren met Marcus C Anthony. Now here’s the interesting synchronistic connection with these two men. Both are native Australians, but Marcus now lives in Hong Kong. They met through our blog on synchronicity and Marcus has written several books on the topic.  Darren snapped a photo of Marcus coming out of a book signing:

After they met, Darren was apparently in a heightened state of consciousness and found a path to the beach that he simply had to explore.

The place it led to is dramatic and breathtaking. But notice the orb in the picture? As Darren wrote:

“I hadn’t noticed the orbs until uploading these pics, it was only because I had expanded them to full screen while selecting them that I take note. I’m not really into orbs that much, but I have never seen them in any of my cell phone camera pictures before…but then I have never taken pictures when I felt a spirit was walking with me, either. Tricks of light…or a spirit ?

“Having had an out of body experience around 11, if you had of asked me what my consciousness felt like or would have looked like if it was possible to record an image…then you are looking at it in that bottom photo. Trick of light or not, that’s a great representation of how I imagined I would have looked, if someone could have seen me and snapped a photo.

“When you have one…and you will (you may not come back to tell about it), you’ll see what I’m talking about here.”


So even without James Redfield, Darren’s trip to the Byron Bay Writers’ Conference turned out to be a huge synchro success!






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13 Responses to Darren’s Byron Bay Synchros

  1. mathaddict3322 says:

    Please excuse typos. Bad tremor day.

  2. mathaddict3322 says:

    Until a moment ago, I had only seen the “glowing” orb laying on the ground at sunset. Just now I clicked over to Darren’s blog to check out what I wasn’t seeing, and found the pic of the mirrored glass whatever-it-is hanging in that tree. Just to me, the images on the tree appear to be reflections of the tiny squares of the mirrors on the sculpture. There are exactly the very same size and shape. So, for me, these classify as reflections and not orbs. There is one below the mirrored piece, however, that is a different shape. It’s round, not square of rectangular as the others are. Be that as it may, I tend to think the bright glowing “orb” laying on the ground at the beach IS a real orb. Just my own thoughts after close insepction, and of course I can always be wrong!!

  3. D Page says:

    Experiences like this are food for the spirit. Their luminosity creates an experience that sustains us…
    Thanks for sharing, Darren.

  4. mathaddict3322 says:

    This may be difficult for some folks to believe, but on rare occasions when I’m in a deeply altered state of consciousness. in a session for a client, an “other” dimensional “entity” will appear to me and will bring me information. This doesn’t occur often, and the information that comes is always awesome. In appearance, these “entities” have no human or other recognizable humanoid form.

    Sometimes there is a very tall, brilliant, vibrating blue energy that appears. It is column-like, but shimmering and undulating and radiating sparks, and information emanates from it in some manner that I cannot explain but which I am able to perceive. Once in a while these non-humanoid energies appear to me in the form of fiery orbs, some are large, some small, but all of them radiate a light so bright that if my eyes were open, I wouldn’t be able to look at it because it would be blinding.

    I tend to think these may be connected to the orbs our cameras catch, and because they are living Beings of some sort, we feel their presence, as Darren felt and knew someone or something very high was with him. It’s an unforgettable experience.

  5. I like the orb photo, especially when full screen, almost has ‘wings’. Interesting, as Darren felt he had a spirit walking with him. Illustrates what we can sometimes experience if we follow our intuition / feelings.

  6. mathaddict3322 says:

    Orb has the odd appearance of a miniature spacecraft. As with so many such photos, it’s difficult to determine if this is a reflection from the sun bouncing off something on the ground, but it certainly matches the kinds of orbs so often caught on film in the black of night, without flashb ulbs, in the ancient cemetary in our Old Town. Also Kenny took a lot of photos outdoors, near the bedroom window where his ex-wife’s brother lay dying, in the final moments of the brother’s life. Those photos have orbs in them of every shape, size, color, some with really clear faces, all hanging around outside the dying brother’s room. Waiting for him, I imagine. And that day there was no sunshine at all. It was cloudy and overcast. Having seen and “caught” so many of these throughout our lives, I’d call Darren’s orb the real deal. Surely looks like it. And I know exactly what he means about the NDE!!

    • Darren B says:

      Those photos were taken on my cell phone at sunset with no flash.I’m not ruling out the sunlight playing tricks,but I felt this presence was with me,but I don’t know who or what it was.I had just attended a talk by four authors talking about “The Final Journey and the World Beyond”.Which is the tent you see Marcus coming out of,because he attended the same talk.In fact,I’m now reading a fascinating book by one of those authors right now (I will be doing a post about it all on my blog after I’ve finished reading it).
      He has a weekly radio program interviewing all sorts of people
      He was a big radio announcer for the ABC in Australia.Which is our equivalent
      to the BBC.
      And this is the book of his that I am currently reading.Marcus has a copy,too.

      • Darren B says:

        Talking about The ABC and Barry’s book “Afterlife”.
        I was checking the news websites here this morning and came across this story;
        “ABC loses 4th veteran newsman in few days”
        “Capping off a horror week for the ABC, former executive producer of The 7.30 Report and Four Corners, Ian Carroll, died on Friday afternoon after a long illness.
        His death came after Thursday’s helicopter crash in which ABC reporter Paul Lockyer, pilot Gary Ticehurst and cameraman John Bean died.”

        I knew about the three killed in the helicopter chrash,but I didn’t know about the last one until this morning.
        It’s rather ironic that he was the fourth one to die in a week from the ABC,and that he was the former executive producer of a very popular current affairs show called ” Four Corners”.

        • R and T says:

          Wow, that’s an impressive symbol – and probably a symbol as well. Makes me wonder if ABC is about to experience a phoenix type rebirth p or will hits the skids. Thanks for the info and link!

  7. Darren B says:

    To anyone who would like a closer look at the orb photos,or artworks.Click on the link below and then left click once to enlarge,and click one more time to take the photo to full screen.At this size the orbs look impressive and orbital.I’ve never caught orbs on the camera before,and this day I get three in three different photos,but all in the almost same location.I must say that I was a little skeptical of orb photos before this day.But when the camera captures something you couldn’t see with the eye,but felt was there anyway.Well that’s a whole new ball game to me.I still wouldn’t blame people for being skeptical though.But at least I’m convinced.

    Enjoy / Cheers.

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