
This synchronicity comes from Mike Perry, whose blog on synchronicity always has terrific stories and great insights. When I first read the story on his blog, I thought, Wow, a doppelganger!

A doppelganger is usually defined as the ghostly double of a living person, perhaps due to bilocation, and is often referred to as “evil.” In  Mike’s story, there’s nothing ghostly or evil about his doubles!

I’m not sure if this comes under the category of coincidences and synchronicity but it’s something that has worked to my advantage.

Sometimes I get mistaken for someone else, usually with the same surname. A couple of examples:

My wife and I were on a holiday / vacation in Wales and I thought we deserved a meal in a good restaurant. I phoned to make a reservation and whoever I spoke to was extremely polite, almost over the top and I booked a table for 8.30pm.

We got to the restaurant at about 8.15pm, we walked in, I said I was Mr.Perry and had a reservation.

“Ah Mr. Perry,” was the reply or words to that effect, “Lovely to see you again. How was South Africa?”
I was a little unsure what to say but, to my wife’s embarrassment, I just went along with it. Who was I to argue? “Fine thanks.” Needless to say I hadn’t been to South Africa.

The meal was superb, we had one of the best tables and the service was first class. We almost felt like royalty.

The second instance was again when we were on holiday / vacation. This time in the USA. We were travelling through Phoenix and had booked an hotel for two nights in advance.

I walked over to reception and the person behind the desk said, “Mr. Perry, how nice to see you again. We have given you the same room.”

I had never been to Phoenix previously (I live in England) or, for that matter, the part of Wales where the restaurant I mentioned was situated.

What does this mean? To be honest I don’t really know, but there have been quite a few similar instances. All I can say is that mostly when it happens it’s to my advantage, as I get well looked after.

Anyone else had this sort of thing happen?

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18 Responses to Doppelgängers

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hi Jim, I remember hearing that story about Lincoln's Doppelganger when I was a kid, probably the first time I heard that term. Thanks for the reminder! R

  2. JBanholzer says:

    Besides dreaming into the future, Lincoln is said to have witnessed his Doppelganger in the mirror.

  3. Natalie says:

    Yeah, thanks! Apparently her name is Tracy, and I would really love to meet her. She works in the children's hospital, and I have been there twice over the years, to no avail…………. YET!

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I like how someone wants their surname to now be Perry!

    Jim – checked out the link. Great story!

  5. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Many thanks for publishing my story – and what great comments!

  6. Shadow says:

    sadly no, but i'm changing my surname to perry!!!!

  7. therese says:

    I'm like Gypsy, though never mistaken for anyone famous. I've had many encounters over the years and across states where I hear, "Are you sure?" when I say I am not who they think I am. I guess they think I'm suffering from amnesia.

    The most memorable was a couple in a New Jersey drug store who were adamant that I was this other person and argued with me for a few minutes. 🙂

    I always walk away from these encounters with the same question in my mind, I wonder how those others feel about their hair…

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    This is a good one, Nat!

  9. Natalie says:

    I keep getting asked by medical personel, if i am a nurse?

    One day while at the school, a lady kept staring at me intently. She came up to me, and said that she couldn't believe that I wasn't her daughter.Apparently, we are exactly alike, she even walks like me! The lady said, that the only way she knew I wasn't her daughter, was that she had just spoken to her daughter at work……………………

    at the hospital!

  10. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    great great stories! each one! i've had a number of instances of someone asking me if my name is suchandsuch and when i say no, they have asked "are you sure?"! – and this was in different places/cities –
    in the mid 60's, many many times i would be stopped on the street and asked for my autograph – and the same thing in restaurants with tables, etc – and in women's shops, can't even tell you! – anyway, seems some mistook me for liz taylor – oh, the stories i could tell! 🙂

    neat post and great dialogue, macgregors!

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Kroaky – we'll check out project camelot. Palisade – that's one of the strangest doppelganger stories yet!

  12. Palisade says:

    I seem to have a doppelganger who enjoys stealing books. I walked into a bookstore several years ago and a store employee suddenly sprinted up to me and stood right in front of me for about eight seconds before saying anything. I guess he thought I would run away? When he finally spoke, he inquired whether I had ever been to that store before, and so I politely acknowledged that I had. Next he scurried away himself and did some kind of “code red” alert as I watched him, befuddled. Afterwards, I was followed from isle-to-isle by the store manager until I finished shopping.

    A lesser version of the same event happened at a nearby bookstore. An excited employee pointed at me and said “That’s the guy. Security had to chase him out of here a week ago.” It gave me a brief taste of what some ethnic minorities go through on a semi-regular basis. Luckily, it only happened to me those two times though. Hopefully, that means my doppelganger has changed his terrible ways?

  13. Kroaky says:

    Maybe he is a sleeper soldier, there are a few reports on project camelot of this.

  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    New Soul – and Vicki – great stories.Thanks for posting!

  15. Vicki D. says:

    Wow, fascinating story.
    The closest I've come to that is I am told I look a lot like Terri Garr (the actress) and if she is in the area at book signings or on TV I get a lot of looks or even asked if I am her.
    I was in church one day and several people kept turning around and looking at me and after the service they came up to me and asked if I was her.
    What is funny is after I tell them I am not her the people will hold doors open for me or once I got a better table at a restaurant.

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I just read a novel called Coincidence, by David Ambrose, that is about a doppelganger. George comes across photos of himself with people he's never met, taken at unfamiliar places.

    He tracks him down as his doppelganger does the same. Unfortunately, for George his doppelganger turns out to be an 'evil twin,' separated at birth. The twin snuffs George and takes over his life.

    I didn't finish the novel because after George died there wasn't any sympathetic characters left in the story. I thought, why do I want to read about these idiots? They don't interest me.

    Ambrose has done better, as in his novel, The Man Who Turned into Himself. – R

  17. A New Soul says:

    I have a doppelganger! I went to high school in Germany but for the summers I would come back to the U.S. to live in Cleveland with my aunt and uncle. One summer I found that everywhere I went, people mistook me for a girl named Sue Walker. Now part of the reason for the confusion was that I was hanging out with people who went to the same high school, but it was at least 7 times that I was mistaken for her. Most of the time when someone says that you look like someone, you don't see it yourself, but in this case I did. I picked her face out of a class picture of 300+! I would have thought the picture was of me, had I not known otherwise. I heard that she worked at a local coffee shop and I went there to try to see her, but alas, I never did get to see her in person. Every now and then on the internet I try to track her down but so far I have been unsuccessful.

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