Shades of Minority Report?

In the 2002 movie Minority Report, based on a short story by legendary – and visionary – writer Philip K Dick, criminals are arrested before they commit a crime. Three genetically altered humans, known as Pre-cogs, “see” crimes before they happen and a special law enforcement unit (Precrime) tracks down the would be offenders. The year? 2054.

Now, thanks to the close call Christmas Eve, perpetrated by the Nigerian “underpants” terrorist, Philip K Dick’s  fiction may become a reality in 2011.

According to AP writer Michael Tarm, machines that read minds may be in our future. They may not be the genetically altered humans from the Minority Report, but are nonetheless eerie – and disturbing. WeCU – we see you – is an Israeili-based company that combines high tech with behavioral psychology. The system is being tested in Israel and here’s how it works.

You’re at the airport, caught up in the usual stuff, pulling your suitcase behind you, wondering how long it’s going to take to get through security, if your plane will be delayed or the flight cancelled. But let’s say you’re a terrorist with a nefarious agenda instead of just some ordinary traveler, okay? So suddenly, an image flashes on one of the airport billboards – a symbol or something else that only a member of your terrorist organization would recognize. In other words, a familiar symbol or image appears in an unfamiliar place. Your body  responds – not in an overt  I need to get outta here sort of way but with an increased heart rate, an acceleration in breathing, sweaty hands, twitches, nervous glances. Sensors – machines and humans – pick up your reaction and you’re pulled out of line and subjected to more “enhanced” screening.

Aside from the aspects of big brother that are evident in this type of screening, there are some obvious problems. How are nervous passengers separated from would be terrorists? Honestly, who enjoys flying anymore? Stress levels rise as soon as many of us enter the airport and only increase with security routines that seem to be more reactive than anything else. One guy puts explosives in his shoes, so now everyone has to remove shoes and passengers can’t bring bottled water past the security check points, can’t carry more than 3 ounces of shampoo or any other liquid, and all of it has to be in a ziplocked Baggie. You know, the Baggie with that annoying plastic thing that’s supposed to zip the Baggie shut. Why that Baggie?

Now the underpants terrorist idiot comes along and we can’t use the restroom in the final hour of an international flight and our hands must be in full view during that last hour. We’re already being treated like middle schoolers. Now we’re being reduced to kindergartners.  What next? Everyone strip and bend forward before boarding a plane?

It seems to me that if the law of attraction actually works, then what we’re doing is attracting more would-be terrorists with increasingly ridiculous schemes, more reasons to feel stressed out while traveling, and more of everything that we don’t want. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if just one person in power understood the law of attraction and began the reversal of this cycle?

Even in Philip K Dick’s story – and in the movie – one of the members of the elite Precrime squad (John Anderton, played by Tom Cruise) sees the light when the Pre-cogs finger him as a suspect in a crime he hasn’t yet committed. But perhaps this is the way that fiction differs from real life.

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10 Responses to Shades of Minority Report?

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hi interior – interesting string of synchros. Now sure what they mean. But if you're going to be traveling any time soon, they may be very relevant!

  2. interiorbound says:

    I have always been fascinated with synchronicity. Just this morning I began writing about it. I then wondered if there was already a blog. I Googled 'synchronicity' and your site was at the top of the list. Then I read this article. I just recently read a StumbleUpon article about the tactics of the Israeli Airport and I just re-watched Minority Report. What do these little synchronicities mean?

  3. Ray says:

    I love to travel. I spent a good portion of my adult life pre retirement either at sea or flying to meet a ship. I miss travel and daydream about it especially when reading about places I've been. The daydreams always give way to not ever wanting to get on another plane. I retired before most of the current restrictions. In 2003 those of us flying to Europe were singled out for extra screening because we had one way tickets even though we were flying on DOD orders exactly like those of the active duty military getting on the same plane. I asked the screener why. She told me her husband is a DOD frequent flyer and had to go through the same enhanced screening.

    Any kind of mind reading machine is to me a scary thought. I wouldn't mind a machine that could single out risky behaviour as long as those in charge could sort out those who are nervous from those who wish to harm us.


  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    great point – that we all have the ability [precog's] –

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    a little clarification to my comment above – when i said "your" pen, the use of "your" referred to a general collective term reflecting us all – [not rob and trish, specifically] – geeee…so sorry if that came out sounding of – well, apologies if it sounded otherwise!

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I figure there are plenty of precogs in the world who are aware of what's going on. We all have the abililty. My understanding of serotonin is that it's a mood elevator. I don't understand the connection you're making, Toumai, with scary movies and serotonin!

  7. Nancy says:

    I was just thinking of this movie the other day when the little girl disappeared in Maryland. I would have been happy for the Pre-Cogs then. But I agree we are headed in a very Big Brother world very quickly! With all of the fear and reactions – are we creating exactly what we don't want? Cause and effect rolling around and around? As for flying – we won't be doing any that is not absolutely necessary. Which is exactly what the terrorists want – to hit our economy – and our airlines being a big part of that economy.

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    the law of attraction – exactly!!! i take the words right out of your mouths, rob and trish, but you just have to wonder of the mindset [or lack of it or whatever] of those in power who have no inkling whatsoever of the scene they are rehearsing – but this time, for real, it isn't dress rehearsal – in terms of flying – no, i won't be doing any – cause, see, SOMEbody would in all likelihood have to come bail me out of somewhere with all this stuff – last time i flew was a more than a year ago – out of baltimore to san diego – and because i have some large surgical steel sutures, you can only imagine how i set off big brother's contraptions – just like the law of attraction applies here, so it does with the whole thing of 2012 doomsday-sayers! time to get out the rose colored glasses a bit –

    and about…if just one person in power understood…i understand obama's address is 1600 pennsylvania avenue, washington dc – now, where's my pen????? and yours? or, just zap a note from here:

    great great timely post!!!

  9. Gail says:

    Very thought provoking and scary!

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