New Moon


On October 26, there’s a new moon in Scorpio, the most emotionally intense and psychic sign in the zodiac.  New moons, just to refresh, are about new beginnings, new opportunities, new chapters, new, new new.  This moon favors research, investigations, psychic development, digging deeply for answers.

This moon occurs at 3 degrees of Scorpio, so those of you born in the early days of water and earth signs – Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn – will be especially pleased. Those of you with moons or rising signs in water or earth signs will like this new moon, too. The rest of us – air and fire signs – also have Scorpio somewhere in our charts and those areas will be the ones that experience a rebirth.    For a free natal chart, click here.

Scorpio is the most enigmatic and mysterious of signs. It always seeks the absolute bottom line. So look at your natal chart and find the place where you see the glyph featured here:

In  that house is where the new opportunities will surface. If Scorpio is on the cusp of one of the four critical houses – i.e., your rising sign, or the cusp of your 4th, 7th or 10th houses – then pay very close attention to this new moon. Your personal life, domestic situation, partnerships and career will be impacted in a major way. The new opportunities that surface are likely to start deep within, that’s the nature of Scorpio, the internal rumblings that tell you this is good or I don’t need this anymore .  The sign is exceptionally intuitive and secretive, so be sure you’re paying close attention to you on the 26th.

On the 28th,  Jupiter (expansion) and Pluto(permanent transformation) get together in a beneficial way and suddenly, you get it. Regardless of where you live or what sign you are, this day is one of the luckiest this year. Some predictions have stated the world will end on the 28th. But ever  since Jose Arguelles wrote The Mayan Factor, doomsayers have played around with his end date of 12/21/12 for the Mayan calendar and come up with various dates that have come and gone without the world ending. But if you choose to hunker down in a bunker on this date, that’s your choice. But you may emerge the next day with egg on your face, okay?


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14 Responses to New Moon

  1. Natalie says:

    Sounds like a goody for me. 😀

  2. Lauren Raine says:

    Wonderful to know about………..this time of year is all about death/rebirth, “endarkenment” wisdom. I feel about as psychic as a brick these days, but still asking lots of questions about what comes next in my life………I should be delighted for clues, and a “I get it” day, so I’m going to take your advice and look forward to just such a day.
    Have been having some synchronicities though, which I sometimes regard as spirit’s last ditch efforts to break through my routines – I woke up yesterday to find the cd “Pictures at an Exhibition” in my bed, and although I had been listening to it, I can’t figure out how it got there – I usually leave my cd’s by the cd player. So I’m pondering this one…………maybe it’s time to get out into the art world again, and come out of my cave.

    I love the Scorpio time, and Samhain………wishing you a wonderful “last harvest” and Dia de Los Muertos!

  3. Nancy says:

    I just went over the chart you did for me and it appears I have 3 planets in Scorpio in my 7th house. Saturn, Venus, and Mercury. It may be a very interesting couple of days!

    Thanks for these upadates, I really appreciate that you have your eye on the stars for us.

  4. gypsy says:

    “The rest of us – air and fire signs – also have Scorpio somewhere in our charts and those areas will be the ones that experience a rebirth.” – well, there’s the egg connection – re-birth…

  5. gypsy says:

    LOVE your astrology posts, you know! now, looking forward to nothing but good on the 28th – and bahhumbug the naysayers!

  6. D Page says:

    Thanks for the analysis. Scorpio can be very intense.
    It’s great to have some good news, too!

  7. gypsy says:

    ok – too weird – and funny – i just seconds ago walked from the kitchen to my desk to read this blog – scroll down and here’s all this talk of eggs – now, just what was i doing in the kitchen? boiling a couple of eggs for lunch! how’s that for egg on my – uh, in – my face!!! 😉

  8. Not wanting egg on my face I shall look forward to a great day on the 28th. Thanks for the info.

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