Betty Hill, UFOs, Abductions

In all fairness, this story doesn’t entail a specific synchronicity. It’s a kind of part 2 to an earlier post on MIBs. That said, I think the value in such stories lies in adding a personal observation to the vast and complicated knowledge and speculation in the UFO field.
First: some background. This map is a depiction based on what Betty Hill drew about the origin of the ETs who abducted her and her husband, Barney.

On September 19, 1961, Betty and Barney Hill were on their way home from a vacation in Canada. Betty, a 41-year-old child welfare worker, and Barney, 39, a postal worker, were traveling along Route 3 through the White Mountains of New Hampshire to Portsmouth, where they lived. During the drive, they both observed a white light light in the sky. Betty thought it might be a communication satellite and urged Barney to stop for a closer look and so they could walk their dog. Barney was apparently concerned about bears  and removed a gun he kept in the trunk of the car.

Now, from Wikipedia: ” Approximately one mile south of Indian Head, they said, a huge craft rapidly descended toward the Hills’ vehicle. The craft descended to approximately 80–100 feet above the Hills’ 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air and filled the entire field of the windshield. Barney, carrying his pistol, stepped away from the vehicle and moved closer to the object.  Using the binoculars, Barney claimed to have seen about 8 to 11 humanoid figures who were peering out of the craft’s windows, seeming to look at him. “The one remaining figure continued to look at Barney and communicated a message to him to “stay where you are and keep looking.

“At that instant red lights on what appeared to be bat-wing fins began to telescope out of the sides of the craft and a long structure descended from the bottom. of it.The silent craft approached to what Barney estimated was within 50–80 feet overhead and 50–100 feet away from him.”

The rest is UFO history. The Hills claimed they were abducted, subjected to terrible physical tests,  and you’ll find the torrid details all over the internet. The wikipedia article or John G. Fuller’s book, The Interrupted Journey, are good places to start. Now let’s fast-forward to the mid-1980s, when we were covering a UFO conference in Hollywood, Florida, for OMNI Magazine.

Budd Hopkins and Betty were the guest speakers that weekend. My (Trish) first impression of her was of a warm, funny woman with a lot of nervous tics in  hand gestures, facial expressions, stacatto laughter, and her chain smoking. Although Rob and I had read Fuller’s book – and whatever else was available in those days on UFOs – neither of us was convinced of her story. Yet, seeing Betty in person, talking to her, it was obvious she experienced something so traumatic and powerful that it had impacted her entire life, her perceptual view of reality.

She was traveling with a close friend, a nurse, as it turned out, and somehow we all ended up at our townhouse in Fort Lauderdale one evening. I remember feeling  embarrassed that our place  was so cluttered – books everywhere, dust bunnies under the kitchen chairs, dishes in the sink. But Betty didn’t see any of it. Her eyes were on the sky visible through the windows, on her story about what happened that night so many years ago.

We had a couple of beers around the kitchen table as she related the events of that night in 1961. I recall that at one point we all walked outside at one point and Betty pointed at some lights in the sky that I knew were planes. But she said,  “There. It’s them.They can disguise themselves.”

At that point, I understood why she was so hyper, and why a a nurse was traveling with her.  Something so horrifying had happened to her and Barney that even now, decades later, it affected her psychologically, emotionally,spiritually. And suddenly, after listening to her story  for hours, I believed her. Out there on Route 3, in 1961, Betty and Barney were taken.

These days, we would classify her “condition” as post traumatic stress syndrome. But sitting there in our kitchen, standing outside with her, listening to her, feeling what she felt, I became a believer. The big question, is what, exactly, did I believe?

Yes, something happened to Betty and Barney. But was it due to ETs from Zeta Reticuli?  Was it due to implanted memories from the U.S. government? Did the government have that sort of mind control technology back then? Were these beings from our own future?

Years later Rob and I still talk about that weekend, wondering  what it was really about. We still don’t have a satisfying answer. Jung theorized that UFOs are manifestations of the collective unconscious, a thrust toward integration of the self, symbols of wholeness, like mandalas.But what about abductions? In centuries past, before the appearance of UFOs, there were reports of abductions by fairies and other mythical creatures. In the early 20th century, on an island off the coast of Chile, called Chiloe, a ghost ship, called the Caleuche reportedly anchored on a number of occasions, and men dressed in black came ashore and abducted villagers.

Betty and Barney Hill experienced something. But what? Maybe that’s one of the conundrums of our journey toward wholeness.

Betty in 2004, the year she passed on

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24 Responses to Betty Hill, UFOs, Abductions

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Not sure what you're referring to here, Angel.

  2. Vicki D. says:

    d page ~
    Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge on the subject.
    I will have to check out those authors.
    I already have several of John Mack's books.

  3. d page says:

    Vicki D,

    The relationship between Shamans and the "spirits" (this could be any number of otherworldly beings)is very complicated. It often involves immense suffering on behalf of the Shaman. Some spirits are easier for a human to interact with than others.(Similarly, some energies are light and pleasant, and others are heavy and dark.) Though it may be a student-teacher relationship in some cases, there are other kinds of arrangements: spirit marriages, karmic relationships where a human may owe something to the otherworldly being, etc. See the writings of M.Eliade, or Roger Walsh for more on these arrangements. I believe Harvard psychiatrist John Mack noticed that the abduction phenomena may have shamanic parallels.

  4. Vicki D. says:

    Fascinating story and you got to meet them.
    Their story has always interested me.

    D – That is a very interesting, are you saying that possibly shamans are being taught by aliens/spirits?
    Interesting theory.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    D – great theory about the parallels in the life of a shaman. Certainly food for thought.

    Gypsy – understood you perfectly!

  6. d page says:

    Thanks for sharing your story of spending time with Betty. After the traumatic event, her whole life was full of paranormal phenomena. It never stopped. She was very gracious and available to most researchers, wanting to help others understand.
    I've often wondered if the abduction phenomena is akin to the patterns of the life of the shaman. The spirits "call" and "brand" humans (even children) to mediate between dimensions, realms,and worlds.

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    gee, i re-read my comment above and wanted to be sure that what i said came out as i intended – i am totally agreeing with your comment about a bi-racial couple not drawing attention to themselves with an abduction story were it not true – just in case, the words i chose are not the best choice! thanks!

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    trish, i am SO glad you mentioned betty's eyes because i sat and looked at them spellbound – just LOOK at them, into them – they speak!!! even now! yes, it would be so intriguing to hear jung's take on things now – i was just wondering, above, if you had any take on how his view might be consolidated with the events in years past, in light of it all – perhaps he will send us a message somehow – i've no doubt that he listens in every once in a while when his name abounds so – and your comment about the hills and the 60's and a bi-racial couple drawing attention to themselves in such a way, PLEASE! it would never have happened! i followed the hill story throughout the years and never lost interest in it –

    can't wait for tomorrow's post!!!

    oh, and wv=cortess=cortes hmmmm….

  9. Natalie says:

    I am with Therese with bells on!

    You go girl……and take me with you!

  10. therese says:

    Thanks for sharing. It's awesome that you met Betty 20+ years later and meeting her in person created a shift of acceptance/belief, even if there are still questions about what that belief may be.

    I look at this story through the filter of history:
    1. bi-racial couple in NH.
    2. Betty knew about and wanted to observe this "communication satellite."
    3. Barney was equipped with both binoculars and a firearm.

    These three points are strong indicators that Betty and Barney Hill were intelligent, informed and courageous. They also had a personal and shared understanding of love, because just being a married couple at that time was probably a huge challenge!

    Jung may have theorized about UFO's and alien encounters as manifestations of the collective unconscious, but I wonder which level of the CU he considered as being where these manifestations originated. Each level had an exponentially increased connection to universal energies.

    I like to think this story of Betty and Barney Hill, which created a flurry of fear against being abducted for experiments on humans by aliens, was a significant step in the evolution of humanity. As a species, we are curious, and malleable. But if we didn't understand how we could be burned by fire, we may all walk into a bonfire.

    In my opinion, Betty and Barney walked into the fire so the rest of us can "just say no" to being labrats from alien encounters that don't promote our highest good as evolving humans. It's also important for humans to realize there are energies in the universe that are not benevolently aligned with the need for humanity and mother earth to evolve.

    I think Betty and Barney faced what they faced, as they stated it. Since they shared their story, I know I don't want to face the same. But if I did I would now have the courage to say, "no @#$% way. take me home and leave me alone." I believe there are laws of the universe that I don't understand – that would make my word law.

    I am woman. I don't tolerate sexual harassment at work or any abuse in my home. I'm certainly not going to tolerate it from aliens, no matter what star system they are from. Since my power is recognized on earth, so above it will be honored.

    Now how fun is that concept?

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We do still have that article and are trying to figure out how to get it into pdf format. We'll be posting the first of two stories about the caleuche on March 3.

  12. Marlene says:

    facinating story! thank you for sharing this, and your belief in her story.. I googled the story and seems alot of people wanted discredit it, I believe other life forms are there.. the idea of them testing us and watching gives em the creeps to no end..Do you still have that article you wrote about those issues in the island off Chile?? woudl love to read that..

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Look at Betty's eyes in that photo of her before she died. Those aren't the eyes of a liar. Besides, liars usually have motives. Back in 1961, before blacks even have the right to vote, why would a bi-racial couple draw attention to themselves by lying about an abduction experience?

  14. Natalie says:

    I read this last night. I thought about it all night, and now I am inclined to believe that The Hills were not lying.
    Why would they?
    We would be extremely arrogant to think that we are the only beings out there.
    I hadn't thought much about it previously, as i was afraid to….but face to face with Wikipedia, has me more than convinced.

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gypsy – really good question. Too bad Jung isn't around to answer it! When he was writing about UFOs, the field wasn't as complex and layered as it is now. It would be interesting to know how he would respond to the waves of sightings these days. And to abductions.

  16. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, great honeymoon story, too! aside from the obvious, how exciting to be there and able to see in person and to research etc – do you still have a copy of the article you did for FATE?

  17. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i have no difficulty believing in the hill story of abduction – or in ufos as real entities from another place – or in governmental cover-ups [not just with ufos, but many things, ie the philadelphia experiment to name but one thing] – my own personal experiences allow me no other option – in terms of ufos, they have been seen across the world by people from every station in life, including astronauts – if they are products of our own government, does that mean, then, that ALL of the sightings around the globe are products of ours, or are all these other nations also producing ufo-like things as we allegedly are? – in any event, we've all heard the varying possibilities, but for me, the bottom line is that i have no difficulty believing the hills' story or similar ones – and the thing about the boys in black – well, all i know is, again, based upon my own personal experience – and it wasn't a pretty one –

    oh, trish, i'm wondering, and i'm very distracted at the moment, so please forgive if i am missing something but, when you mention that according to jung, "UFOs are manifestations of the collective unconscious, a thrust toward integration of the self, symbols of wholeness, like mandalas", if, for example, a six year old child first sights a "ufo" and points it out to an adult who is turned physically in another direction, what is jung's explanation of what the child sees? again, i'm sorry if my fatigue is impacting on what i'm trying to ask –

    fantastic post here – great dialogue – and how exciting that you all met betty hill! well, and then, the MIBs to boot!


  18. Jeninacide says:

    I can relate to Betty and her PTSD. I don't think I have been abducted or anything, but because of my experience with things I would call "supernatural" I have definitely developed certain behaviors as a way of dealing with these experiences. It's funny that I was thinking about it just this morning that I cannot sleep with my back facing outwards while lying in bed. I must either lay on my back or facing outwards so that I can see around the room. So odd how these habits develop.

    Anyway, I am constantly changing my stance between avid believer and skeptic of some abduction stories, but hearing your perspective on Betty and Barney's case reminds me again that it could just as easily be true as not.

  19. Vanessa says:

    This is a great story, but the most intriguing detail (for me) was when the mysterious being communicated a message to Barney… and he understood it! Obviously, if those beings could build and navigate a craft light years through the Universe, they could communicate via thought, but it amazes me that Barney understood the message. Maybe we're not so different after all?

  20. Nancy says:

    After my experience while pregnant, I have no doubt something is going on. What it is, I have no idea. But we are being tracked in some way. I do believe Betty White had an experience. What exactly happened only Betty and her husband understood. But after telling my story over and over, I can tell you – it sounds crazy. I'm convinced many just keep it to themselves.

  21. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    When Trish and I were married, her father gave us a honeymoon trip of our choice.

    What did we do? We flew to Santiago, Chile, took a train to the south, boarded a boat and went to the island Chiloe where we looked into the island's mythology, including the Caleuche, mermaids and mermen, and a type of sorcerer, called the brujo chilote.

    After we returned, we wrote an article that appeared as the cover story in FATE Magazine.

  22. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Great to read that you had personal contact with her and also interesting as to how your opinions toward her changed.

  23. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Jeff – intriguing theory, about ETs taking on the appearance of government agents.

  24. Jeff says:

    It is interesting how you can sometimes find similarities between the modern UFO/ET/MIB phenomena and historical legends and mythologies.

    As far as government coverups go, we know the government have developed Top Secret aircraft in the past and carried out Top Secret covert operations, so sometimes I wonder how much the government may be involved with the UFO phenomena. It seems that they may be involved to a certain degree (whether intentionally or not, I don't know), but just how involved they are is the question. Sometimes I wonder if it's almost as big a mystery to the government as it to us. If abductions by mythical creatures is an ancient way of describing an ET abduction, then that is evidence that this has been going on a long time. Sometimes it seems that these alleged mysterious beings adapt to cultural expectations, such as the ghost ship story you mentioned from Chile. With that in mind, sometimes I wonder if the government has little involvement with the UFO phenomena, but maybe the ETs (or whatever they are) want people to think they are part of the government so they take on the appearance of government agents.

    It's certainly a mystery thought isn't it?

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