The Owl and Mercury Retrograde

On August 9, we posted a synchro called Mush Head and the Owl, about an owl we met in the Amazon.  I knew that somewhere around the house I had a photo of this owl, but didn’t have any idea where it might be.  I searched all the usual places and finally gave up on it.

So, a week or so later, I figured I would put Mercury retrograde to some positive use and cleaned out our back bedroom. We have a guest arriving next week and I didn’t want her to have to sleep in a room piled high with stuff. So I gathered up all of Megan’s things that got stashed in the bedroom when she move after college, went through the closets, organized the bookcases, the night stand. And there, inside the nightstand, I found a photo album my dad had put together when Rob and I were leading tours in the Amazon.

This photo was right on top.You can see the piece of rope still around his foot that the boy who owned him used to tether the owl to his shoulder. Is he cute or what? Now I’m wondering if he’s a messenger again, finding his photo after all these years. It seems only appropriate to post this on the day Mercury turns direct again!



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5 Responses to The Owl and Mercury Retrograde

  1. Eileen says:

    Thanks for using the time and effort to write something so interesting.

  2. Lovely photo. Also glad to see that you also have a room filled with stuff! Our friends are coming to stay for a few days and as I write Karin is sorting the room out.

  3. cole says:

    Awhhhh…. the minute I saw this owl I said the very same thing, a little teddy bear! I can see why you just had to help it. So glad you did and that you found the picture. Thanks for sharing.

  4. DJan says:

    I love to see that you have left a comment on my blog, Trish. You are a true friend. And thanks for reminding me that Mercury goes direct today: I’m taking my car in for some work!

  5. gypsy says:

    what a precious little creature he is! look at him! like a big teddy bear! all fluffy and perfectly charming! and look at the expression on his face! priceless! well, all too too coincidental your finding him when/how you did and we all know about that thing called coincidence! you’re right, perfectly fitting that he should be making his pictorial debut here today! and now, for his message…………

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