The Foxes: A Play on Words

Aleksandar Malecic of Serbia has commented frequently on our blog, offering  his insights. In this story, which he emailed us, a couple of foxes are the stars!
I don’t know whether this event counts as synchronicity, but here it is: A few minutes ago, I visited a friend’s page on my space, whose highest ranking online friend is Ilenia Volpe. A few hours ago I received an  SMS message from my cousin-in-law containing his e-mail address – vulpes@…  I somehow “knew” that volpe and vulpes are the same thing, without actually knowing that these words mean anything. Indeed, volpe is fox in Italian and vulpes  is red fox in Latin.”

Shortly after Aleksandar sent us the email, he turned to his Dictionary of Symbols (Hans Bierdermann), which connects the fox with the trickster, Loki. Then he came to our blog, and found our post on  Loki, where he left this comment: “I almost dropped the book on the floor when I read “Loki.”
So that’s three foxes, which qualifies this sequence of synchronicities as a cluster, one of the 7 secrets. But it’s also a trickster synchronicity. So, what’s the message? I looked up fox in Ted Andrews’s book Animal Speak. Here’s what he says: “It is a totem that speaks of the need to develop or the awakening of camouflage, invisibility, and shape-shifting.” Foxes are family creatures, nocturnal, and, of course, cunning. So perhaps this cluster synchronicity is addressing some of these qualities in Aleksandar’s life.

This gets a little stranger. Trish put together this post from an e-mail. I hadn’t read it until this evening (Wednesday). But earlier in the day, I had responded to Aleksandar, asking if there were two Aleksandars,  with slightly different spellings to their last names. You can see in the comments Wednesday that one is spelled Malecic, the other Maircic, and Malecic said he is not Maircic. Very confusing.

So, for some reason, I started thinking about an old Saturday Night Live skit involving Steve Martin and Dan Ackroyd in which they played two Eastern European guys on the make in NYC. In the skit, they would slink into nightclubs in their disco outfits and introduce themselves as “two wild and crazy guys,” and–for those of you who remember that skit–what were they always looking for? “Foxes!” (American slang for good looking women, though outdated even at that time.)

So I was telling this to Trish and said…”foxes” loudly, mimicking Martin and Ackroyd. But Trish thought I was making reference to Aleksandar’s story,  which I hadn’t read. So Aleksandar was stunned when he read the Loki post, which I wrote, and I was stunned in return when I read his foxes post.

Wild and crazy stuff! Foxes!

This entry was posted in clusters, foxes, secret 5, trickster. Bookmark the permalink.

9 Responses to The Foxes: A Play on Words

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'm glad someone remembered that schtick from the late '70s, and found it funny!

  2. Michele Carroll says:

    The part about Steve Martin and Dan Ackroyd made me laugh out loud! Universe humor at it's finest. (0:

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks for the link Butternut. The stuff about fox spirits coincides with a section I'm working on in my novel right now. Synchronicity!

  4. Butternut Squash says:

    Please take a look at Japanese fox mythology., It is taken quite seriously in Japan with some marriages being stopped over the possibility of marrying a fox family!

  5. Vanessa says:

    I know this has nothing to do with the post, but that photo is flat-out cute. It's like cute overload or something.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Love that story, d.
    The mystery of the two aleksandars is solved!

  7. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    Fact #1: I am from Serbia.
    Fact #2: I am that mysterious Malrcic, Maircic, whatever guy (I "shape-shifted" myself). I just didn't explain it correctly (I suppose it was lost in translation).
    Fact #3: The Myspace friend mentioned in this post was involved in another synchronicity the day she requested friendship (mentioned in some kind of a live transmission in the Facebook topic "The Best Synchronicity Ever" (I've sent her a message about it).
    Fact #4: I'm back with my comments sooner than I've expected.
    Presumption: If you asked my acquaintances: Do you know a shape-shifter (a living paradox), they would probably mention me, but you should ask them.

  8. d page says:

    I really enjoyed this post!
    Rob & Trish already know this story…. Last year , my home was investigated PPI, a paranormal research team. It turned out the the probable cause of the trickster-like activity was related to a Japanese box that may have served as a family shrine. The entities associated with this shrine include the tricksters raven and fox. These beings still live in my home , playing light-hearted games on us all.

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