Faster than the Speed of Light

If faster than light travel is possible, as the recorded speed of a nutrino apparently proved recently, then time travel is possible…at least for nutrinos. But maybe, just maybe – if you know the ins and outs of the time travel – books can be published before they are written.

That’s what I thought when I noticed that a book, Finite Theory of the Universe, Dark Matter Disproof and Faster-Than-Light Speed, was published one week before the results of the faster-than-light experiment at CERN was made known.

The book, which appears to be very mathematical in nature (not for popular consumption) deals with both artificial faster-than-light motion and natural faster-than-light galactic expansion….and other matters.

So imagine that the author is just now planning to write the book, as a result of the recent experiment,  but he can save a lot of time and effort by simply reading his completed text because the book moved back in time and was available September 16.  Now that would make life a lot easier for writers.

Then again, maybe the publication of the book so close to the release of the experimental data was just a synchronicity. Hmm, that makes synchronicity sound like the reasonable option.


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4 Responses to Faster than the Speed of Light

  1. So the first post went out lightning fast… 😀

  2. gypsy says:

    fascinating subject – and story – i’m going with mike on 2012!

    gee, being away a day or two is just not my cup of tea, either! i’m missing all the good stuff! 😉

  3. D Page says:

    This discovery is great food for the imagination!

  4. R and T says:

    Oops, we had the wrong version of the post up. The earlier one ended in mid-sentence. Here are some comments that were deleted when we put the right one up.

    From LifeintheSecondHalf

    Maybe now the scientific community can move into the 21st century.

    From Mike Perry
    Guess so, but we’re not always aware of them.

    From R&T
    Synchro! Maybe you’re right about 2012. Wouldn’t that be great?

    From Mike Perry
    Just written a post in advance – for when I’m away on holiday – that is about travelling faster than the speed of light. If this turns out to be possible then so much else is also possible – and there will be a new way of looking at everything. Now maybe that is what 2012 is all about!

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