On December 31, our post was about how the sea lions on Pier 39 in San Francisco have departed as mysteriously as they arrived 20 years ago. We all speculated about earthquakes, tsunamis, and other natural phenomena. So here it is, ten days later, and musing egret just left a comment about an ireport on CNN concerning a 6.5 quake in Northern California. Here’s the USGS report.

It sure looks as if the sea lions picked up on this.

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14 Responses to UPDATE ON SEA LIONS AT PIER 39

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks for the update, anonymous. Will check out your link!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Apparently there are some signs that the sea lions may be returning to Pier 39 in San Francisco. Also, the thousands of sea lion guests crowding Sea Lion Caves in Oregon have suddenly left. (The thinking was that part of that gathering was from San Francisco.)


    Found your fascinating blog looking for more on this.

  3. "just guessing" says:

    maybe that's the nature of a food source it seems to flurish away from the predator……

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    glad you mentioned cayce – i was just reading a bit about kenneth ring again who "discovered that many near-death accounts he was studying foretell future Earth changes such as earthquakes, volcanoes, a pole shift, strange weather patterns, droughts, famines, tidal waves and a new social order followed by a golden age. These NDE visions of the future agree completely with the Cayce predictions regarding ocean levels rising, dramatic changes to the coastlines of the world and major earth changes in america – see https://www.near-death.com/experiences/cayce11.html

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I always wonder about Cayce's prediction that someday Billings, Montana would be coastal property.

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    hmmmm…..driving, i could get to the oregon coast in time for…..dinner?

  7. Nancy says:

    I find this conversation fascinating. Living in earthquake territory, with the California coast a mere few hundred miles away, I pay close attention to signs. The sea lions heading for food in Oregon makes sense, but does that mean all of the food disappeared in SF?

    We just came from the Oregon coast and ate crab for days – it is a good crab season as Lakeviewer noted! Just in case anyone is headed that way…

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i've been wondering about the sea lions too – so what happened to their food source at pier 39 – i mean, did they just have double whoppers for a week and exhaust the entire food source which caused them to move on? at one time? or, did the food source also move? to where? why? perhaps i'm missing something here?

    and just last week for several days in a row my daughter's dog [part lab/hound – yeah, i know, what a mix!] went to a particular location in the house barking as if a predator were about to attack – i mean, she did this constantly for several days – we got up to look every time – there was nothing there – ever – and actually it was toward the front of the house where even a small critter would have been visible, not like the back of the house that borders a large wooded area – and i had meant to post or comment about it but somehow managed to let it get past me without doing it – oh, the direction of the place where she went crazy? the windows facing directly WEST!

  9. therese says:

    In 2007 my hubby and I did an Oregon Coast tour. We like visiting Newport, Seaside, Cannon Beach and Nehalem Bay but knew there was so much more to explore. That 2007 trip was my first visit to the Sea Lion caves. I got the impression that there was tons of history, and a lack of clarity as to why the caves were so empty. It was explained that the food supply was not as lush as it had once been and I had a feeling that would change.

    It is fascinating to know that the food supply has returned now, and those massive caves are full of Sea Lions. I image the noise and echoes are powerful. 🙂

    It's also fascinating to consider the food supply shifted after 20 years of being located near Pier 39 in San Fran – and now there is an earthquake report there.

    There's no doubt in my mind that animals, especially sea life, are attuned to shifts and changes of Mother Earth. Science has documented that sea life has been on this planet with little variation for longer than humans, and the majority of this planet is a water environment.

    When I consider this, the message I always get is, go with the flow.

    Today, I feel there is more to the message. Like "the flow" is more than a strong current and could be big waves. I feel we will hear more news of shifts within the Pacific ring of fire. The Sea Lions and their food supply will be just fine. They have a rapport with the energy of Mother Earth.

    There is more to come. Why would the food supply shift north? Why did it shift south? What's the 2 decade significance and is it 20 years or 24 years? Is this pattern related to the stars? The moon? A cycle of new shifts because of a change in the magnetic field of galactic proportions?

    Can you tell I love big questions?

    Word verification: fieste
    is that feast – or festival?

  10. Marlene says:

    animals certainly do have a sense when earthquakes will happen..all our dogs I have noticed unusual behavior right before or days before…last big one on the central coast I was out feeding Birds ..( and we have alot of them ) and suddenly they all left I thought a hawk was nearby…but no it was the earquake.. they just knew!

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Lakeview – do you live near that sea lion cave? That's some of the most dramatic scenery, that Oregon coast, that I've ever seen.

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Well, it's good to know they're at the Sea Lion cave. That place is awesome, we saw it last summer.

    But the bottom line is that no one really knows why they left – or why they arrived when they did 20 years ago. Food makes sense. But it also makes sense that they, like other animals, have a kind of prescience about earth phenomena. Maybe animals live with their consciousness spread through physical reality and across time.

  13. lakeviewer says:

    p.s. We have an unusual high-yeld crab harvest this year. No wonder the seals are here.

  14. lakeviewer says:

    The sea lions have been found at Sea-Lion Cave on the Oregon coast. They followed the food.

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