Reverse Mediumship

 Ancient Mayan Crop Circle

For some time, I’ve wondered if crop circles might be a form of reverse mediumship, or attempts of the deceased to contact us. Now it seems that Dutch medium Robbert van den Broeke might be providing some supportive evidence. Robbert has been predicting the appearance and shapes of new crop circles. His visions come to him at the exact time the crop circles are being formed, he says. In the days before the experiences, he feels a nervous tension building within him. Once the circle is formed, the tension dissipates.

When visiting crop circles, Robbert says he sometimes feels tremendous energy of love being emitted. He says the energy is meant to raise our consciousness.

This article by crop circle researcher Colin Andrews provides more details about Robbert and his experiences. Although Andrews doesn’t directly link the formation of crop circles to a coordinated direction of energy from spirit groups, the implication is there. He does make reference to poltergeist energy as one possible source of the energy creating the circles. It’s definitely a complex scenario with numerous possibilities. – Rob

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8 Responses to Reverse Mediumship

  1. therese says:

    Awesome picture. I love hearing about Robbert's experience with this energy manifesting on our earth.

    The Uri Geller interview was interesting and as I wondered why it didn't happen, I felt it wasn't really about the money but not the right time.

    In 1989, if there was this huge media event of Uri creating a crop circle before cameras, it would have had a huge impact. I know I would have watched it! (Or maybe wouldn't have known about it since I had my 4th daughter in July of 1989.)

    Part of my journey these past years has included a different perception of time, and personal events that can be traced back with connections that spiral through the years of my life.

    As Robbert stated, there is strong loving and compassionate energy with these crop circles. My awareness of them has been sporadic through the years, and now I see that compassionate and loving energy has been part of my whole journey through this life. Which makes sense since my higher self is connected to the whole and I've never given my higher self reason to hit me with anything bigger than a 2×4 piece of lumber upside my head. I usually "get it" then.

    It's not a shame we haven't had news blitzes of crop circles manifested by minds across the airwaves or on Utube. Instead I feel the shift is meant to be more gentle and the majority of humanity will see the art and wonder, then check out the science, (both of which has been accumulating for years) instead of having the bejeebers scared out of them that aliens are here.

    I'm often reminded that this is a global evolution with billions of souls in the mix.

  2. A Cuban In London says:

    I've heard the same about crop circles as Rob has. Not too sure about poltergeist but there's definitely something 'natural' going on there. 🙂

    Greetings from London.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks for the info and links, Nancy. I'll link to your site.

  4. Nancy Talbott says:

    People interested in reading the complete report on the December 2009 Snow formations in Holland can find it on the BLT Research Team's "Robbert v/d Broeke" home page.

    There are also multiple in-depth reports about other crop circles which have formed near Robbert, including 2 eyewitness reports when Robbert and Nancy Talbott (of the BLT Research Team, which has been conducting scientific analysis of crop circle plants and soils for 15 years) observed crop circles forming right in front of them.

    These reports, and others presenting dozens of amazing photos taken by Robbert regularly, are listed at the bottom of Robbert's "home page" on the BLT web-site:

    Nancy Talbott
    BLT Research Team Inc.

  5. Lyn says:

    Well, energy had to do it, right? The question is who's energy, legitimate, or a hoax? Whichever it is, that energy wants to control us, to cause wonder, or instill doubt. "It" also wants to be admired, approved of. Those are the two real reasons that anything is done here on earth..control/ approval…maybe in heaven too! Maybe the Flying Dutchman did it!

  6. Toumai says:

    Only some of the circles can be attributed by hoaxsters with plank and rope. The following site is interesting in that the research on the phsyiology of plants altered in the process of making up the majority of crop circles indicate technology not of our day and age (unless it's secret):

    My big question is not the "who", but the "why". The phenomenon is a show of power which from my perspective, is akin to synchronicity. Think about it, they both consist of highly intricate meaningful patterns that we essentially have no control over.

    With the 'hoaxster' crop circles, people/groups usually come forward to lay claim. Now, the other crop circles that are beyond what are produced by 'hoaxsters' may in like fashion, be attempting to lay claim. I think that synchronicity and crop circles emanate from the same source. I very elaborate introduction– hello, we are powerful,knowledgeable and we will bring about a magnificant change on the landscape of mankind.

    wv: colbag (collect and bag?)
    1st one rejected, so 2nd wv-rhotart (rot art), or in the eytmology sense "roto art"– "turn, fit together/join"

  7. Sansego says:

    I always thought that the crop circles were too perfectly made to have been done in the middle of the night by some pranksters. Its too easy a dismissal. There's a real mystery behind them that should not be so quickly explained away.

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    how absolutely riveting!!! is robbert perhaps forming these circles himself with his won energies i wonder? and the spirit/poltereist theory, incredibly interesting! great great post! can't wait to read all the comments –

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