The Body Speaks

Our bodies can sometimes be vehicles of or expressions for synchronicity. A physical problem  may actually be addressing an emotional situation in our lives – a topic that Louise Hay covers extensively in You Can Heal Your Life. It’s also possible that a physical flareup that restricts our movements may be protecting us from something that isn’t obvious until later. Such was the case for friends who have a second home in North Carolina. For reasons that become obvious as you read their story, they asked that we not use their real names. So we’ll call them Nick and Nora Charles – the characters from the imagination of Dashiell Hammet! Nora is telling the story:

We were gearing up for a trip to NC that would have started today at 4AM, but instead my back went out and we found ourselves wondering if we would be spending the day in the hospital. Nick had just gotten a call from his brother that he was already at the ER because of a kidney stone, and I was unable to get up from the pain, but did finally because the choice of peeing in my bed or on the way to bathroom looked better if I at least made the effort. I did make it, only to black out on toilet. Talk about feeling like crap. Just as I sure the cool of the tile floor would wake me, Nick got back from taking the kids to school, checking on his brother and help me back to bed.

We went to our friend the chiropractor who took two X-rays that showed no bone cracks or bulging disks — leaving it all to server muscle cramp. An injection of muscle relaxer and several treatments with ultra sounds left me able to finally move on my own instead of forming a conga line with Nick leading and Linz (daughter) following in case I fell forward or backwards.

This morning it was very stiff, but I was able to move on my own again. I can’t tell you how much good for the spirit this — just open today’s email and saw a weather bug alert. It seems the very road we would have been traveling to NC cabin is blocked by 8 to 12 inches of snow!

Again the Polly-Anna comes forth, and I do believe someone was looking out for us by delaying our trip a few days. Our other daughter is safe at her girlfriend’s parent’s house over the weekend, as the road she would taken had even more snow on it.
Have you ever been detained by physical ailments only to find out later that these ailments saved you from hassles, accidents, or worse?

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9 Responses to The Body Speaks

  1. Sansego says:

    Wayne Dyer name drops her a lot and I watched her DVD of "Heal Your Life", which was good. I haven't read her classic book, though. I want to, but I'm still trying to decide which of the ten metaphysical books I want to focus on first (too many of them have exercises, which I always skip but now want to make a serious point of doing all the exercises to see if it changes things, which I'm sure it does).

    The previous time I felt a pain in my neck was on my way to a family reunion, which I thought was odd. It went away after I flew back home. I don't think of my relatives as a pain in the neck, so it was surprising that it only appeared when I was attending a family reunion I was excited to attend, as I hadn't seen many relatives in years.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Are you familiar with Louise Hay, Sansego? Even if you aren't, it sure looks as if you've got the pain in the neck thing down pat!

  3. Sansego says:

    Last week, I felt a literal pain in my neck at work. I usually never feel pain there. When I went home after the work day finished, it went away. I wasn't surprised. Work was stressful last week.

    Whenever I experience pain in my body, my first act is to examine psychological reasons for it, rather than gulping down some pain relief medication.

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    glad you mentioned louise hay, such a great source for mind/body connections –

    and not to worry bout my comment thing – i did go back and check other posts to see if that's what happened and didn't find it – but no big deal – obviously, had it been monumentally significant, i would remember what it was, right? 🙂
    i probably just didn't hit the right key to publish it or something!
    geeee….my mind is a terrible thing to lose!

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I usually turn first to Louise Hay to find out the emotional basis of a symptom. From that, I can usually make a determination about what the root cause is. But I agree with you, Nancy, that sometimes there are external -precognitive? – reasons.
    Gypsy – maybe you left a comment on another post? I don't think I saw one from you earlier. Then again, my mind has been sieve like these past few days.

  6. gibbs williams says:

    Your experience indicates that your synchronicity is a message generated from yourself to yourself that took time for you to take seriously. Look up the term cathexis.

  7. Nancy says:

    You hear about the flights that take off without someone because the missed the plane only to have averted a plane crash. This is similar, we just need to question when our bodies don't feel well. Ask ourselves – what is it trying to say?

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    ok, so my own mind is like a sieve these days – BUT i am SURE i left a comment here several hours ago, even prefacing it with a remark about my sieve-like mind and how if it were not so, i would be able to leave a meaningful comment here – in any event, my comment is not to found now –

    but a great post – and so true that our physical body may send us messages when we aren't or won't listen to other sources –

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    This one is from Vicki DeLaurentis, who sent it in email:

    Your posts on how the body can be expressions of synchronicity resonated with me.

    I was diagnosed with severe migraines (unbelievable pain which can last for days, aura, nausea, extreme sensitivity to light, sometimes trouble with my speech) when I was 9.

    Nothing has ever really helped. The new drugs don't really work for me, only diet, rest and exercise.

    I am now 51 and still suffer although to a lesser degree.
    For years I saw doctors and had tests done and everyone had differing reasons as to why I got these yet no one else in my family did.

    It wasn't until I was in my 30's that one day when talking with a friend who also suffered from migraines that I remembered a statement my mother had made when I was in college. She had said "You know I sometimes think you get migraines because they are literally the only thing that makes you stop and rest."

    Then a few weeks later when I had a particularly bad attack, my doctor thought my symptoms were like a mild stroke, and he said to me "I think you get these because they are the only thing that literally knock you off your feet and force you to rest."

    I remember being surprised he said this to me and laughed as I told him what I had recently remembered my mother saying, and he said "I agree with your mother."
    From that moment in my 30's I began viewing my migraines differently and low and behold they lessened in degree. I now view them as a warning that I need to slow down.

    If I am out somewhere and feel one coming on I now make my apologies and get home quickly and rest. My migraines have definitely been reduced and the pain lessened.

    It seems that someone was trying to get me to pay attention and when I finally did it helped. Of course I find that whenever I pay attention to "the little things" bigger things happen and always in a positive manner.

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