UFOs & Synchronicity, Part I

When Trish and I first met, the most interesting point of connection was that we had been read Seth books and neither of us knew anyone at the time who had read those books. So one night we were discussing the Seth ideas, and one of us mentioned that Jane Roberts, who channeled Seth, had started getting messages through a Ouija board with her husband, Rob. So we went out and bought one, and here’s what happened a couple nights later.

The ‘spirit’ that came through told us he was communicating with us from a UFO. We laughed about that. Being a reporter for a daily newspaper at the time, I was naturally skeptical. But I was also impressed that we were receiving any kind of message. So I asked for proof.

The response was that if we wanted visual evidence, we should drive out to the airport between 1 and 2 a.m. I still had my doubts. From what I’d heard, Ouija boards were known for leading people on wild goose chases that came up empty. Trish felt the same way and said she wanted proof right now before we left the house. She’d no sooner asked the question when the light in the room blinked off and on.

We looked at each other. Okay, that was something. So off we went to the Fort Lauderdale airport to look for UFOs. The airport was smaller in those days and we parked outside a fence just beyond the tarmac…and waited…and waited. We felt kind of stupid when nothing happened, but it was an adventure of sorts. We just weren’t looking forward to getting up early the next morning and going to work.

About quarter after two, we gave up. So much for listening to guidance from an alien communicating through a Ouija board. I dropped off Trish and on my way home, I started wondering the location. Why would a UFO appear near a busy airport? Maybe the trickster-spirit of the board wanted to see if we would confuse an airplane for a UFO. None of it made much sense. But the light did blink when we asked for proof.

The next morning I was in the office by 8 a.m. and immediately assigned a breaking news story with a 10:30 a.m. deadline. I can’t recall what the story was about, but I remember I called it in from the school board administration offices. So it was an education story.

I went back to the office, and wrote a longer version of the story for the second edition. As I wrote it, the reporter at the adjacent desk was typing furiously to meet her deadline. As I finished my story, I asked her what she was working on.

“There was a UFO sighted by cops late last night. It was hovering over Perry Airport.” My jaw must’ve dropped. I muttered something about that being a good story. Little did she know what it meant to me! I remember the reporter, Susan, being a somewhat caustic young woman and a chain smoker. She blew some smoke my way and said: “Yeah, it came from Uranus.” Then she went back to typing her story.

Her story appeared at the bottom of the front page that day. (It was an afternoon newspaper, a thing of the past.) As soon as I got off work, I called Trish and told her what happened. Perry Airport was a private facility, located in Hollywood, Florida, about ten miles from Fort Lauderdale International.

“We went to the wrong airport,” I said. Even though, I was tired after a short night of sleep, we agreed to meet that night at Perry Airport.

Part 2 tomorrow…

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6 Responses to UFOs & Synchronicity, Part I

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Explosions through a Ouija board!? Now THAT one I would love to hear about in detail.

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, man! fabulous story – can't wait for part two – i can just see your expression when the smoker blew her uranus smoke toward you, rob! – great story of many layers –

    your blinking lights reminded me of the last time i did the ouija board and all of the big pillar candles in the room exploded when i asked a particular question –

    anyway, back to your story – great one!!!

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Here's a synchronicity related to this post. Earlier today I noticed a Facebook invitation in e-mail to be a friend of Bill Birnes, the head honcho on the History Channel's UFO Hunters

    I figured Bill had a Google alert on UFOs and picked up this blog post. But I took another look and saw that he'd sent the e-mail about five hours before the post appeared. Synchronicity. – R

  4. d page says:

    Who or whatever they are, they are always tricksters!
    I can't wait for part 2

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The 3 certainties!

  6. Mike Clelland! says:

    Sychronicities, Channelling and UFO's?

    Why do these three things always come together?

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