Parallel selves?

Back in the 1980s, Dick Sutphen published a number of New Age books, many of them about past lives. But in at least one of those books, he wrote about parallel lives, and so did Jane Roberts, author the Seth books from that same era. The idea is that the self is far more complicated than we realize and that not only do we have past and future lives, existing concurrently, but that we also have parallel lives–another person or person existing in this world at this time who is part of the same self or same soul-entity.
With that in mind, it’s interesting to see what Augustine Togonu-Bickersteth, a Nigerian living in London, has sent us regarding the connection between India’s Mahatma Gandhi and Nigeria’s Bola Ige. If you’ve been reading our blog, you might recall other posts by Augustine about synchronistic connections between Nigerian and Western leaders.

“There are unusual connections between India and Nigeria especially as in regard to Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948), Hindu Nationalist and Bola Ige (1930-2001), Yoruba Nationalist.

Gandhi and Ige both studied Law at the University College London.

“Gandhi and Ige were both imprisoned for their struggles on the Democratic front.

“Gandhi and Ige have both been described as having caustic tongues.

“Gandhi was a mystic and Bola Ige was a Rosicrucian.

“Gandhi and Ige were both assassinated in their 70s, Gandhi in New Delhi, the political capital of India, and Bola Ige in Ibadan, the political capital of the Yoruba nation of Nigeria.

“Gandhi’s right-hand man, Pandit Nehru, was twenty years younger than Gandhi. Nehru studied Geology, physics, chemistry, botany and eventually law. Bola Ige had a special assistant, Olu Agunloye, who was

eighteen years younger than Ige and studied geo-physics.

“Ige expressed strong sentiments toward India, Gandhi and Nehru. In his autobiography, Kaduna Boy, he revealed that India was the first country he visited beyond the borders of Nigeria. He also disclosed that he had read virtually everything Gandhi and Nehru ever wrote.

“When Nehru became prime minister in 1947, Ige  “was as happy as if he was an Indian”and when Gandhi was assassinated in 1948 he experienced “three days of excruciating mental agony and moodiness.”

India is the worlds largest democracy and Nigeria the largest democracy in Africa. India and Nigeria both have histories of slavery, colonialism by the British, and ethno-religious conflicts.

In colonial Nigeria, students sang a protest song that read in part: “After India comes Nigeria…”
Can Nigeria, I wonder, recreate the miracles of modern India with its successes in information technology, publishing, mediicine, and academic excellence of some Indian universities?”

Parallel lives are one possible way of explaining these connections between Gandhi and Ige. Another might be that Ige spent a past life or lives in India, possibly with Gandhi. Or maybe it’s just a prime example of how we are all connected.

Just when I thought there might be something to the parallel selves idea, Augustine sent another one comparing George W. Bush and Winston Churchill. No, I refuse to believe that those two are from the some mold. But, for the record, here’s Augustine’s comparison.

“By the Chinese calendar Winston Churchill and George W. Bush were both born in the year of the Dog.
Churchill in 1874, year of the wood Dog and Bush in 1946 year of the Fire Dog,
“Churchill was the British leader during  the second World War and Bush was the American leaders during
the Second Gulf War. Churchill slugged it out with Adolf Hilter, born in the year of the Ox, 1889.
Bush slugged it out with Saddam Hussein, born in the year of the Fire Ox, 1937. Hitler and Hussein were both dictators and they both have been described as megalomaniacs.”
I think Hitler would roll over in grave on that last comparison.  Before his defeat, he controlled most of Europe and took on Russia, a fatal mistake. At the time of the invasion of Iraq, Hussein’s powers had been greatly reduced by years of  Allied patrols of the No Fly Zone.  He was basically the mayor of Baghdad, had no WMDs, and posed virtually no threat to people outside of  Iraq. Except in his mind…and in the minds of George W. Bush & Co.- Rob
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14 Responses to Parallel selves?

  1. Sansego says:

    Vanessa…that is really interesting!!! Where can I find out more?

    In 2001, I started reading Kerouac and was surprised by how many coincidences connect him and I. It was bizarre…kind of like reading myself in those pages.

    About the Bush/Churchill comparison…I heard a phrase that says something like: "history plays out first as tragedy, then as farce." So the Bush/Hussein conflict could be seen as a farce or parody of the Churchill/Hitler historic events.

  2. Vanessa says:

    This reminds me of something I read in a Deepak Chopra book the other day. He was talking about Indian astrology (which I had never even heard of), and he said the way it works is that someone wrote out your life ages ago, and you have to find the text that refers to you (which is a journey in itself, I'm guessing). When you do find it, it provides every detail about your life, down to specific names and dates. Interesting stuff.

    word verif.: waingshu

  3. Natalie says:

    When I was born, the nurses attending, all called me Winston Churchill.Like Winston, I never,ever give up.

    IF I am Winston recycled, then I can tell you now, that George Dubblya(aka Mr Shrub) doesn't do it for me in any way,shape, form or universe! BLERGH!

  4. ~JarieLyn~ says:

    I've always wondered about a paralell self. I imagine I have a twin out there somewhere with the same name living the life that I dream of living. It's an interesting concept but harder to believe than having a past life.

    In regard to Churchill and Bush….It doesn't bother me.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    You got it, Musing. I think they were on vacation in York, Maine. They noticed the couple, but I believe it was Seth who pointed out that the man and woman were their parallel selves, the ones who had not ever explored the Seth material. & they were pretty gloomy, all right! So there must be versions of ourselves who never got to read Seth because Jane and Rob never launched their exploration. Now THAT is a terrifying thought!

  6. musingegret says:

    Refresh my memory MacGregor's! In one of the early Seth books did not Jane and Rob observe a downcast, gloomy couple who would not get up to dance? This was on a little getaway vacation to a place by the shore I think. Did they identify them as parallel selves or did Seth so identify for them? I'm often intrigued by Toumai's comments about the parallel/underworld of the unconscious. I love the thought-seeds strewn about by all of us readers!

    wv: plites (plights?? polites? pilates??) LOL

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    what a sweet poignant comment, rob – in the truest sense!

    of other parallel selves, yes, what an incredible thing to meet one's other! or, other[s]!

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Trish forgets that she did meet a parallel self 29 years ago. After the encounter, she went home and told her roommate, "I just met the man I'm going to marry."

    And she did….R

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Bush and Churchill? Nope. Sorry.

  10. Nancy says:

    This is all so interesting, but not easy to wrap my mind around. I don't see Churchill and Bush sharing the same of anything.

  11. Marlene says:

    I wonder if anyone has met their other half living in the same time frame?? I wonder if you did would their be a recognition …I would guess it would be closer than a kindred soul…I also have been facinated with this subject..and time travel since I was young..Jane Roberts Seth described time as happening simultaniously past/present/future..interesting concept…

  12. d page says:

    The idea of parallel selves has always fascinated me, even when I was a youth. In Tibetan Buddhism, they have a belief that incarnations of the same being (that are aspects of each other)who live in the same time frame.

  13. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    it's always so intriguing to read augustine's findings – amazing stories – and this one no less so – however – however, on the churchill/bush thing, i have to double ditto rob's remarks –

  14. Lyn says:

    Further research will tie us all together even more..we needn't get upset if someone shows up linked to us that we don't much care for..we're not angels and God laughs!
    We've used the same word in our Title today..I on my blog Minny Blue, and you here..nice coincidence!!

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