The Boss materializes after all

Last Saturday, March 27, we posted a synchronicity involving Bruce Springsteen, where Rob was hoping to materialize The Boss in the gym while a Springsteen song was playing. (He does belong to the gym). However, as the song ended, Rob materialized his boss for his yoga classes, the owner of the gym.

Today we were at the gym and I noticed a bunch of kids and women congregating in one area. Then a man in workout clothes gathered a couple of kids in front of him while the women whipped out their cell phones and snapped pictures.

It’s The Boss, I thought. Now how do I take a picture without being really tacky? 
I paused on the rowing machine and snapped a photo of him working on a bicep machine. I was too far away and the photo just  looked like a bunch of machines in a gym. 

At the time, Rob had run home to get his pay sheet for his yoga classes for the week and I kept hoping Springsteen wouldn’t leave before he returned. I moved to a different area in the gym, hoping to snap a better photo.But people kept walking between us, I was still too far away.

Rob returned and I said, “You just walked right past Springsteen.” “What? Where?”

I tilted my head toward him. “I’m going over to ask him if I can take his photo. For the blog.”

“Naw, don’t do that. He’s working out.”

I thought about it for about five seconds, then went over. “Excuse me. May I intrude on your workout for a moment?”


Soulful eyes, I’m thinking. “You’re the topic of a synchronicity,” I said.

 “Synchronicity,” he repeats, looking amused.

“You know, meaningful coincidence?” And then I tell him about Rob’s experience and mention the book. “May I take your photo for the blog?”

“Let me put on my shirt.”

I’m thinking, No, don’t do that. A friend of mine wants pictures of your biceps!And he got up from his machine, shrugged on his shirt, and I snapped the photo with my BlackBerry. 

“So now I’m going to be on a synchronicity blog?” he asks.

“You are. Thank you so much. I appreciate it.”

So, three days after Rob’s post on whether he could materialize the boss, The Boss appeared.

(The Hicks workshop, part 2, will be posted tomorrow)

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19 Responses to The Boss materializes after all

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, Vanessa. He was there again yesterday, and was actually working our right next to me for awhile. And yes, I did treat me like a regular guy, said the same thing I say to all the fellow aging workout freaks. "It doesn't get any easier, does it?" He laughed and said, "Nope."

    You're right that he could work out at home with a trainer and a full gym. He owns two large houses here, in the $4-6 million range each. I think he likes getting out and talking to people.

    (A contrast to Tommy Lee Jones, who also lives here in the winter. He's a curmudgeon in real life, like many of the characters he plays.)

  2. Vanessa says:

    As someone with several friends in the music biz (albeit not on Bruce's level), my thought about this is, Poor guy can't even work out in peace. 🙁 But maybe he likes the attention, because he would prolly work out at home if he didn't like it. But Rob, just remember to treat him like a normal person when you finally see him, and he might even become your workout buddy. How cool would that be to manifest? 🙂

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sansego – talk about innovative! Maybe you came up with a new term – Springsteen Eucharist! Goes right along, somehow, with the scruffy shoes and no laces.

  4. Sansego says:

    I wrote a blog post about the Springsteen Eucharist at the local Trinity Episcopal Cathedral. It was a special fundraiser for the homeless ministries. Its a typical Eucharist service…but featuring a few Springsteen songs sung by a live band, with the Congregation free to sing (and dance) along. A few of the songs featured in the service were "The Rising", "Streets of Philadelphia", "Thunder Road", a couple others and the surprising "Dancing in the Dark."

    It was well received and supposedly the first one ever done in the U.S. (it was modeled after the popular U2charists).

    They supposedly got permission from the Boss to do this Eucharist. So, if you happen to run into him again (you will), please let him know that one of your blog readers in Portland OR got to experience his music in a cathedral setting, complete with communion, a sermon, offertory, and prayers!

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Rob is far more polite! I debated with myself, but kept feeling this mounting inner pressure or something to seize the moment.

  6. Natalie says:

    My first thought was : takes a woman to do the job right. *ducks* Don't hit me Rob!
    No, but seriously, this an awesome happening. WHOO HOO!

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Or Latter Day Grunge!

  8. JamaGenie says:

    Scruffy sneakers sans laces? Does this mean The Boss is a mere mortal? Nah… Say it isn't so!

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    He was very gracious.
    Butternut manifested hubby! How cool is that?

    Sansego – can you elaborate on the springsteen eucharist?

  10. Butternut Squash says:

    That's Great! What a nice fellow to let you have a photo.

    Now who could I conjure up? Acutally, I think my husband sort of materialized out of my meditations.

  11. Nancy says:

    What a nice guy to play along!

  12. d page says:

    Reading this made my morning! So glad for you that he is so gracious.

    (word ver. = racias)

  13. Sansego says:

    See? If you really want to meet someone badly enough, the universe will conspire to make it happen. It was playing with you last time.

    If you happen to see him again, please tell him that you know someone in Portland OR who attended a "Springsteen Eucharist" a few weeks ago, which was awesome. It was a well-attended church service.

  14. Deb Kirkeeide says:

    awesome! way to go Trish!

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Yeah, three days, not three minutes. Saw him again today, wearing an old flannel shirt, two necklaces, and scruffy sneakers with no laces. – R

  16. Shadow says:

    well i gues synchronicity has a timetable of its own….

  17. JamaGenie says:

    Good for you, Trish! Common sense trumps synchro. lol!

  18. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Fantastic – plus a photo!

    If only we would put our mind to 'things' properly we could achieve so much.

  19. Anonymous says:

    What a terrific synchronicity!

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