Super New Moon in Libra

Apollo 11

Tomorrow, September 27, there will be a new moon in Libra. It will also be a super moon, a new or full moon that coincides with a close approach of the moon to the earth.  New moons are about new beginnings, new chapters opening in our lives.  But thanks to challenging angles from Uranus and Pluto, these new opportunities come at you out of the blue and may be jarring.

Before you read any farther, you may want to go here to find out where Libra is in your natal chart. You’ll need your date, time, and place of birth.  Once you locate where Libra is in your chart, check here to find out what that particular house rules. That’s where the opportunities as well as the challenge will appear. The symbol for Libra:

Let’s say you have Libra on the cusp of your second house of finances. That would mean new money opportunities, but also some sort of angst or tension surrounding finances on that day because of these challenging angles from Pluto and Uranus.

In my own chart, for example, Libra rules my twelfth house. This house rules all that is hidden, the personal unconscious, power you’ve disowned, institutions, dreams. So, with five planets crowded into my twelfth house that day, my personal unconscious is going to be rockin’  and rollin’.  But in terms of opportunities,  I may have a super powerful dream that illuminates a concern I have. I might make new friends, network in a new way,  or have a chance to work behind the scenes, doing something I enjoy. Balance will be key.

At the time of this new moon – 7:09:35 AM EDT, there will be five planets in Libra – the sun and moon, of course, at 4 degrees Libra, Mercury (conscious mind), Venus (love, romance) and Saturn ( structures, karma, discipline). Libra is a cardinal air sign. Libra individuals are perpetually seeking balance and will often bend over backward to find that balance.  So those traits are going to be really apparent in everyone. The challenge is the Uranus opposition to the sun, moon, and Mercury, and an exact and challenging angle (a square) from Pluto. Either one of these challenging angles can make for trouble; both of them could prove to be unpleasant.

Energy will abound on the 27th, thanks to  a strong, positive angle from Mars in Leo, a fire sign that ‘s compatible with Libra. Mars symbolizes, physical stamina, aggression, sexuality.  So, the bottom line here? Buckle up. It could be a very wild ride!

On a global level, this super moon could be a harbinger of earthquakes or other natural disasters. Last’s year February 28 super moon coincided with three events: the February 27,  8.8 earthquake in Chile, the Pacific tsunami warning triggered by that quake, and the February 24 “snow hurricane” in the northeast. Scientists says there’s no connection between super moons and quakes or any other disasters. Here’s an article about that published a day before the super moon on March 19, 2011, and a week after the 9.0 quake in Japan.

Here’s another article where the author  – “weather guy” – isn’t a supporter of the super moon theory. But by the end of this post, he has found some other “coincidences” where disasters coincided with super moons.

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19 Responses to Super New Moon in Libra

  1. Jen says:

    I can attest to having had a pretty wild week. Dreams have been crazy. I have Libra in my 6th, 8th and 11th houses and let me just say that I feel like there is some kind of revolution about to occur!!

  2. Victoria DeLaurentis says:

    Libra is in my 4th house. Issues with family or mother? Trying to find balance? I am reading this correctly?
    Thanks, as always an interesting post.

  3. New Moon in my 3rd house, conjunct my node on the 28th, crosses my nadir to activate my moon-Neptune conjunction on the 29th. It will be a wild week. 😀

  4. Natalie says:

    Birthday girl? is it good? huh,Huh. Is it good? 😀

  5. Nancy says:

    Unfortunately I can’t figure out where Libra is on my natal chart, but I can attest that it is starting out to be one wild ride!! Wow, the last 24 hours have been really strange.

  6. Thanks for the links – super! Always enjoy your posts on this subject.

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