Unconscious Hints

Now and then, I pick Jung’s autobiography, Memories, Dreams and Reflections, and just read from random pages. Even though I’ve read the book several times, I usually find some nugget that I don’t recall reading before. One powerful story that he recounts took place during WWII, when he was returning home from Bollingen, Switzerland. He was on a train, had a book with him, but couldn’t read. “…for the moment the train started to move, I was overpowered by the image of someone drowning.”

During the entire journey, Jung couldn’t get rid of the feeling. “It struck me as uncanny, and I thought, ‘What has happened? Can there have been an accident?'” The feeling was apparently exacerbated by a memory of an accident that had occurred while he was in the military service.

He got off the train at  Erlenbach and walked home, still troubled. His second daughter’s family was living with the Jungs then and as he walked into the garden, her kids were all there, upset. “They told me that Adrian, then the youngest of the boys, had fallen into the water at the boathouse. It is quite deep there, and since he could not really swim, he had almost drowned. This had taken place at exactly the time I had been assailed by that memory on the train.”

This story appears in the chapter on life after death, which has numerous examples of synchronicities like this that Jung experienced.  As he wrote, “The unconscious helps by communicating things to us, or making figurative allusions. It has other ways, too, of informing us of things which by all logic we could not possibly know. Consider synchronistic phenomena, premonitions, and dreams that come true. The unconscious had given me a hint. Why should it not be able to inform us of other things also?”

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5 Responses to Unconscious Hints

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Yay for you, Natalie. Will go check out your blog now.

  2. Natalie says:

    Oh, I did a shout out of your book/blog yesterday on my blog, along with a cool synchro. 🙂

  3. Natalie says:

    Yes, it interesting that it does seem
    to be negative news mostly. Although, last friday night, Mark and I went out for our anniversary and he went to buy some wine. While he as gone, I had the feeling that I was going to win a raffle prize.?????

    Yesterday,(a week later), I was called into the office at the preschool and was told I had won the Easter raffle. I smiled because it was drawn the previous Friday night at the kids Disco, right when I was sitting at the restaurant waiting for Mark.

    Not earth shattering, but still a little positive one. 😀

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sorry to hear it, Butternut. All too often, the news that comes in this way isn't good.

  5. Butternut Squash says:

    As soon as my husband said, "Your dad called." I knew that Dad's sister was gone. Dad hadn't even told me that she was in the hospital. Tone of voice? Vibe in the air. Whatever it was, I knew. This happened yesterday.


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