‘My Best Synchronicity Ever’

Gary Bobroff started off the year opening up a synchronicity site on Facebook called Best Synchronicity Ever! So I asked Gary for his own best, and here it is. It’s a good one.

You can visit his site and contribute by clicking here.

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“I was driving through Kindersley, Saskatchewan after having gone off the highway to get gas and was headed back towards it. I noticed ahead of me to the right, walking in the same direction that I was driving, a girl who resembled my first love. As I approached her, I thought ‘Wow that looks like T.’ I got closer and it was her.

“At this time we both lived thousands of miles away in Vancouver, BC but had grown up together years before in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and dated just after high school and for a few years at university in Vancouver.

“In turns out she was traveling with her sister and brother-in-law, but as we were both headed in the same direction she decided to ride with me until Calgary, AB. As we talked, we realized that it had been ten years ago that we were both on the train together moving from Saskatoon to Vancouver for university. And then we realized that it was TEN YEARS TO THE DAY that we had been traveling together in the same direction.”

Gary adds this about the connection between emotions and synchronicity:

This is one more piece of evidence for understanding synchronicity as evidence for our living in a heart-entangled world. Synchronicity never arrives where emotion is not present: “Outside the laboratory, too synchronistic phenomena occur for the most part in emotional situations; for instance, in cases of death, sickness, accident and so on. …We observe them frequently at moments of heightened emotional tension, which need not however be conscious.” (Jung, Letters, vol. 2, pp. 538).
Gary is onto something there. In our upcoming book, Seven Secrets of Synchronicity,  the second secret reveals that synchronicities are deeply intertwined with our emotions. And, as Robert Hopcke notes in There are No Accidents, “What if we valued feeling as much as thinking, as synchronistic events invite us to do?”


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9 Responses to ‘My Best Synchronicity Ever’

  1. Jeninacide says:

    Wow. Great food for thought for today! I love to think that feelings could possibly have as much value as thinking!

  2. "forth coming stupid" says:

    riding to the funeral of a grandfather, "70 miles" got a flat tire half way there in front of a piece of property, in sight of grandmothers ashes,,,, TRUTH
    like I said everyday

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    That's a terrific synchro, Aleksander!

  4. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    I had left a comment in that discussion in Facebook about the best synchronicity ever and it triggered another synchronicity. THIS is my candidate for the best synchronicity ever. By the way, I have found this blog (ofscarabs) after searching in Google synchronicity, wolf, tiger. The author of the blog in Myspace (read my comments #13 and #18 in Facebook) has wolves on the front page. When I logged in Facebook to write the comment #18, there was on the right side of my screen a sponsored link with a picture of a tiger.

  5. Noah says:

    Sounds like I've got a lot to share here! I don't know if anyone on this entire planet has put together as much information about synchronicity as I have…I mean, I hate to brag…lol…But check it out:


  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Synchronicities seem to happen frequently during major turning points in people's lives – marriage or divorce, births and deaths, losing a job or landing one, during heightened creativity etc.

  7. Nancy says:

    I can't wait for your book to come out. I had never drawn the parallel between feelings and synchronicity. I guess I always thought it was more a matter of being aware of them. This was a very interesting post and will have me "thinking" about it – or better yet – imagining the value of my feelings.

  8. whitewitch says:

    As synchronicity would have it indeed! Meeting your first love and the strange coincidence behind the timing of these meetings is something too coordinated to be considered accidental. I think that if we valued feeling as much as thinking in line with the forces of the universe at work from above us, then we would have more to life than we expect.

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i personally have experienced that very thing of synchronicities being deeply intertwined with my emotions – and in times when i have allowed rationale to sway my feelings, it has always always come to pass that my feelings were the true path for me –
    just IMAGINE if we all did truly value FEELING at least as much as THINKING!
    just IMAGINE!

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