333, oh, & 9-9-9

Recently I’ve been working on a new book proposal, spending a lot of time polishing the 55 pages. I’m looking for a new agent and want the proposal to shine.  I knew I was close when I had a dream in which I was walking down a road with Trish and Megan and we noticed an eagle circling high overhead.

Suddenly, the eagle swooped down from the sky and landed right in front of me. Megan started taking pictures as the eagle lunged forward and pulled a glove off my hand. (Up to that point I wasn’t aware I was wearing gloves.) Then the eagle’s beak pulled off the other glove, and that was the end of the dream.

The dream was meaningful, about courage strength and renewal. I was ready to ‘pull off the gloves’ and get down to business. The following day I finished the proposal and re-wrote the cover letter in the afternoon.

I’d picked out an agent from a list of members of the Association of Author Representatives, and was hoping she was the right one to represent me. I hit the print button at 3:33 p.m. Then, a few minutes later, when I addressed the envelope for the proposal, I was surprised to see that her address was 333 West End Avenue.

A good number synchronicity, I thought. Oh, it was actually my second number synchro of the day. Earlier, we had gone to Whole Foods after the gym. En route, Trish was talking about a conversation she had at the gym with Bruce Gernon, my co-author of THE FOG, about Herman Cain and his 9-9-9 proposal.

When we arrived, I headed over to the fish market section and surveyed what was available. I noticed something odd. The red snapper fillets were divided in two sections. The front section were selling for $21.99 a pound. But the ones in the back were only $9.99 a pound. So I asked what the difference was between the two snappers. The fish monger (to use a British term) shook his head and said, “There are no snappers for $9.99.”

I told him to take a look at the sign. He did so, then realized he had forgotten a 1. It should’ve read: $19.99 a pound. But he gave me two pieces totalling a pound for the lower price. “You got it half price,” he said.

“9-9-9,” I replied. As I walked off, I wondered if Herman Cain had also made a mistake in his figures.

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12 Responses to 333, oh, & 9-9-9

  1. 3322mathaddict says:

    11:11, 999, 777, 333. Ordirarily we wouldn’t reduce 11:11 to its root. It has become an archetype. But here we will reduce it t0 22, which is a Master frequency and also never reduced. But here we shall reduce it to its root frequency which is 4. 999=27=root#9. 777=21=21=root#3. 333= 9. These numbers, when combined, total
    79, which is 16/7. When working with this math, we never ignore combinations of numbers as they appear to us, especially if they are appearing often. In a bit I’ll work with these and get back to you. For now, just addressing the root frequency 7: that is the frequency of secrets, psychic matters, mystics, mysteries, hidden or occult. In our bodies 7 is the frequency of heart, stroke, anything relative to those. But I want to spend some time on these combinations you are seeing and must go to an appt at the moment, so will get back to you ASAP. There are definitely messages in these numbers. We’ll try to decode those messages for you!

  2. gypsy says:

    great eagle story – loved the gloves part – seems birds are a common theme for several people this week – i just did a post on crows – and this morning a facebook friend posted a beautiful photo of an eagle in its nest – and a few hours ago i sent trish a note about large flocks of sea gulls who had all left their usual haunts several miles away and were swarming/gliding very low over several fields near my house – they just glided round and round, never touching land – very strange – anyway, wonderful fist and bird story – and those number clusters! good for simcity4 – 1/2 off and all!

  3. Nancy says:

    I keep seeing 11:11 and 999 and 777 and 333. I have no idea what the Universe is trying to tell me, but it appears it’s trying hard. Love this site:


  4. R and T says:

    Me too, Debra! 🙂

  5. D Page says:

    I can’t wait to hear how this story plays out!

  6. Hilarious! Number synchros is what got me into numerology. I kept having experiences with the number “22” that was driving me crazy.

    As for Cain’s 9-9-9 plan, it reminds me of Steve Forbes “15% flat tax” mantra in the 1996 and 2000 election cycles. He failed to gain traction with that. It does not surprise me that Cain is funded by the Koch brothers and the 9-9-9 plan probably came from one of the conservative think tanks. I’m glad that the other candidates are jumping on Cain for wanting to raise a national sales tax (on top of state sales taxes). The wealthy don’t want taxes on capital gains or income because they make so much of it, but to tax on consumer goods, it really does burden the poor and middle class because so much money is spent on living needs. It must be nice to have such large disposable income in which to invest or to buy members of Congress!

    • R and T says:

      Actually, the Cain plan may have been lifted from a video game, possibly by an aide or advisor. Huffington Post reporter Amanda Terkel noted that 9-9-9 are the default tax rates – commercial, residential, and industrial – in the 2003’s SimCity 4.

      Was that a coincidence or a synchroSimcity? Maybe neither – just plain cause and effect. (Ie. That looks like a good idea. Let’s try that.) Regardless, the ‘coincidence’ has taken on a life of its own. When Cain was asked about it, he churlishly called the allegations lies and said they had been cooked up because he is rising in the polls.

      EA, the publisher of SimCity 4, is taking full advantage of all the publicity. It has placed the game on sale for $9.99, a parody of the whole controversy, and a $10 discount. Just like my fish – half off!

  7. Synchros plus a discount, can’t be bad! I’ll leave the 9-9-9 proposal to your side of the Atlantic – but 999 is our UK emergency phone number …

  8. I love that dream! Powerful! You will have to tell us the results.

    I have a brother and sister living on West End Ave. – assuming you mean NYC.
    And of course, Herman Cain has made a mistake in his figures!

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