Daily Life Synchros

Some synchronicities are like vignettes or short stories, complete with characters, a storyline, puzzling details. When these happen in our daily lives, they can be warnings or welcome signposts that we’re on the right track. Both have an aura of the magical about them. For Healing Mudras,  these short synchros are all of the welcome variety and magical in their own way. We posted another synchronicity from Healing- Bangkok Odds – back in November.
The Day the Earth Stood Still

In November 2008, my daughter,  who was turning 7 the next week, was learning about space and time. She kept asking questions about the sun, the moon, the rotation of the earth and then asked me: “So what happens if the Earth stopped moving? If it just stood still?” As I was trying to figure out a correct answer, she screamed, “We’d all fall off!!!”

That same afternoon, I went out in Bangkok and the Movie the Day the Earth Stood Still had just been released.

I had a dream about umbrellas – I was giving them away ( any clues about the  meaning?). The next morning when I opened the curtain in the garden of our compound, I saw a beautiful white cotton umbrella and the father of a few kids was running and playing with an umbrella in his hands. There usually are NO umbrellas in our garden.
Aurora Borealis
I dreamed of the Aurora Borealis and a solar shower. The next morning, my daughter (the 7 years old) opened her Christmas presents. One of them – not from me! – was two fabulous children’s books about space and galaxies. My friend said, “Hey look! It’s an Aurora Borealis!.”
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17 Responses to Daily Life Synchros

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks for the link. We'll check it out!

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    here's the site in my comment to your update on the sea lions posted on 1/09 –

    see https://www.near-death.com/experiences/cayce11.html

    great reading!

  3. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i found a great cayce site the other day – well, maybe came across one i've already seen – in any event, was reading his thoughts on global issues – riveting!!! – seems like i mentioned this site actually in terms of his work and that of kenneth ring just a day or so ago??? i'll track it down later today though and put it in a comment if i find that it's different than the one before –

    wonderful dialogue – love the verifications –

    oh gee, i just looked down and saw my own wv – CLASTSHO – which, to me, looks just like catastrophe on first glance….

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Now THAT is an intriguing word verification!

  5. Nancy says:

    I love reading these. I am becoming more and more aware of them.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Keep us posted, Natalie!
    Toumai – the pond thing intrigues me. Years ago – mid 70s, if memory serves – I dreamed that the S Fl coastline was flooding and I was trying to escape in a rowboat – yeah, a stupid rowboat! – for the Bahamas.

    In real life, it makes no sense; the Bahamas are lower than the Fl peninsula. But in the dream, it seemed that Florida had split up into a bunch of little islands. For some reason, the Bahamas seemed safer to me than some of these Florida islands, which were closer.

  7. Natalie says:

    Yes! thank you, I got it straight away.
    I hope to blog about how the meeting went later tonight. My time…which will be your early a.m. I am very excited by the endless possibilities. x

    wv witimp = white imp, or witty M.P. 😀

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    hey – that's sposed to read PATH not pah!!

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Natalie – word verification Isess? Is sounds like ISIS, the goddess of nature and magic. If ever there was a confirmation of your pah, there it is.

  10. Natalie says:

    That is SO awesome.
    Tonight, I am meeting with Belmont Rod ,and some others (for the first time)at a spiritual development group. This is in order to get me back into my spiritual work, after a five year hiatus. It literally is a new dawn for me. The other interesting thing is ,that the only thing holding me back from my work, is the fear that I am too sensitive and not able to detach enough. I need to harden up!

    Thanks Toumai.x

    wv isess

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    As soon as I read your post, Gypsy, I went to the earthquake site. Haiti. Wow. The poorest nation in the western hemisphere.

  12. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    wow, neat stuff here! wonder what's up – literally and figuratively – besides another earthquake – 7.0 in haiti!

  13. Natalie says:

    Got a funny one :
    Last week, when I had all those little synchros, I had two dreams. In one there was a man named Rob, who lived in Belmont, and drove a dark car. I had the feeling he was to help me in some way.

    The next night, I woke up with just the word 'Gladstone' in my mind.

    Out of the blue, a lady rang me on Monday, and offered me three reading jobs. One was in Belmont, and I would be working with a dark haired guy called Rod. (close enough).

    I laughed, and mentioned Gladstone to her. She didn't know where Gladstone was, but suggested there was one in Queensland. I said that I felt that there must be another Gladstone closer in New South Wales,But her husband said no. I had no clue.

    Five minutes later, my husband yelled out incredulously that he had not only found Gladstone in NSW, but there was psychic fair happening there, on the same weekend that Susie and I were talking about, on the phone. She is a spiritual 'networker' who organises events etc such as this one. The funniest thing was that Gladstone was right next to the town that her husband had recently lived in and he didn't know it!

    Susie is the lady who started all the events leading up to me getting the moldavite. aka my Glad stone. 😀

    wv megrat

  14. musingegret says:

    Absolutely! Use away; can't wait to read.

    wv: implete

    (to complete implicitly??) LOL

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    OK, something odd going on here. Musing – this fits right in with something gypsy sent me. May I use your example for part of a future post? There must be something going on with aurora borealis!

  16. musingegret says:

    Yesterday I was re-arranging a bookcase and moving some old journals in a 3-ring binder. The binder opened to a page where I'd scrawled the name of a potential character, "Bory Alice" and right beneath it I'd written Aurora Borealis. What are the chances??!!

    wv: dogusis ???

  17. ~JarieLyn~ says:

    These are always so interesting to read. Yesterday, I wrote a post about the word, Sorry. Last night my husband and I watched the Movie Revolution Road and there was a scene in the movie where the word sorry was repeated several different times. I told my husband that it was synchronicity in alignment with my post.

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