Does Death Come in Threes?

We’ve talked before on this blog about how death among celebrities and the famous seems to come in threes. So here are two deaths we read about today. 

 On Sunday, January 17, author Erich Segal, 72,  died at his home in London, from a heart attack. He is best known for his novel Love Story, published in 1970. It became a bestseller and a hit movie with Ryan O’Neal and Ali McGraw.  Segal was a 32-year-old professor of classics at Harvard when he wrote Love Story. 

 On Monday, January 18, novelist Robert B Parker, 77,  passed away while just sitting at his desk. Parker is best known for his Spenser private eye novels – 37 of them. He was a prolific writer who wrote more than 60 books.

 We hope death doesn’t come in threes this time.

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10 Responses to Does Death Come in Threes?

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I've wondered that, too, Cole. Research time!

  2. Cole says:

    Okay so I too as most have, heard that death comes in 3's. But where did this belief or saying come from? Just wondering…

    P.S. Thanks Trish and Rob for following my site, I am so glad to have found yours through Gypsy's. Very interesting stuff here.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I like Mike's blog. On my way there now. Thanks, musing.

  4. musingegret says:

    I knew I'd listened to O'Brien before—had to surf around a bit.

    On 12/16/09 Mike Clelland taped a wonderful conversation with Chris about the book and his experiences in the San Luis Valley. You can listen at Mike's blog.

  5. musingegret says:

    A teeny synchro from yesterday: last night sweetie and I were watching Animal Planet and a show we'd not seen before (about a herpetologist in Sri Lanka collecting deadly snake venom for the production of anti-venins.) When it ended we talked a couple of mins about how he reminded us of Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin's fearlessness and recalled his death by sting ray barb.

    Then I switched channel to Southpark. The show was just starting and the first 10 seconds showed "Steve Irwin" complete with Aussie accent on the kids' TV!!

    We gawked at each other and grinned and winked back to the universe. 😉

    On another note, I would highly recommend the 1/13/10 interview on Binnall of America Audio with Chris O'Brien discussing his book "Stalking the Trickster." At about the 58 min mark he addresses the Trickster-energy or force and synchronicities.


    P.S. I have no affiliation to that site or O'Brien; this is FYI only.

    wv: poggero

  6. Nancy says:

    No more writers, please!

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Or – nonlocality?

    Stacey – see autumn forest's comment. Clusters within the same general industry/business.

  8. Autumnforest says:

    One year, I lost my aunt, cousin, and brother-in-law within 3 days' time. When Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett passed, my wise son came into the room and said, "you know, death comes in 3's." I said, "Who'll be next." He said, "I don't know, I think Billy Mays." Billy Mays passed the next day.

  9. staceyjwarner says:

    There was a woman who stood up against victims of state mental hospitals that died…does that count.

    people die everyday in more than threes…is it broken out by level of fame? LOL! two "b" actors died, will another "b" actor die?

    I'm being very tongue in cheek here…

    much love

  10. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, goodness, i've not heard the news of either! absolutely love both their works – have been following mostly earthquake news of late – yes, hopefully it will end here –

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