Telepathy and Synchronicity

  In a post back in June,  Jung and the Sympathy for All Things, we wrote about telepathy as a facet of synchronicity. Essentially, telepathy is mind to mind communication, but often happens when two or more people come up with the same phrase, image, or idea at the same time.In the following synchronicities, telepathy seems to have been at work and, once again, the Internet and blogging were the facilitators.

Yesterday, we posted some short synchronicities that Healing Mudras had sent us. A couple of hours later, we received an email from Gypsy, who said she’d been fiddling around with an image for a new post for her blog, but couldn’t seem to get inspired. “So I thought I’d  hop over to your place where there’s always something hopping. I’ve attached the image of what I was working with before coming to your place…”

Now look at the similarity of the images. The first is from yesterday’s post. The second is from Gypsy’s email.

As  if this isn’t strange enough, Musing Egret then left a comment under our post that really takes the cake. Her comment was left a couple of hours after Gypsy’s email arrived:

“Yesterday I was re-arranging a bookcase and moving some old journals in a 3-ring binder. The binder opened to a page where I’d scrawled the name of a potential character, “Bory Alice” and right beneath it I’d written Aurora Borealis. What are the chances??!!”

Technically, I suppose that Musing Egret’s  find the night before the post went up was an instance of precognition. But we may be splitting hairs here. Perhaps the larger question here is about the aurora borealis. Is something strange going on wth the northern lights? Is there a larger message? And if so, what is it?

Late tonight, Ray sent an email that seems to supplement this aurora borealis synchronicity. His remarks:

I forgot about this photo when I made my previous comment. This is a link to the Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) from Dec 19. I change my wallpaper daily. I posted this one yesterday 12 January, one day prior to this blog. It is still up. I had to stare at it to realize it was part of the synchro.
His picture:

Pretty weird, huh?

This entry was posted in aurora borealis, telepathy, trickster. Bookmark the permalink.

15 Responses to Telepathy and Synchronicity

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hi Conor. It certainly seems that synchros are increasing and that more people are becoming aware of them. Thanks for the info about the rainbow and Arguelles. Didn't know about it! Thanks for dropping by.

  2. Conor Ghilarducci says:

    this is a synchro that I found this blog and you guys are onto something I just discovered which is what Jose Arguelles has been upto with organizing the circumpolar rainbow bridge project. Arguelles and a bunch of people are organizing something similar to the harmonic convergence where they are visualizing peace in the form of a giant permanent rainbow that covers the entire globe. He explains they are using the power of visualization to activate the noosphere and connect the Auroras with this massive rainbow bridge. As we activate the noosphere, synchronicities increase. So you guys are right that there is connection with the auroras and synchronicity. Amazing! Love it!

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hi Psychic – welcome!

  4. Psychic says:

    Hmm Well I was just searching on Google for some psychic readings and psychic articles and just came across your blog, generally I just only visit blogs and retrieve my required information but this time the useful information that you posted in this post compelled me to reply here and appreciate your good work. I just bookmarked your blog.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'd heard about that Chavez accusation, too, and about HAARP. Thanks for the reminder, Musing!

  6. musingegret says:

    The high strangeness continues. Days after the Haiti earthquake I caught a newsflash that Hugo Chavez was blaming the U.S. and HAARP for causing the tremendous quake. I had no idea what HAARP was so started digging.

    If you google "Hugo Chavez blames Haiti earthquake on HAARP" there are over 47 million entries (many are dupes and copies.)

    HAARP is an acronym standing for "High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program" and based in Alaska. Google "HAARP" and 1.9 entries are found (some refer to a live album and video by English alternative rock band Muse.)

    Anybody see any connections here?? tee hee

    wv: behymp (be hip??)

  7. Ray says:
    I forgot about this photo when I made my previous comment. This is a link to the Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) from Dec 19. I change my wallpaper daily.
    I posted this one yesterday 12 January, one day prior to this blog. It is still up. I had to stare at it to realize it was part of the synchro.


  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Ray – you may be onto something!
    Toumai- used your link in the post about Haiti. Many thanks!

  9. Ray says:

    This is a wild synchronicity. In June when you were posting about telepathy others were blogging about the Aurora Borealis.

    This weekend I was watching the Scienc Channel where there was a discussion about a comet striking the earth and what would happen. One of the scenes involded EMP (elctromagnetic pulse). The narrator mentioned that the Aurora Borealis and the Aurora Australis are produced by EMPs from solar wind. The aurora in the program looked eerily similar to those in this blog. Could solar wind or electomagnetic fields from today's technology be contributing to telepathy?



  10. staceyjwarner says:

    great post, i've had so much synchronicity lately it feels as though I am psychic and am still unaware.

    The Captain and I often have the same thought and same with the Goom and I. There are so many examples…

    If you read my post from today, Lisa talks a little about synchronicity and it is our guide.

    much love

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    speaking of the AB – wonder what cayce had to say? there was a site i put in a comment the other day here in response to your sea lion update post – the site talks about ken ring's work following along that of cayce in terms of ring's research into NDE's and the number of people paralleling the predictions of cayce during their NDE experiences – anyway, neat stuff over there at

  12. Butternut Squash says:

    It makes me wonder about the origin of "Jinx," Why would someone want to extend a curse when coincidences/synchronicities occur? It seems like more of a moment for celebration.

  13. Dave King says:

    Now there's a connection that had not occurred to me. Fascinating blog.

  14. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    I'll try to suggest an explanation with a question: If it was a dream, what would be an explanation? Where is Aurora Borealis? What would light mean in a dream? I am in a mysterious mood today, so I'll leave this comment as it is.

  15. Shadow says:

    invisible waves that travel and touch… i find it amazing and beautiful.

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