Terrence McKenna and Time

Terrence McKenna was hard to pigeonhole. Author, philosopher, explorer of inner worlds, a master of the I Ching, a spiritual teacher. His ideas about time and space and the evolution of consciousness are all touched upon in this video, taken from one of his seminars. He died in 2000 from a brain tumor.


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15 Responses to Terrence McKenna and Time

  1. I looked at McKenna’s time cycle theories when researching the Synchronicity Code. Couldn’t make them make sense to me. As to early demise via brain tumor, I’ve always been interested in Emerson’s theory of Compensation, which basically says, (absent a spiritual aspect) that every up (brilliance of mind) brings a down (malignance of brain). The wealthy man (of the 1840’s–Emerson’s time) gets gout. Today, I suppose they get cancer. Emerson’s view should be joined with synchronicity research, as well as archetype (underlying pattern) research. What a triumvirate that would be.

  2. mathaddict3322 says:

    If you google ‘brain tumor deaths increase”, it will bring up pages and pages of the 80% increase in the occurence of brain cancers within the past decade, that experts are attempting to correlate with the electronics. Regarding Seth and Jane, it’s been my experience that when our soul determines it’s sime to go, it will go. I have no doubt Seth would have assisted Jane if she had desired such assistance. I do imagine he was There to make her transition much easier. My Healing friends Over There never fail to answer my infrequent calls for their help…but they’ve told me we must ask or they do not interfere, and they necver interfere in a person’s karmic issues or in a person’s soul’s choices. They will, however, do everything possible to make the journey easier.

  3. gypsy says:

    oh, geeeeee………….a run away train – time – i already knew that – everytime i go to bed and awaken and it’s 5 years later –

    yes, what a man, mckenna – interesting thing about the brain and cause of death in so many of these people – the little oddity i notice in that is that as the electronic/virtual age increases, the “natural” electronic/computerized cells are increasingly killing people – does that make sense? what i’m trying to say?

  4. mathaddict3322 says:

    Didn’t know about Mckenna and the drugs. Do know Timothy Leary was a drug user. In my research I’m delving as deeply as possible into the lives of these folks in my study, (part of the search for common denominators), and see where there may other corelating factors, such as lifestyle or envirnmental stuff, other than the individuals being “ahead of their times”. There are a few in my study who have experienced benign brain lesions, alongside those with the malignant lesions. It’s a pretty compelling and fascinating study.

  5. mathaddict3322 says:

    This comment is not so much about the fact of accelerating time, but about McKenna’s cause of death. Throughout my adult life and with my on-going work with numbers/frequencies, it has become apparent that a specific pattern exists among certain types of individuals. In my files, there are several examples of brilliant, forward-thinking, unusually adept “minds” who have died from brain tumors. The examples exceed the expectation of percentage of chance. Having noted this as an undeniable pattern, it begs several questions.

    The bottom-line question, of course, is “why do individuals with unusually intelligent and out-of-the-box thought processes develop [primary, or non-metastatic] malignant cells in their brains”? I’m looking for common denominators in the frequencies of these individuals, because the occurrence HAS proven itself to be far beyond that percentage that we may label coincidence and therefore is an established clinical “oddity” worth investigation. As a Hospice RN, I know that primary brain cancer is not one of the more common types of malignancies, although today it has become much more common than it was two or three decades ago, and there may be environmental reasons for the increase in these types of cancers. But my particular interest is in the percentage of great minds whose owners develop these killing cells. I’ve pondered the totally un-provable (yep, I know that’s not a word!) hypothesis if these individuals may have other-worldly, or non-human, genes and DNA mixed in with their Human genes and DNA. Just thinkin…..

  6. Have to go along with what he says about time: it is speeding up (a cliche or not).

    I remember when I was in the ‘proper’ working world as a manager of a finance company and computers were introduced. We were told it would save us heaps of time and we would have all the information we ever needed at our fingertips. But the reality was that it didn’t save time as was the objective. (As for the information, in this instance it became a power to disprove any set of figures/ statistics believed to be true.)

    • R and T says:

      Interesting observation about computers. Just yesterday, we were talking about google as a personal fetch servant. You want some obscure bit of information, google for it – and there it is.

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