Category Archives: owls

The Owl and Mercury Retrograde

On August 9, we posted a synchro called Mush Head and the Owl, about an owl we met in the Amazon.  I knew that somewhere around the house I had a photo of this owl, but didn’t have any idea … Continue reading

Posted in owls, synchronicity | 5 Comments

Mush Head and the Owl

Before Megan was born, Rob and I led tours for travel writers to the Amazon. The boat in the picture is from the movie Fitzcarraldo, and is the sister boat to the one on which we traveled from Leticia, Colombia … Continue reading

Posted in amazon, animals as messengers, owls | 40 Comments

The Owl, the Yoga Studio, and Techie Tools

 Type in anything in Google, a word or phrase, a question, a random thought, and somewhere in the virtual universe,  Google will come up with something relevant. Sometimes, Google leads searchers right to this blog. The terms that people use … Continue reading

Posted in google, owls, yoga | 28 Comments

Owls, Again

Synchronicities involving birds as messengers are probably more common than most of us realize. We’ve written before about owls as messengers between the living and the dead  and about owls as players in UFO/ET experiences. The following owl stories come … Continue reading

Posted in birds as messengers, jane clifford, owls | 22 Comments

Owl Medicine

Jane Clifford offered us this owl synchro. It’s short and to the point. We’ve also added another short one from the field of play, so to speak. “Yesterday I bought a beautifully carved wooden owl that makes a perfect owl … Continue reading

Posted in Cowboys, football, owls | 19 Comments

Message from a One-Legged Burrowing Owl

This evening (August 7), we’ve been preparing for our  interview with Whitley Strieber’s Dreamland Radio, which will be recorded on August 13. Since we’ll be interviewed separately, we’ve been trying to come up with different synchronicities for each of the … Continue reading

Posted in animals as messengers, death, mothers, owls | 11 Comments

Additions to Owl and UFO Story

Mike left these additional details in a comment. We’re bringing it forward so it doesn’t get buried. Some other high strangeness, for sure! Here’s the URL for the trailer of The Fourth Kind, a movie that’s out Nov. 6.  Jeninacide … Continue reading

Posted in owls, UFOs | 5 Comments

Owls, UFOs, and Blogging

I’ve often thought that the Internet – blogging in particular – is an environment that fosters synchronicity. This next story seems to support that theory. On September 30, we posted a story called The Owl and the Money Clip, a … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, Internet, owls, UFOs | 28 Comments

The Owl and the Money Clip

Here’s another good story from Jim Banholzer that involves owl medicine. He heard it from a friend, Tammy, after he helped her and her husband Richard move into a new house.+++ At the old place, Richard and Tammy had lived … Continue reading

Posted in messengers, money clip, owls | 14 Comments