Does Something Wicked This Way Come?

Painting by Emil Nolde

 (Thanks to Gypsy for the lead on this cool artist!)

Precognition is one of the most intriguing aspects of psychic phenomena and of synchronicity.  In a nutshell, precognition is knowledge of an event before it occurs.

This knowledge can come in any shape or form – through hunches, visions, an inner certainty, during meditation or any other altered state of consciousness. Many of us have experienced precognition, often when our lives are in transition.

A common venue for precognition seems to be in dreams. In this story, two women who don’t know each other – but who know us – sent us notes on dreams they had that share uncanny similarities.

On 2/2/10-2/5/10, Gypsy Woman had a series of dreams  in which she was definitely an observer, watching a raging, “ravaging, muddy body of water,” where fully clothed bodies are being swept away. “The river is so muddy, red brown, and there are men in white shirts, one to my left with jet black hair, and other men are standing by helplessly. They seem to be East Indian, the  men in short-sleeved white shirts, the women in what look like saris. It’s pretty vivid.”

This morning – 3/6/10 – we received an email from Connie Cannon. You’ll notice the similarities to Gypsy’s dream:

“I was an “observer” in this dream, standing on the bank of a raging, muddy, furiously flooding river, and saw actor Matt Damon’s face go floating by in the water.  His best friend Ben Afflect was in the dream somewhere, as were other famous people.  In the background, the hymn AMAZING GRACE kept playing over and over. When I woke up, it felt more universal than personal.”

Connie is a numerologist and  always begins her dream interpretations with numbers. So she started with a breakdown of Matt Damon’s name.  “Matt Damon is 9-11.  Which indicates either emergency or could mean the day of the disaster 9-11-2001.  His whole name number is 38, which could mean the date March (3) 8, which is today. His initials are M D, which could of course mean medical emergency and may be a personal rather than a universal message.

“However, in reading his bio, I discovered that Matt Damon’s uncle swam the English Channel on 8-29-2004, at age 70, to raise money for children in Haiti, and that Matt and Ben are both involved in Haiti relief efforts now.  This raises the question if something massive will be hitting Haiti again in the near future, or something of that magnitude will be hitting somewhere else in the near future.  Damon’s wife is from Argentina.”

Connie continues, in  the language of numerology, where I’m not very conversant. But you’ll get the general idea. “Haiti, btw, is an 11.  For the record, earthquake is a vertical 26 and a horizontal 44….what else would it be????  Also, just for the record, Matt Damon’s BD is a 26 when added single number-by-number, but is a 44 when added correctly…using the month as its whole number rather than reducing it.  And as stated earlier, Damon’s NN vertically is 38, but his horizontal (vowels + consonants) is a 29, and Haiti is a 29/11 both vertically and horizontally.”
At this point in Connie’s email, I’m recognizing  parallels to Gypsy’s email from a month ago. So I forwarded Connie’s email to Gypsy. She wrote back:

“Cold shivers! Incredible! This person was also the observer on the bank in the dream and uses some of the same words “raging, muddy – face floating” – and the South American/Haiti thing – the people I saw were darker skinned with black hair and wore clothing different than ours, the women in longer clothing, I think I said like saris. Also, my dream had no personal connection to me. Like your friend, it seemed more universal – not personal.”
In a subsequent email, Connie continued: “Based on this and other synchronicities within the context of my dream and my past experiences with such precognitive dreams, I would venture a guess that something pretty
wild is brewing.  It may be Monday, 3-8.  But that isn’t necessarily the correct interpretation.  More likely it’s a catastrophe along the lines of 9-11 and the Haiti quake.  World changing event, whether natural or man-made.  I’m getting a lot of 3s, and we know the planet shifted three degrees on its axis (with the Haitian quake) but it shifted seven degrees on its axis in the 2004 quake and tsunami.  Not sure what is being indicated by the 3s, but they are non-stop for several weeks, both waking and sleeping messages. I’d say, again, something massively life-altering is brewing. Probably imminent or I wouldn’t get the “emergency” number, which for me in my dreams is always predicted by 9-11. Duh!”

So we’ll see. Anyone else have any foreboding dreams that fit this general description?

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24 Responses to Does Something Wicked This Way Come?

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    geeezeee…weird that vanessa mentioned 3's – the past two weeks, i've had double and triple 1's and 3s EVERYWHERE! – so common i hadn't even thought about it –

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Vanessa – I would think 3s are good!

  3. Vanessa says:

    After I read this blog post yesterday I started seeing 3s everywhere… Yikes!

  4. Natalie says:

    Yes. 🙂

    wv esseq

  5. therese says:

    Amazing Grace is one of the few I also sing regularly. Especially the "when we've been there 10,000 years, bright shining as the sun, we'll have no less days; to sing God's praise…"

  6. Natalie says:

    I sing Amazing Grace regularly to myself, I love it.
    This was a fascinating post….wow.

    To Jen: I also had a nightmare,and a vision so scary i screamed out, and my Hub saved me. Phew! This was last week also.

    wv – natirm

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    can't remember the last time I heard it. Good point!

  8. Nancy says:

    Interesting about Amazing Grace. We were driving the other day (3/4/10) when it came up as a shuffle selection on my I-Pod. I listened to it three times and made my husband listen to it with my headphones once. How often do you listen to Amazing Grace???

  9. therese says:

    I think both, symbolic and physical, though I doubt Matt Damon and Ben Affleck will be victims. But their inclusion also made me think of the movie "Dogma". (1999) 🙂

    I do assume there will be some physical event that will mirror these visions, in the near future, but it is a big globe and both Gypsy and Connie felt it was not personal. I also assume the physical events will include spiritual/energetic shifts for many individuals.

    I'm also fascinated at the axis shifts recorded; 7 degrees from 2004, 3 degrees from Haiti. I wonder if there was a small shift from 9/11/01 and if these shifts are correcting Mother Earth's polarity balance.

    But, because associating Connie's vision specifically to the movie "Dogma", I'm not concerned and am reminded to look at world events from a different perspective.

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Jen – I missed your comment before. Any other details? Nancy – maybe it's not california!

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    So therese, you're seeing it symbolically, spiritually, but not as an actual physical disaster?

    Aleksander, I agree. Information, instantaneous.

  12. therese says:

    Both of these dream-visions had me picturing the Death card in The Tarot, with faces of kings and commoners floating in a churning river and destruction all around, representing the death of ego for the journey into the spiritual. The old mess needs to be swept away for the new energy to come in.

  13. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    So, I'll update my comment about Aurora Borealis (there is still a comment related to mine). It was intentionally mysterious about the symbolic meaning of light and where Aurora Borealis appears (the hidden meaning of that comment looked more obvious in those post-Copenhagen days). That event was very similar to this one (Gypsywoman included). I am certain that the only way to shift us from a disaster is through the World Wide Web and networking.

  14. Nancy says:

    Great. I'm right on the California coast…

  15. Jeninacide says:

    The last week I have been more or less bracing for something big to happen. All in the same night I had horrible nightmares as did my sister, husband, son, best friend, and her boyfriend. I think something major is reaching us on a micro-vibrational level. I don't know if it is an after-effect of what has already happened, or if it is of something to come. I have been restless and anxious for no apparent reason, so I usually equate that with something going on in the ether..

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Yeah, I just went looking for it. Don't know how that happened, since we didn't delete! Weird.

  17. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    That comment about Aurora Borealis has disappeared. Oh, well.

  18. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Maybe the next 2 decades will be remembered as the shift to a new paradigm. A better paradigm.

  19. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    Considering the dream combined with the lyrics of Amazing Grace (thank you, Google), it looks like a dream about something bigger in both spatial and temporal dimensions. I guess Jung would interpret it as Ego (Matt Damon as a man belonging to an ego-centric profession who actually cares) drowned in the collective unconscious just enough to breathe and eventually transform. This century (actually, the next two decades) will be in the future remembered as either something great or something terrible (peak oil, global warming, economy, politics). What was the name of the river, Gypsywoman? Ganges? This comment is a total disaster, but it's a free world. It's a kind of sequel of my comment about Aurora Borealis, isn't it?

  20. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gypsy pointed out that both she and Connie used the same word to describe whatever this is: something is BREWING.

  21. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    geee, i hadn't heard of the troop withdrawals from haiti – although i did hear of the EQ in turkey – how horrific for haiti – again, i literally get cold chills just writing about this – oh, trish, isn't nolde's work fabulous!!! glad you like – sharing's what it's all about! thanks to nolde!

  22. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Interesting and it's good to see such dreams recorded. Numbers are interesting but can be confusing. In the UK and lots of Europe, for example, today is 8-3-10 whereas in the USA you would say 3-8-10.

    Time, as usual, will tell.

  23. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    U.S. troops are leaving Haiti now, leaving behind potential disasters of human origin with half a million homeless on the streets of the capital.

  24. Vicki D. says:

    Very interesting.
    I saw on the news that Haiti is now entering the rainy season and the people down there are worried about people and tent villages being washed away. They are trying to re locate the people off of the hillsides where many of these villages have sprung up since the earthquake.

    And yesterday there was another earthquake this time in Turkey.
    Things are really shaking all over.

    Using numerology to analyze a dream is very interesting. I find that fascinating.

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