Impulses and Precognition


Just a couple of hours after the post below on the pre-cogs went up, Megan called with a disturbing precognition she had last night.

At her college, January is the month when students are involved in independent study projects – ISPs – that take many students off campus or overseas for the entire month. Two of Megan’s roommates are doing their ISPs elsewhere, so it was  just Megan and a young man who moved into her campus apartment about two months.

There have been some issues with this guy – namely, that he often talks to himself in the bathroom or in his room, shouting and ranting about how awful he is, what a terrible person he is, no wonder no one likes him etc.  Megan and the roommates have overheard these rants and have discussed asking the guy to move out. They think he needs professional help.

Late last  night, Megan was in her room and heard the guy yelling out in the kitchen, talking to himself again. “I had this impulse to record what he was saying, so I turned on the recorder on  my phone.” And recorded the guy yelling about how much he hates this group or that group – conservatives, liberal hippies, everyone – but it didn’t  matter because he was going to BLOW THEM ALL UP. Alone in the apartment, she was totally freaked out about it, and locked herself in her room.

This morning, she went to the resident director with the recording and said she wants the guy out of her apartment. Her impulse to record the conversation caused the resident director to take it seriously – otherwise it might have been her word against his.

So Megan’s precognitive impulse, like the pre-cogs in Minority Report, perhaps prevented some terrible scenario. Since she turned him in, we wanted her out of there and away from him as quickly as possible.She  has since moved temporarily into a friend’s room.  Scary stuff.

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9 Responses to Impulses and Precognition

  1. Jeninacide says:

    Oh my gosh! Poor Megan! I hope the school takes care of this post haste! That roommate needs some serious help.

  2. Ray says:

    I am so glad Megan made that recording. I once was the victim of a young thug stealing something off my porch. He pulled a gun on me. I reported him to the police. The ignorant local birdcage liner put my name and address as complainant in their police report section.

    She definitely needs to get phyically away from this character.


  3. Marlene says:

    This guy sounds like a time bomb..ready to go…It was smart of her to record and show that..and stay far from that dorm until they have a handle on the situation..very scary.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    So far, the resident director hasn't called Megan back to let her know what, if anything, was done. We'll be calling the school tomorrow to find out where this situation is.

  5. therese says:

    Geez, scary. How awesome that she could record and share so quickly.

    I hope he gets the right kind of help and am glad Megan is not only careful but willing to protect herself in the correct way. Too often I have heard/seen others brush stuff like this off until it goes too far.

  6. Nancy says:

    She needs to use all of her intuition. Until he is out of there he can be a problem. Ghaaaa I hate worrying about our kids! Having two girls, I can relate to this feeling. My two daughters work in the same place, and they had someone become threatening when he was fired. I told them not to go to work until the problem was resolved.

    You don't want to live in fear, but..

  7. ~JarieLyn~ says:

    Wow, this is a very scary situation. Megan was very smart to record him. My thoughts are with her.

  8. Natalie says:

    Good girl, Megan! Prayers for her continued safety.xx

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    OMGoodness! very intuitive/bright of her to record this guy – now, i wonder whether he will be told the names of those complaining about him – i would imagine that even if not, which i doubt, that he could easily figure it out – she definitely needs to be physically far removed from him – but she is extremely bright and informed and aware, all much in her favor! good for her determination!!! and please keep us posted!

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