Time Travelers at the Scottish Festival

On January 16, we drove up to Orlando to attend the Scottish festival – a great outdoor event with bands playing bagpipes, men in kilts, and games dating back centuries. Various Scottish clans – like the MacGregors, the clan that was being honored at this year’s event — had tents set up with refreshments and information about the history of the clan.

In addition to the kilts and the Scottish brogue, there were men and women in Renaissance and Goth clothing and plenty of tattoos to go around. As Rob remarked as we were exploring, it was the sort of place where you could be a time traveler and not draw any attention at all.

So as soon as he said this, it struck me that I could easily set a scene here in my current novel. In this one, I’m combining characters from Esperanza, a novel that comes out in September and begins in Ecuador, with characters from two time travel novels – Kill Time and Running Time. While I was toying with the possibilities, we stopped at one tent that was selling historical clothing. Here’s the shirt that caught my eye. Look at the tag.

Time Travelers! And look at the tag above it: Handmade in Ecuador.

My sense is that the synchronicity is a confirmation to continue what I’m doing, combining the two series.
– Trish

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21 Responses to Time Travelers at the Scottish Festival

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We loved Edinburgh, all of scotland, were there years ago, would love to go back.

  2. A Cuban In London says:

    Synchronicity is a phenomenon that I have found more often since I started blogging.

    Great event you wrote about. I would love to go back to Scotland and explore the other parts. I was there in 2001, in Oban and fell in love with the landscape and the people in the little village in which we stayed.

    Many thanks for such a fab post.

    Greetings from London.

  3. Natalie says:

    That is AWESOME Trish. Whoo Hoo!

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    yes, i think so, too, about the what if and new ideas and theories introduced in fiction – great post and dialogue!

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gibbs – I look forward to your book!
    Toumai – I think lot of new ideas or theories or whatever are introduced thru fiction. What if…this or that happened. What if, what if…What if is also where many quests begin.

  6. gibbsonline says:

    A very impressive synchronicity to say the least. It certainly appears that this kind of "message" is a cosmic green light reinforcing the experiencer to keep traveling in the direction they are going. However there is a crucial question at this point which has been the prime motivation for my 50 year investigation of the perplexities of meaningful coincidences (synchronicities). Messages imply a sender, sender implies a location, sender and location imply consciousness. The messages are also directed at particular selves who experience the messages as directed for themselves. The answer to this question is divided into an implied debate starting with Plato and Aristotle (a transcendent realm of 'spirituality' on the one side to an immanent realm of existential humanity expressed in science- and progressing to current times in an implied debate between the Jungians and the Freudians (and object relations theorists.
    The conclusion I have reached is found in my soon to be released book called DEMYSTIFYING MEANINGFUL COINCIDENCES (SYNCHRONICITIES: The Evolving Self, The Personal Unconscious, and The Creative Process.

  7. Ray says:

    I loved Kill Time and Running Time. I cant wait for the next two. Time Travel fascinates me.

    The only Renaissance fair I've ever been to was in Tallinn, Estonia. The Medieval district of the city looks as it more or less did in the 1500s. One restaurant even had candle chandeliers. The menu was hand written. The only electric light was behind the cash register. Wait staff were in costume as were all the participants in the festival. There were booths for ever kind of handicrafts, even a couple of men building dugout canoes in the Viking manner.

    While I was there I felt as if I had traveled back in time. I didn't come back to the present until I came back to the modern section of town on my way back to the ship or on the day of the festival's Marathon.

    When I read Kill Time and Running Time I felt the same way, as if I were traveling back myself.


  8. "simply forth c." says:

    doing some e-mail to a certain high profile poker celeb back a couple of weeks ago,, while typing specfic line, about fam. and football, had an e-quack on premise….small one,,,,,,
    early July was given a card by the brothers old roommate "Jets" fan, obvious from card (business),, 41 years since Jets have been in superbowl,,,, wonder what the mag. the quack was…..well I known the magnitude,,, but I don't known,, wonder if Peyton does w.v. cadetedu

  9. Nancy says:

    I loved Kill Time! I'm going to read the sequel as soon as a I finish my current book on writing. You are on to something here, Trish. What about tying it into something about the holographic universe?

    That shirt was telling you something. I like Adele's suggestion.

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    ADELE – you're right. should've bought the shirt to wear when I write!

  11. Vicki D. says:

    I love when you get messages that are that clear! Years ago when in the bookstore I felt pulled in the direction of a certain section. All of the books were just crammed in except one that stuck out just the littlest bit. I pulled it out and wondered if this was meant for me when I opened it to the dedication page and there clear as day it said
    "to Vicki" and my name was spelled how I spell it.
    I cannot wait for your next book and am thrilled that you are already working on the next one!!!

    (funny…my word verification is
    reedit…re edit…or..
    reed it.. I am looking forward to read your next book!)

  12. musingegret says:

    That is so cool—don'cha love the clear signposts?

    Off topic: Look what I just ran across while researching. In 2003 the man who founded Trijicon Inc and invented adjustable gunsights died in a plane crash near Gunsight Mountain in Alaska!


    Is the Trickster at work?

    wv: jellsks

  13. Marlene says:

    Trish..what a perfect confirmation!

  14. Butternut Squash says:

    Seems as if the cosmos has given you the go ahead! I'll look for the book.

  15. Jeninacide says:

    Wow! I would definitely take that as a very clear sign to continue doing what you're doing! Sounds so interesting!!

  16. "fourthcoming" says:

    yeah I know this guy,, he got pulled out of a river by police and ropes back when he was 13,, it had been raining a lot and the river was kind of swollen,, 37 years or so later he's googling up his families name and there on the first page of the historical bio a discription from over 200 years earlier, first page theres the river mentioned….. w.v. hizedo

  17. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i am SO NOT SURPRISED!!! you go, girl!!!


  18. Adele Aldridge says:

    What a perfect synchronicity confirmation to continue – how could you not? I would have had to buy that shirt to wear while writing.

  19. Deb Kirkeeide says:

    wow, certainly a positive sign! I love it when these things show up for us

  20. Dave King says:

    Good thinking, sounds interesting!

  21. Shadow says:

    these things just keep on happening to you…

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