Category Archives: doppelgangers

A Disturbing Doppelganger

This image comes from a Stephen King book/movie. I love King’s work, but this book – It – freaked me out and I couldn’t finish it. Maybe it’s the clown weirdness. Maybe it’s something else. At any rate, I was … Continue reading

Posted in abductions, doppelgangers, UFOs | 18 Comments

Another Doppelganger

Some people seem to have a knack for experiencing  certain kinds of synchronicities – clusters of names or numbers, for instance. Or hearing a tune on the radio or a voice on TV saying something that answers a question or … Continue reading

Posted in doppelgangers, parallel selves, travel | 9 Comments


This synchronicity comes from Mike Perry, whose blog on synchronicity always has terrific stories and great insights. When I first read the story on his blog, I thought, Wow, a doppelganger! A doppelganger is usually defined as the ghostly double … Continue reading

Posted in doppelgangers, travel | 18 Comments