The Two TVs


 Our impulses are often vehicles of synchronicity. We feel an urge to do something,drive somewhere, change our routine, and down the road a bit discover that the  impulse proved prescient. In this next story, an impulse purchase that a friend made proved to be synchronous. She asked to remain anonymous.
My grandfather is dying.  He’s opted not to have surgery for his cancer, a decision he made when my grandmother died a few years ago.  Anyway, his tumors have grown and made it uncomfortable to breathe.  He doesn’t have a lot of time left, so  I bought him a nice TV for Christmas, which may be seen  may be seen as stupid folly. But I did it anyway.  Something in my brain said it would be helpful because I doubted he could go out and mow the grass or go fishing much when it got down to the wire.  But he could enjoy TV.  I had no idea if he had a TV or how old it was. So I wanted him to have a nice one to focus on. I didn’t tell anyone, not even my husband. It was just an impromptu giant surprise.

So what happens? I get an email from my aunt, telling me that his TV conked out the day the new one arrived.

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14 Responses to The Two TVs

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    great story of the tv and being "tuned" in for sure! it reminds me of the times my daughters and i will meet somewhere for lunch or something and we'll all be dressed alike [same color/type top and pants] and sometimes, we're wearing the same shoes that we've bought independently of each other – or times in a work situation where a large group of people come to work in the exact same color attire – sorry, i digress – great post – and very poignant!

  2. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    To musingegret: Welcome to the world of synchronicities where your experiences shared online might mean something to other people (see for example Indiana Jones Synchronicity (December 24) and my comments). Instead of my interpretation, I have a question for you (mostly) Americans: which country is between Hungary and Romania (see On the Road with Gypsy)? Yes, I know, if you added Ukraine, one would think about Russia. Actually, I had a conversation yesterday about some stereotypes about people from Russia (I can't really tell who had started it).

  3. musingegret says:

    Very, very strange experince in the last 45 mins. My feral cat that I thought was domesticated has just started somehow communicated with me! I was watching a PBS/Nature program and when the pics were on the wolves the cat got up and jumped up on the the teeny-tiny shelf of of the TV and and starting pawing at the screen!! Then starting mewing! Very, very strange.

    I'll not write any more right now. I'm just observing!

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'll keep that in mind, Ray!

    When our friend sent us this synchronicity, I thought how perfectly it expresses the time in which we live, when all of us should follow those spiritual nudges and impulses.

  5. Natalie says:

    Spiritual nudges that bring joy and love……ahhhhhh. 😀

  6. Tom Bailey says:

    I am not sure what I call these things other than interesting. You have a great blog. I loved the comments you got here as well.

    Thanks for sharing,
    Tom Bailey

  7. Nancy says:

    This was an amazing synchronicity! A television is not the first thing you think of for a terminally ill patient – but turned out to be the perfect gift.

    BTW – speaking of MacGregor novels – I'm loving Kill Time!

  8. Ray says:


    I remember you telling me why you couldn't continue the series. I was just hoping you could have found a way to bring that one assassin into a new series. For me she could have been made into a main character someday.


  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Wow, Ray. You threw me. I'm going to have to read On Ice. he thing is that when I finish a novel, I forget the plot, mot of the characters, and certainly the antagonists. If I tried to keep characters from all these novels in my head, I'd probably be in a loony ward, drooling.

    I miss Mike and Quin, too. One of my great regrets is that the series couldn't evolve to where I had envisioned it because my then new publisher wanted a new series, not old one. So it goes, as Vonnegut used to say.

    Arana. Hmm.

  10. Ray says:

    I remember the Loye quote, but I don't know why. Have I seen it elsewhere or only when you used the quote? I would never have thought of it, but as soon as I read Tormai's comment I was taken back to seeing it before.

    I miss Mike and Quin. I have never met characters I loved more. And of all the villains you have ever penned my favorite remains Araña the female assassin.



  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hmm, Toumai, you take me back many, many moons to the days of Mike and Quin. And what odd connections. I'd better pay closer attention to what I write!

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    She definitely tuned in!

  13. Ray says:

    This is reinforcement for Synchronicity rather than mere coincidence. Something told the woman she should buy the TV.


  14. Gail says:

    Now that is wonderful and we shall see more of this as time goes on.

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