Another Doppelganger

Some people seem to have a knack for experiencing  certain kinds of synchronicities – clusters of names or numbers, for instance. Or hearing a tune on the radio or a voice on TV saying something that answers a question or concern. Mike Perry,  whose synchros we’ve posted here before,  seems to experience a lot of synchronicities when he travels and apparently has a talent for experiencing doppelgangers. On March 2, we posted a doppelganger synchro he’d experienced, and now here’s another one.

I forgot to mention one strange experience while on my holiday to the Canary Islands.  I saw a double of my best friend who died a couple of years back – a doppelgänger, I suppose.

My wife and I were in our hotel about to have our evening meal when in walked the double of my friend – someone I had known for over 30 years.

My wife and I looked at each other and both said, “Doesn’t he look like Colin.”

To be honest it felt very unsettling when this man sat down on his own quite near our table. In a way I wanted to find an excuse to talk to him but then I felt I shouldn’t. I couldn’t, however, stop looking at him.

When the waiter came over to the man it was if I was dreaming. Colin had a habit of putting two fingers of his right hand in his top pocket when he was slightly nervy. This is exactly what this duplicate did as he placed his order for a drink.

After a few days the double went away. I almost felt relieved. Then, as we were at Tenerife airport to fly back to England, there he was waiting for the same flight as us. This particular flight was heading for Bristol where Colin was born – an airport we don’t normally return to when returning home.

Very strange.
I sometimes wonder if doppelgangers are parallel selves.

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9 Responses to Another Doppelganger

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    hey lady – just a quick little note b4 i close down tonite – actually i'd not jotted it down because i was driving at the time and later when i stopped i did not remember it – then, just now, reading your scarabland comment triggered it – yesterday, coming down through the mountains i was lost in thought and thinking of you and rob and how i'd missed you all and your blog – you know, having a mental conversation with myself/selves 🙂
    and my thoughts turned to your blog title – and so i was envisioning scarabs – and the wonderful egyptian drawings and just mulling about them – lost in thought – driving in the left lane down the mountainside and when i "came to" looked in the right lane before changing lanes so i could see down the cliffside – red car there for me to let pass before getting in behind it – the tag on the red car? "1beetle" !!!

    night, macgregors!

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    PS – and I like that: scarabland!

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Welcome back, Gypsy!
    And not surprised you returned with your own doppelganger sort of experience!

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    as an aside – simply cannot wait to play catch up with all the wonderful posts and comments i've missed the last few weeks – and i have truly missed them all – wonderful to be back in scarabland!

    wv=ectectes [etc etc]

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    an eery experience, for sure – especially the physical mannerisms of this double – and i like to think of such "doubles" as trish said – doubles who live out the choice[s] we didn't make –

    this post especially interesting to me for many reasons, but most recently, while away on my trip, my daughter and her supervisor/friend at work took me to lunch and afterward her friend told cindy that she was taken aback when we met because i was the image of another friend of hers, even to the sound of our voices and the way in which we spoke –

  6. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Interesting what Marlene says about looking at old photos. My wife's father died when she was four. The very first time I went to meet her mother she got out some old photos to show me.

    She found one of my wife's father and I felt uncomfortable when she handed it to me. Before I looked at it I thought, "He's going to look like me."

    I passed it on to my wife and she said, "He quite looks like you."

    P.S. Thanks for the links.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Marlene – maybe we do have doubles, who live out the choice we didn't make.

  8. Shadow says:

    parallel selves? what an interesting possibility…

  9. Marlene says:

    I wonder if we all have doubles..I have traveled quite a bit in my life and I have run into people swearing I was someone else..and also telling me I had previously been in a place in which it was my first time visting..It always leaves me thinking about the possiblity…its a interesting subject for sure. One thing I did notice when I lived in Spain and visited some relatives I had in the Asturia..I was looking at old family pictures there, and one relative a women looked just like me… could have been me..when I asked about her she had been dead for a long time..but also made me think if families in general could have some identical looking members appear throughtout the generations sometimes just because of blood ties…

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