The Quake and Global Synchros

On August 23, when we first saw the news about a 5.8 quake in Mineral, Virginia that was felt from Atlanta to Canada, we figured there had to be some synchros involved. Sure enough, the damage in Washington, D.C. was revealing.

The Washington monument, built to commemorate President George Washington, was completed in 1884, and according to Wikipedia, is the world’s  tallest stone structure and tallest obelisk. Its height is a shade over 555 feet-  169.294 meters – and the monument is made of marble, granite, and bluestone gneis.   During the quake, it sustained a four foot crack on the West side near the pyramid top of the monument, which has since been closed to the public until repairs can be made.

Since the monument was built to commemorate George Washington,  the first president of what was then, in 1789 – and is now – a fragile democracy, this damage may reflect the fractured congress that can’t seem to get anything accomplished and which nearly brought the country to its knees during the crisis about raising the debt ceiling.

The other significant damage was to the National Cathedral in Washington. This Episcopal church considers itself to be the “spiritual home of the nation.” Not only were three of its four spires damaged, but the head of an angel fell off. There were other monuments and buildings in D.C. that were damaged, but these two seem to be addressing democracy and spirituality.

On the democracy front, the damage to the Washington Monument may be a warning about what’s going to be happening – or not happening – when Congress returns from their long vacation. Cracks, fractures, closed door negotiations ( monument closed to the public.) Could this be a possible reference to the so-called Super Committee of 12 – 6 Dems, 6 Repubs – who will decide (or not) how the debt issue will be handled?

With the National Cathedral, the possible message becomes even more intriguing. Since the cathedral considers itself the spiritual home of the country, the fallen head of the angel is sort of alarming. Is the U.S. becoming a fallen angel?

The division between church and states has blurred so much that candidates like Texas governor Rick Perry can hold a prayer vigil where most of the seats in the stadium are vacant, and yet he rises by double digits in the polls. Michelle Bachman, a Tea Party favorite, peppers all her speeches with references to God  – God told her to run, God told her this, that, and is whispering in her ear 24/7. The fallen angel may be synchronistically symbolic of where religious divisions and schisms here in the U.S. and worldwide, will take us.

The world in which we’re now living seems to be riddled with clues about where we’re headed – and why. Our interpretations may be wrong. But the beauty of global synchros – of all synchronicities – is that we each have our own interpretations, our own takes on what they mean, and can plan our lives and act accordingly.

Animals at the National Zoo in D.C. apparently knew what was coming. And so did some of the planetary empaths.



This entry was posted in creativity, earthquakes, global synchro, politics, synchronicity. Bookmark the permalink.

23 Responses to The Quake and Global Synchros

  1. Ray G says:

    In addition to Governor Perry using public prayer, as did the Pharisee in the Bible who prayed that he would not be like the lowly sinner, he signed the Tea Party Pledge that most Republican candidates have signed to push for a constitutional amendment to mandate that marriage be between one man and one woman. My hope is that someone as extreme and Perry will win the nomination and be anathema to voters in the general election in November 2012 and be unelectable. It will be so horrible to see the fanatics win Congress again and the presidency and rapidly into a theocracy with the Christian version of Sharia law. Christianity is supposed to be a choice not something to be rammed down the throat of those who choose a different form of Christianity, a different religion or belief system or believe in nothing. I am a Christian, but I fear that I do not meet the belief system of those who think it is their right to force me to believe what they do and act like they do.

    Naomi Klein’s Shock Doctrine sees disasters as a way to force the public into the kind of economic system that caused and continues to cause the meltdown we have seen since 2008. Democracy will be more of a figment of our imaginations than it has been since the days of the robber barons.


    • R and T says:

      Well put, Ray. Watch for my post here tomorrow – another global synchro that ties directly into our political quakmire…or maybe I should say ‘quack-mire.’ R

  2. Darren B says:

    What has me worried,after reading this story
    this morning,is that all signs are pointing to Sept 11,possibly worse this time.
    Whether you believe the last one was a false flag operation,or not,the signs don’t look very good.If these guys had the power the authorities say they had last time,then surely they would hit back if they could this time.But if a corrupt element was planning a f/flag op,then you couldn’t set up better straw men,than supposedly taking out No. 1 and No.2 in the space of a few months and giving them a motive to strike back.
    I’ll be glad to just see the day pass without incident,but I won’t sleep easy until then.

  3. mathaddict3322 says:

    Gypsy I honestly think even the insects are evolving in some way as a response to the energies in the planet shifting and slipping and sliding and erupting and exploding. I was bitten by a spider last week; caused fever and feeling just punk, not a black widow or recluse. The little black house spiders usually run away when frightened, but one gave me quite a painful bite on the cheek. I was sitting near a hanging plant and it fell on me…scared the beejeebies out of me and I smacked at it. (I’m seriously arachnaphobic.) It retaliated and bit, then died. I’ve been hearing similar stories from various folks. Also the snakes here (rattlers and cottonmouths) are much more out in the open than usual, and don’t seen to be scared of humans. This is a “not normal” behavior pattern among wild critters, and there have to be reasons.

    In the news we see almost daily reports of the bears and deer wandering into cities, completely unafraid of humans. What is this all about, I wonder? I know we’re invading and destroying their habitats, which causes them to come out of the woods, but that doesn’t account for their lack of fear of us. Almost makes me feel as if we are the hunted and not the hunters, suddenly. My 70-pound Lab has become terrified of Florida’s palmetto bugs, which don’t bite or sting. She shakes all over whenever she spies one. Funny but pitiful. Like an elephant being afraid of a mouse. Makes me think maybe there’s a kind of a mass consciousness shift among the non-human entities that share our planet. Eye-brow-raising thought, huh. Or, maybe they’re being impacted by the chem-trails and other toxins floating around. Whatever, it’s weird.

  4. mathaddict3322 says:

    Too many changes too fast. I feel as if I’m sitting on the hands of a clock that are spinning forward round and round and I can’t catch up, and that the hands of the clock are just about to go flying off the face of Time. It’s a wickedly disturbing feeling.
    Gyps, I know how you felt at the park. Right now, today, my sis in Troy, MO, told me they’re having very small temblors. She lives directly on the New Madrid fault. Their Maine Coon cat, Cookie, has gone into hiding and refuses to come out. When she came out this morning, sis said she kept pacing back and forth in front of the door that leads to the basement “safe storm room” from their kitchen, and that Cookie hasn’t done this before. Cookie wasn’t allowed to go to the basement storm room, (they have a lot of tornadoes there), so instead, she’s in hiding where they can’t find her. Sis says Cookie never misses a meal, but today isn’t coming out of her hiding place to eat or drink, and she’s not sick. The temblors there have been just stong enough to rattle the windows a bit and send vibrations under their feet. Hardly strong enough to register on the Richter, but nonetheless, there.

    • gypsy says:

      oh, poor cookie! and the other little critters – it’s really been hard here on the little ones – the critters and the kids – alejandro and camryn are old enough that they’ve seen national/international news of earthquakes and hurricanes and their little minds are worried and scared – we have spent a lot of time consoling them – bless their little hearts –

  5. gypsy says:

    yes, a great post today and the other a great post with great tips – acutally, lisa is boiling eggs at this moment – our first aid backpack is hung on the basement door as is a backpack of food items and one of clothes – already power outages south of us – but barely raining here – very quiet and still all day – except for a couple of rolls of thunder several hours ago – just waiting on irene to meander up this way now – but all is well –

    in terms of the earthquake, this is a little note of what was going on with me that day prior to the eq – i had put this over to be sent via email trish but simply have not gotten it done so i’m just pasting it below:

    at noon on that tuesday, i had taken alejandro and camryn to the little park that they like – it’s in a rural area several miles west of the house – we had been out and about for a while already when we got there – anyway, while we were out i kept noticing what looked like contrails in the sky – but there had been no jets overhead that I could hear or see – and remember, we never see overhead planes here really, except the c-5s from dover – anyway, these trail clouds criss-crossed the sky in large Xs – we had been there about an hour and everything seemed fine but i just had this ominous feeling – twice i called the kids over to the car and told them we were leaving – but i didn’t know why i wanted to leave – they fussed to stay and i relented – then the third time, i just knew all i wanted to do was leave – and i mean, leave then! – i called the kids – got them in and hurried home – something just did not feel right – got home and couldn’t get della or peanut cat to go out – they had been inside since morning – della even went so far as to go over and get inside her crate instead of playing and cat disappeared into one of his disappearing places – the kids wanted to watch their shows in the family room so i went on into my room to type the little snippet i’d jotted down at the park – this is the snippet:
    it was a land without time
    a land before time
    a land of shifting time
    shifting lines
    shifting paradigms
    the land in between
    this time and that time
    cast off yesterdays
    had come to stay…

    in less than an hour, the earthquake –

  6. DJan says:

    It does make one wonder what these synchros mean. It makes me extremely uncomfortable. Hope those homeless that mathaddict brought my attention to make it through…

  7. cole says:

    Opps I meant Washington Monument of course.

  8. cole says:

    Those two interpretations of the National Monument and the Founding Father and the Fallen Angel. Chilling, just chilling. As grounded as I say we should all be and not read to deeply into everything, that is a hard one to ignore! I hate to say it, but I too believe something of a big change is in the air. I have been watching coverage of the hurricane off and on today and although it is nature and hurricanes are a part of the cycle, I think about the earthquakes and recent meteor and well….back to my happy thoughts, sometimes I think ignorance is bliss. Much hopes and prayers that this will pass soon for those effected and that they are kept safe. I didn’t tell you guys yesterday Trish and Rob but I thought you had excellent tips for this situation. I am only glad that I have no use for them, at least for now.

    • R and T says:

      We’ve been watching coverage, too. Storm surge is worrisome for NY!

      Glad you have no use for the ‘cane suggestions, cole!

    • gypsy says:

      cole – yes, ignorance being bliss at times, for sure – or as i like to call the place that i live at times – a lot of the times – is the land of de-nile – aka denial – and recently, as an example of how well it works for me, because i as having some particular health symptoms which i kept telling my “expert cardio” dr were related to the geomagnetic activity at the time and i’d had these episodes before and could always relate them to g/a, he said very sarcastically, “jenean, could you just for a few moments come out of your land of denial and into the land of reality long enough for me to do a few tests?” – to which i responded “well, i’m telling you, i’ve lived here a very long time and it works for me – but i’ll let you do your tests just to show you – and i can’t be having a non-believer taking care of me – so you’ve got to up your ante here” – of course, the tests ALL came back perfectly normal – just like the last time – and so now, he has a better understanding of how he needs to proceed with me – but i must say, that he does take my perspective into consideration in terms of health care overall else i would not continue with him – it’s just that this time, the symptoms themselves had really gotten my attention too so “i let him” do his tests! 🙂 sorry – digressed into all this personal stuff –

      • R and T says:

        So, this could be called planetary empath versus traditional medicine! Glad all the tests turned out the way they did. Let’s hope doc is a bit wiser, too.

  9. mathaddict3322 says:

    Under a previous post, the day after the earthquake, I mentioned the damage to the National Cathedral and to the Washington Monument, because I felt these were extremely relevant and synchronistic events in our country and that perhaps Universe was trying to tell us to pay attention. Not only is the Washington Monument so tall, but it represents George Washington, the “Father of Our Nation”. And for Christians, the “Fallen Angel” is of course Lucifer, which would have a different and peculiar representation for them. For those of us whose minds think out of the box, these would seem to be significant messages from Universal Source. Pretty staggering synchronicity. And could it be more timely? Regarding yesterday’s post about hurricane preps, having lived through several hurricanes and many tropical storms on this beach, my heart goes out to the homeless folks in huge towns who have no means of communication beyond watching what is happening in their surroundings.

    How can they evacuate? They have no money for trains or buses or cabs, etc. Many of them live beneath the northern cities in the transit system caverns and tunnels, which the weather experts are predicting will be flooded no matter how the storm may weaken, because the ground there is saturated and can’t handle storm rain. These homeless folks hide from law enforcement and hunker down in their respective hidey-holes, so they don’t hear the cops with their bull-horns calling for evacuations. I can’t pull my thoughts away from these unfortunate people, many of whom are newly homeless due to the economic situation, and have no home, no car, no job anymore. I can’t help but wonder what they’ll be thinking today when all the transit systems come to a sudden standstill at noon, and if they’ll peek their frightened heads above ground. Geez I hope they will. So terribly, terribly sad.

  10. I hadn’t heard about the damage to the Washington Monument or the National Cathedral. Like your interpretations. Must admit I find it uncomfortable when religion comes into politics – especially when associated with one particular religion. But in saying that, from this side of the Atlantic, it often appears that this happens in the US – though maybe not quite so blatantly as with Rick Perry.

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