More magical water

After seeing our New Year’s Day post on Emoto’s water, Peter Durant of New York wrote us with an interesting water tale. He sees it as a synchronicity in that he had been thinking about his well and it’s ‘magical’ qualities the night before our post went up. If Peter’s tale is true, then I’m sure that millions of men over 50 would be very interested in drinking from his water source. We’ll let Peter tell his story, which is somewhat quirky, but never strays far from the water theme.

 “I am very fortunate to have a 150 foot deep well below my basement with water that has magical properties.
“That said, let me put my story in perspective. You see, I live in a highly repressive district situated between the Rockefeller estate to my direct east, in Westchester County New York, and the former Harriman estate to my immediate north. These two fabulously wealthy and powerful families have played and continue to play an enormous role in shaping American and world history. The historic presence of these two families looms large in how this local area has developed into a cutting edge district featuring strict controls. One prime example of those controls, it’s almost impossible to drill private wells and enjoy your own source of water. Well diggers attest that these controls are driving them out of business. 
“In the post 911 era, control is a word that, in my humble opinion, characterizes our new way of life.
The control by a few over the many has been a reoccurring theme throughout the history of mankind. From the English speaking world, two documents shine as expressions of emancipation away from the control of the few over the many. They are the Magna Carta and the Declaration of Independence.
“These two expressions of liberation have ensured us the freedoms associated with life as we have known it. However, change has occurred and continues to unfold, and they are forewarning us of a return to an era where the few exercise total control over the many. We could be entering a period of neo-feudalism as these controls spread.
“I could cite many forms of control that are emerging but I will focus solely on one. That is for me, probably the most ominous and relevant to your water post of January 1, 2010. Water is being used by the few to control the many. It is the most obvious choice because of its extraordinarily vital nature.
“After many years of struggle with the local agents of control vis a vis my water consumption, I have reached these conclusions: One, the municipal water supply is clearly tampered with. Besides the obvious chlorine and fluorine, something else, possibly a radioactive substance is being added. How does one explain the rapid rise in frequent and urgent urinating symptoms? Is it really prostate troubles? I think not! Women also are experiencing these frequent and urgent urination symptoms.
“Two, the bottled water phenomena has been raging now for years. People are always carrying bottles of water, and for years I spent a small fortune buying bottled water. Until recently, practically all the bottled water was unadulterated. However, I believe now that a substance is added to bottled water that can be remotely activated, resulting in a need to urinate frequently and urgently. So much for that ominous bit of speculation.
“Returning now, to my well. Last night I was reflecting on how all my troubles with insane urination have magically disappeared since I reopened my well. It was dug 60 years ago by the original owners, but had not been used for 40 years.We stopped using the well back in the 1960’s when I was a young boy because during the summers, especially during the month of August, the well would run dry. It was a major inconvenience. Consequently, we hooked up to the municipal water company and our troubles were over…or so we naively believed.
“During the 1960s, ’70s, and even the ’80s, water was not controlled by the powerful few. However, as time went by, I detected a rise in the occurrence of urination problems that I theorized was from contaminated drinking water, and other drinks, soda pop, juices, whatever. I began a Spartan regime of isolating drinks to determine which were being tampered with until it seemed that everything was tampered with.
“After reaching the end of the road, the end of unadulterated drink, when my options had run out, a strange event took place. My well began to overflow after heavy rains. I cannot remember this well overflowing in the past, even during the heaviest of rains. Considering my obsession about water, this occurrence was a clear synchronicity for me.
“I became curious and looked much closer at this neglected well . The water was almost magical. It’s crystal clarity was speaking to me. “Here I am, silly fellow.” So I’ve indulged and overcome this frequent urge to urinate, and I can only attribute my recovery to the absolute beauty of this crystal clear water from my private well.

I remember telling Trish years ago that I wondered if the abundance of bottled water on the market was part of a scam. “Maybe it’s a mafia enterprise and there are guys in New Jersey filling bottles with tap water.” That was a joke, and I didn’t have any more facts to support it than Peter has regarding his baffling contention about bottled water. Then again, from his personal experience, his well water has proven to him all he needs to know.

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25 Responses to More magical water

  1. Maria Juana Chiaro says:

    Well water from wells, specially if you are residing in a good environment, away from pollution and all, can be pure and clear as it has went through a good filtration system which is the ground and most likely through evaporation and precipitation. I wonder though, with all the โ€œurinationโ€ problem y'all had, how come you never went to a Doctor for a check up or why didn't anyone made any test on the water?

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    What happens when a falling drop of water is caught in slow motion? Take a look:

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gypsy – you're going to divine for oil or water??! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    we all recently bought stainless bottles, too – and divining rods! my grandfather in new mexico used to use those, too – and seems he also used them for locating new oil wells to dig –

  5. simon says:

    Yes water is the most valuable thing on earth, that's what the boy is thinking,, but to Therese, curious,, you talking of Oxford quarry,,,, remember jumping off them cliffs back in the 70's

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks for sharing the story, Peter. It's a terrific one and water is, well, basic to survival!

  7. Peter says:

    "divining rod"
    What a peculiar name.
    Water is kinda devine. I shall forever view water as a somewhat sacred entity.
    All your comments/reactions to my plea/warning were very satisfying. Thank you so much for allowing me to share. especially the web site hosts ;D

  8. Deb Kirkeeide says:

    After reading this post, and the magic properties of Peter's well water, I thought of a divining rod and how my Grandpa, years ago, found the spot to drill our well by walking the land with that branch. As a kid I thought it was somewhat magical how it worked.
    With this random memory, I thought this might be a good bit of info for a friend's project and sent it on. He replied that he had just recently pulled up that very same subject on Wiki to prove to his son that it was real.
    Having read through all these comments and pondering the message in this bit of synchronicity, I'm wondering now if it is to pay attention to the water I drink! Always fascinating!

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I drink mostly distilled water and what a difference in taste between it and our municipal water. But again, it comes in gallon plastic jugs. I'm going to start using my stainless steel container more, too, Nancy. But it's a big thing to lug to the gym!

  10. Nancy says:

    I am staying away from bottled water for the above-mentioned reasons. Mostly because of the leeching of plastics. It always tastes funny if the bottle is warm. As a gift for Christmas my husband gave me a stainless steel bottle for my water when we travel. Now I hope stainless is safe…

    I drink tons of water and I can honestly say the water we have from our tap at Lake Tahoe is the best tasting in all the areas we have lived or visited. The worst was Minnesota. We lived on farm land and I had a reverse-osmosis system installed and still had to have it filtered through the refrigerator. Awful stuff. I will not buy another house without drinking the water first.

    What is even more troubling is the fact that our drinking water contains all sorts of drugs – which are not filtered out during the cleansing process.

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    you are so so right, trish – and here, there is so much pollution from "up stream" – one never knows – but at least in deanna's case, their urinary issues went away – before they bought the house, they had the well water tested – there is an extremely high incidence of breast cancer in younger women here – as a matter of fact, in the non-profit i was working for till a few months ago [where my 2 daughters also worked], the rate of female employees diagnosed with breast cancer in a 3 year period was about 30% –

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The well water in a nearby rural area a few miles from us has been polluted by Pratt & Whitney, which makes jet engines. People and pets are getting cancer. P&W denies they're responsible. Recently, Erin Brockovich and a team of lawyers showed up to represent the victims.

    So well water, in some cases, can be worse than municipal or bottled.

  13. therese says:

    I don't know if my son-in-law was affected by the water. He was treated aggressively and it was the most treatable kind of cancer and he was young and healthy. He has been cancer free since.

    He did like that the water tasted like the water from his childhood in rural Oregon, which was a private well instead of the processed city water he'd been drinking for the past 10 years. He also liked the intent of high oxygen water, as well as our dedication of intent to provide it for him.

    So whether the water itself made a difference doesn't matter. It was provided and appreciated and used with the intent to facilitate his cure. Which did happen.

  14. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    unrelated to above somewhat, but weird – my comment above was timed at 4:49 – at 4:55 my friend deanna [about whom my comment is] sent me a text message – not weird in and of itself; however, with all the holidays and family stuff and deanna's having had surgery during the past 6-7 weeks, we've not spoken in that time –

  15. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    very intriguing post – especially because for the last two years several of my friends and i have had this exact same conversation regarding water – particularly bottled water – and particularly the increase as we have seen it in the number of urinary medical issues in those who rely most on bottled water – one of my best friends [mid-30's in age] was plagued with recurring urinary/kidney infections, as was her teenaged daughter – then, deanna and her husband bought a home in a rural area where they are no longer on city water – they have a private well – and she quit buying bottled water – voila'! same exact thing! not a single incident of urinary/kidney problems since! aside from the issue of these medical issues with bottled water, i have long believed a connection of bottled water to breast cancer in younger women – [in this case it could be more related to the issue of the plastic bottle itself] – in any event, i have quit drinking bottled water and anything else packaged in plastic as much as possible –

    oh, and like nancy, i thought of lynne mctaggert and her experiments too in terms of the molecular structure of water – and of course, in our individual capacity to literally create or alter or whatever our own world/body/psyche – that said, these comments of governmental/other external interference/ownership, mind control, etc, ring even more probable –

    very intriguing and timely post!

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Taggart, Emoto, and a lot of other researchers are doing fantastic stuff with the power of intention. You've had some great posts on Taggart, Nancy.

    Therese – did the aquarius water help your son in law?? Really fascinating story.

  17. therese says:

    We first became aware of "water" in 1988 when we moved to a private lake community in northwest NJ, and had a private well.

    Within two years after we moved there, my hubby, a private pilot was able to observe the dramatic petrification of a group of trees behind the local elementary school – and he observed the direct line of destruction to the back edge of a quarry two miles away. (Toxic waste being dumped in remote locale in NJ?!?) Yes, the elementary school children were taught to drink supplied bottled water and cautioned to only use the school tap water to wash their hands…

    Still, we felt OK with our well water since we were at a much higher elevation and fish and plants lived just fine in the lake. We considered our water better than the strong flavor of chlorine we got when visiting family in Cleveland Ohio.

    A few years later, the lake assoc. did tests in order to dredge the the private lake since it was getting shallower each year. Couldn't happen, tests showed the original weed control chemical used was arsenic.

    However, we did not become "bottle water" people because we knew "Evian" was the reverse of the word "naive". Instead we sold the house and moved homeless and jobless to Oregon (with 4 kids and a dog!) ๐Ÿ™‚ We again have a well and use a basic carbon filter because it's hard water.

    Around 2004 my friend introduced me to Aquarius Living Water. (I was not able to find the actual website but a google search will reveal all kinds of free information about water.)

    The original information from the Eugene, OR company brochure stated this water was enhanced to:
    1. reduce the molecular size of H2O so it was absorbed more easily in the body
    2. increase with oxygen since it was already determined cancer cells did not grow in a high oxygen environment
    3. enhance the plastic of the container for a safe shelf life and prevent the seepage of polyvinylcloride. Storage was recommended in a dark location away from any direct sunlight.

    In 2006, when my new son-in-law was diagnosed with aggressive lymphoma 2 weeks after their honeymoon, I purchased a supply of this water from my friend for him to drink as long as he wanted. At that time, I heard this Eugene based company was being pressured to become an exclusive government regulated supplier. Fortunately the original company was (I think) based in Germany so was resisting.

    Today, I wonder if the bottling and processing has been "quieted". However my friend got a special system in her home now and doesn't know what happened with the Eugene company.

    We are very fortunate to have good water from our private well. I've also learned that deep breathing in a naturally moist and heavily treed location is a good way to assure oxygen is getting to the cells of my body. This I can do on my back deck. ๐Ÿ™‚

    So yes, I think there's a good dose of validity in Peter's story.

  18. simple says:

    Rob, Thrish, musing egret you guys watching the same news,, yeah we're a group of people watching the same world events,, yeah ain't no human-beings thoughts totally "thier own"…them sea lions just got bummed cause the niners weren't gonna make the playoffs so they got themselves a good group rate down in Monterey,,, disappointed you dropped my coinkdinkys with the tiger attack Rob,, "why is that"
    more synchro then can handle,, just came up with a crazy one about 12/21/12, but I'm sure it's not worth mentioning,, course not like it's mine anyway…

  19. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We went to Barnes & Noble today and I was drawn to a book called Mind Programming, by Eldon Taylor. Here's what it says on the sleeve:

    "This book is a riveting expose of the plethora of research that has been carried out simply to discover ways of controlling your every thought and desire. What you'll learn will both shock and horrify you. Tweaking your psyche has become big business. Never again will you be able to ignore the truth–your very thoughts are not your own."

    Yikes! Sounds a bit like Peter's post. On the annoying side, tho, no index. I hate that. I wanted to look up water.

  20. Nancy says:

    I'm just catching up on the last few posts. From the sea lions to the control of water, I think you're on to something. I've been dwelling on the 1960's lately with the massive movement against the "establishment." Seems timely.

    As for changing the molecular structure of water – that's what Lynn MacTaggart has been doing with some of her Intention Experiments. We really do create every second of every minute. If only everyone knew and understood that.

    As for the sea lions – wow! I don't think I'll visit San Francisco for a while…

  21. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good point, Peter. When I saw your comment on g-mail, I noticed several ads for bottled water popped up on the right side of the screen. That's typical with g-mail, not surprising.

    However, one site was supposed to be informational about the history of bottled water and other facts. So I went there with the intent of leaving a link to this page to see if someone would respond.

    Next, I found out I had to log in, but first, of course, I had to become a member. Hmm, a member to read about bottled water. So, what the hell, I decided to join. It's only water, right? Then I was asked if I was joining as an individual, a corporation, a bottler, a supplier, or a trade association.

    Individual, I clicked. I was told that with site access I would have the latest in the bottled water industry right at my finger tips. But first I would have to pay $49.95 annual membership fee.

    No thanks. So Peter is right. They (whoever 'they' are) are not only controlling water, but limiting access to information about it. I mean how many people are going to pay $50 to read about bottled water?

    If you want to take a look, go here:

  22. Peter says:

    Two comments. One,for many years I purchased the bottled water brand Poland Springs from Maine. It was un adulterated. Then , simultaneously with the purchase of Poland Springs company by the multi-national Nestle Waters, the water began causing me to have urination problems. In other words, the bottled water now owned by Nestle was adulterated with….something.
    Two, the so-called prostate problems that most man have who are over 50, is this new? Seemingly, many years ago, there was no massive problem with men over 50 having prostate problems. Correct me if I am wrong here. Big Pharma is making a mint on prostate drugs.I haven't watched Tee Vee in many months now, but there were many commercials for drugs to alleviate frequent urination symtoms that are supposedly caussed by prostate problems. Also, the advertisement for men to have regular checkups for prostate problems. Man, this stuff is new. I cannot recall my fathers or uncles having prostate problems 40 years ago. Just my two cents.

  23. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We have a friend who is a pilot for one of the big commercial carriers and he was flying over Christmas. He says the new restrictions are absurd, reactionary rather than innovative. I imagine 300 passengers enduring the last hour of a fight with hands thighs, like first graders in time out.

  24. Jeff says:

    Great post! Peter mentions we might be entering a period of neo-feudalism, but I'm not so sure we are not already in that period. Actually, I'm not sure the word "neo" is even appropriate – I don't know that we ever really left feudalism behind. Our system of government may be different from that of the medieval period, but the idea of individual property ownership and the right for an individual to individually own and sale resources (water, energy sources) are carry overs from feudal period.

    I was just talking to a friend of mine about the new restrictions on air travel after the attempted bombing this past December. We're definitely becoming a more controlled society.

    I could see bottled water being some kind of scam. I can't say I'd be surprised if they were putting something in it to try and make sure people keep drinking. I think that's why they put caffeine and soft drinks.

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