Hurricane Irene and the I Ching


As of tonight, Sunday evening, Tropical Storm Irene is expected to become a hurricane by Monday morning.  South Florida is not only within the cone of error, but the present track has the storm crossing into South Florida as Category 1 storm on Thursday or Friday, depending on its forward speed.

If it crosses the island of Hispaniola, then the 10,000 foot mountains between the  Dominican Republic and Haiti could tear it up. If it crosses Cuba, the mountains there could do the same. If it doesn’t hit either of these islands and remains over the very warm water, then it’s expected to intensify.  Lots of ifs here.

Rob and Megan are in Minnesota and due back Wednesday night. My friend Nancy Pickard is visiting and is due to return home on Friday. So with all this in mind, I decided to consult the I Ching – a good test for divination. My question: Is Irene going to hit us?

I used this site to ask the question, which I have used before and is often uncannily accurate. I got hexagram 2, The Receptive, with no changing lines.  My heart sort of sank when I saw the word receptive.

“Applied to human affairs, therefore, what the hexagram indicates is action in conformity with the situation. The person in question is not in an independent position, but is acting as an assistant. This means that he must achieve something. It is not his task to try to lead – that would only make him lose the way – but to let himself be led. If he knows how to meet fate with an attitude of acceptance, he is sure to find the right guidance. The superior man lets himself be guided; he does not go ahead blindly, but learns from the situation what is demanded of him and then follows this intimation from fate.”

I asked Nancy, who is something of an expert on the I Ching, what she thought. “It could just mean you should be receptive to whatever comes,” she said.

I told her my question was to the point: Is Irene going to hit us?  “Hmm,” she murmured. “It doesn’t look took good.”

Time to buy ice.

PS  The 11 PM forecast shows a track farther to the east! keep moving east, baby!


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33 Responses to Hurricane Irene and the I Ching

  1. Cira says:

    Really like the new appear. I liked the information. Thanks a lot for the remarkable blog.

  2. mathaddict3322 says:

    WOW. I started a vicious hailstorm that wasn’t intended. I was under the impression we each have a right to voice our opinions. I was not, do not, am not comparing Obama to Bush or to anyone else. I am speaking strictly of my opinion about Barack Obama’s job performance and lack thereof, and no, I didn’t vote for him but my taxes pay his salary, I’m glad I didn’t vote for him considering his job performance to date, and I don’t appreciate his taking vacations from his job on such a frequent basis. The average Joe Citizen in this country has a scheduled vacation from the job once a year, the length of the vacation dependent upon the person’s time at whatever company. I have an issue with Obama, (or any president), taking vacations so often. My opinions of him differ from yours. I didn’t attack anyone of you who voted for him. I didn’t attack YOU. Nor have I attacked any of you in the past for your diffences of opinion regarding Obama. I’m not alone in my opinion of him. According to the most reliable poll available, public opinion of his job performance has dropped below 26%, and that doesn’t come from a FOX poll. Again, I was not comparing Obama to Bush and that needs to be very clear. Nor was I attacking any of you, which also needs to be very clear. It hurts me to be attacked for stating my personal opinion of the president or of any other public figure….especially when the attack comes from people I consider my friends, and for words to be put in my mouth and/or assigned to me that I did not say. I certainly won’t share my thoughts again about him and leave myself open for such brutal comments. If I had remarked about any of YOU, then your comments would be deserved. But my remarks were directed towards a political figure, not towards any of YOU.

    • R and T says:

      I thought he cancelled his vacation when the Repugs started complaining about it. Instead of going to Martha’s Vineyard, he went to the Midwest, drove around in a bus, and gave talks about the economy and jobs, and how certain members of Congress are blocking job creation in order to protect the rich. Did I dream that or something?

      • R and T says:

        The message from the media is: “Be afraid. Be very afraid.” It’s a way of attracting attention, also a way some politicians attract followers. It’s tried to true means of manipulation of the masses. The hidden message from the corporate-political aristocracy is ‘The masses are asses.” Our response, “You can’t spell aristocracy without atrocity.” lol

  3. mathaddict3322 says:

    Off subject, Tuesday night, 8-23-2011: Where was our esteemed president when the first major earthquake in 114 years rattled the entire east coast; a quake that, according to seismologists, was felt in no less the 22 states? Where was our esteemed president as the entire east coast prepares for a probable CAT 4 hurricane? Where was our esteemed president when Tripoli (Libya) was stormed and taken down? Ahhhh yes. Our esteemed president was leaning on his golf club with his feet crossed, talking on his cell phone to people “involved”…then he went back to his golf game. The National Cathedral is losing a lot of its upper structure; they’ve roped it off to keep the public from being hit by the falling debris. Structural damage to the Washington Monument. It goes on and on….and the Commander-in-Chief plays golf.
    Are we proud, or what!! His approval poll yesterday was a whopping 26%. Wonder what it is tonight. He lost any respect I may have had left for him, on this day. Nothing he can do will EVER win me back.

    • R and T says:

      Excuse me, math. Bush took 180 days of vacation when he was in office. He was on vacation when the first inklings of an attack crept into the administration’s consciousness. And where was Bush during Katrina, when people were actually dying from dehydration? And then all he manages to do is a flyover of New Orleans.

      The earthquake in DC was NOT the 9.0 that devastated Japan.

      And it’s not the ENTIRE east coast that is preparing for Irene. And exactly what would you have Obama do at the WH that he can’t do regardless of where he is?

      Besides, you didn’t even vote for the guy.

      And the world is not ending. The world is not unraveling. The sky is not falling.

      Sorry, but Obama bashing won’t cure what’s ailing this country. He’s not perfect, but when you look at the alternatives, he’s got my vote unless a true progressive challenges him. Then, all bets are off.

      • D Page says:

        Bush actually holds the record for the most vacations taken by a president. It’s also well known that Obama does not stop working when he takes his family on a vacation.
        Though I have been disappointed with some of the (apparent) decisions made my his administration, I also feel that he has my vote.
        The other (need I name them?) candidates seem to “wear their ignorance like a badge”. Their ideas aren’t even sustainable, and they are not interested in battling the corporate Plutocracy that is trying to take over America.
        (quote from the Novel What Alice Knew by Paul Marantz Cohen)

  4. gypsy says:

    this morning looks like ya’ll are out of the main hit and that irene will be coming up the coastline – we’re being told we can expect a few ramifications as it comes up along the coast – nothing major – goodnight irene!

  5. Natalie says:

    Glad you are safe.xx Will email you tomoz (your today p.m …….re: telepathy.)

  6. Lauren Raine says:

    Sending you good wishes as you await the storm. May it be weathered safely and hopefully, not at all as Irene loses her fury and becomes a drizzle.

  7. Darren B says:

    I don’t know whether you’ve seen this story…but I guess it would be all over the news by now,anyway.
    Oscar-winning actor Kate Winslet and members of Richard Branson’s family escaped unharmed when a lightning storm hit the Virgin tycoon’s Caribbean island home, which was destroyed in a blaze.
    Winslet carried Branson’s 90-year-old mother Eve out of The Great House on Necker Island as the flames took hold in the early hours of the morning.
    Winslet said “it’s like being in a film set where you’re waiting for the words ‘cut’ but they just don’t come”, the entrepreneur added.
    Branson bought the island in the early 1980s. It is part of the British Virgin Islands.
    Each bedroom in the house has its own balcony, king-size bed and en-suite bathroom.
    “Set on the top of Devil’s Hill, this beautiful house is the heart of the island,” Necker’s website says.
    “The jewel in the crown is the master suite, which has its own jacuzzi and private terrace with panoramic views over the ocean and neighbouring islands.”
    The island can be hired privately for $US54,500 ($Aust.52,730) a night.
    Richard said,””The main house is completely destroyed and the fire is not yet completely out. My office was based in the house and I have lost thousands of photographs, which is very sad.”

    I’m sure there is a Titanic message in there somewhere ?

  8. mathaddict3322 says:

    Just for the record and with no particular comments: HURRICANE is 7. I R E N E is 33. Frequencies follow frequency patterns. Have to wait and see which location will match that 33. FLORIDA is 11. But there are many coastal towns and cities, too many to configure in advance. BAHAMAS is 9. To be accurate, we have to get specific, and can’t do that yet.

  9. D Page says:

    Now we’ll all be tracking the storm, and sending you good energy.
    The good news, with no changing lines: there doesn’t appear to big changes for you or your home.

  10. mathaddict3322 says:

    I watched the national tropical update at ten before the hour…which they do every sixty minutes…..and the path is gradually shifting to the east. However, this storm, they said, is predicted to be brutal and probably hit the Bahams as a Cat 3. Due to the prevailing envirnmental conditions, they see little chance of permanent weakening as it travels over land because it will then go back over the hot water and the Gulf Stream which will re-intensify it. Bummer. They have the “cone of possibility” all over the board, encluding the entire state of Florida. Right now the most reliable computer models include the entire east coast of FL being in the red zone, and so far they don’t expect that to change even tho the patterns will shift all over the place as Irene advances, loses, then regains power. Watch and wait. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. Then scream a louf “HOORAY” when she turns out into the open waters!!

  11. My prediction on Hurricane Irene vs. Florida: I think it’ll lose its hurricane strength and just bring some showers. justsayin

  12. Fingers crossed for you. It’s hard for me to imagine what the waiting must be like. Good luck!

  13. mathaddict3322 says:

    Make that three bridges to the Mainland. I forgot about the bridge to the south of us that crosses the intracoastal waterway. However, I don’t cross the downtown famous Bridge of lions any time, under the best of conditions. I have an unrelenting vision of that bridge, (which has recently been totally restored and is supposed to be safe),
    coming apart and vehicles dropping into the water below it. It’s a drawbridge, and big boats go under it, so the channel is deep.

  14. mathaddict3322 says:

    Tis the season. If we haven’t gotten supplies by now, this is the time. However, because we live on the beach on an island surrounded on all four sides by water, with only two bridges to the Mainland which close when the wind reaches a sustained 39mph, we are given mandatory evacuation orders if a storm is coming close to our location. We learned the hard way. Decided to stay during a Cat 3 that brushed by us. “Brushing by us” turned out to be hell, and it didn’t even make landfall here. The rain actually blows completely horizontally….sideways. It doesn’t “fall”. And the enormous ancient trees? Those huge trunks are bent to the ground and split and break. The electric lines rip and shred and spark like crazy; the transformers explode like bombs in war. The noises of a hurricane are indescribable. They make me think of screams from the bowels of hell. Just…..terrible. We witnessed Mother Nature on her horrific rampage, and we learned. Now, when we are told to leave, we pack our stuff and we’re over the bridge and on our way to any place the hurricane ISN’T!!! I now know that once a person experiences this kind of force of nature, we understand who is in charge on this planet. It ain’t US!!!!!

  15. gypsy says:

    i just sent you a note about irene – while i was reading your iching result, before i got through it, i was thinking to myself, “she better get to the grocery!” – i can’t help but think of the lyrics “goodnight irene” – so perhaps that’s what this irene will do – just play a bit and then say goodnight to land and off she goes eastward! certainly hope so! we’re getting clouds and yuck all day today – and all day yesterday as well – but it’s cooler so that’s great and mother earth needed the rains –

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