UFOs and Synchronicity, Part 2

Part 2
It started with a Ouija board, led to a late night search for UFOs at Fort Lauderdale International Airport, only to find out the next morning that police officers filed a UFO report after sighting an object hovering above Perry Airport ten miles to the south.

So the next night around midnight Trish and I drove to Perry Airport hoping to catch a glimpse of the UFO.  After all, that was our UFO. But would the entity that seemingly contacted us wait for us? We had our doubts. But it was worth a try.

When we arrived at Perry Airport, we were surprised that it was totally dark. No runway lights, no night lights in the main building. Closed for business. But it made a good spot for a UFO to appear, better than the busy international airport. We sat in the dark waited and watched.

After an hour or so with nothing to show for our wait, we figured that the aliens had their own agenda and we weren’t part of it. Besides, we were already impressed with what had happened. After all, if I hadn’t been called to cover a story at the school board that morning, I might’ve been assigned the UFO story instead of the reporter at the desk next to mine.

So we called it a night and drove off. I’d barely gone a quarter of a mile when I was stopped by a red light at an intersection. I switched stations on my radio and was about to switch again when I heard something unusual. It was an old fashion radio drama, the kind that radio was famed for in the days before television. I couldn’t ever remember hearing such a program on late night radio so I listened to the story.

That’s when things turned truly strange. The story was a detective mystery with a 1930s flavor. But astonishingly the story was about aliens and ufos and an alien had a speaking part. Trish and I had driven in separate cars to the airport, because of the location of the airport. She was right behind me at the light and I wanted to run back there and tell her about the alien on the radio, but the light changed and I didn’t get a chance to tell her about it until the next day.

But it was another synchronicity. That made two of them, one in the morning at the newspaper office, and this one on the radio outside Perry Airport. Nothing quite like that has ever happened to us since then, but at the time both of us were so wide open and searching. We were empty tables, waiting to be filled.

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13 Responses to UFOs and Synchronicity, Part 2

  1. Vicki D. says:

    Yes, that is what it looked like,
    a box car.

    It was so strange and in broad daylight and if we hadn't both seen it and then had it just disappear in front of our eyes I would think I imagined it.

    I have now seen two UFO's. The other one was last year near my home but it was silver and shaped
    more like a cigar, again during the day, but when this disappeared it did it with a brilliant light and poof it was gone.
    I almost drove off the road.
    There actually was a third UFO but am not absolutely sure. It happened after 9/11 when we had other military craft over us but the one that went over my house, later in the evening (after most of the planes were quiet) was silent. I had gone out on our patio and looked up and there was this huge triangle with lights and lines and stuff. I remember thinking it was quiet and when I told my family and they went out it wasn't there anymore. That one still bugs me and I'm not sure if that was just something military. But it was silent. I don't know.

    I will have to check out Whitley S. site, haven't been there in awhile.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nancy, yes, we are both nuts! But functional. 😉

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Vicki, your rectangular UFO reminded me of a story Betty Hill told us when we met her. At the time, the famed UFO abductee was living in Vermont and going out at night on a regular basis to a field to watch the skies. A friend of hers, a nurse, often accompanied her.

    On one particular night, they spotted a strange UFO (as if they're not all strange!) that looked like a flying box car.

    We told that story in an article we wrote on Betty for OMNI Magazine. Since OMNI was a science magazine, we had to take a somewhat skeptical, tongue-in-cheek approach.

    Unfortunately, it made Betty sound a little nutsy–not so much because of the flying box car as her contention that some UFOs disguised themselves in the shape of airplanes. That, of course, would make everything in the sky suspect. – R

  4. Nancy says:

    I love how connected as seekers you are. I agree that when you are open, things happen. How wonderful to be able to do it together. Great story!

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Whipwarrior – naw, no mounds of mashed potatoes! Close Encounters remains one of my favorite movies!

    Vicki – that's an amazing sighting. More and more frequently, there are more and more reports of these rectangular or triangular shaped objects. Whitley Strieber has pieces on them from time to time on his site.

  6. Vicki D. says:

    I enjoyed your story and had to laugh.
    This past weekend we were in the Philadelphiaarea…and…something strange happened.
    My husband and I were driving and chatting when all of a sudden he said "what is that in the sky?" I said "probably an airplane." he then said "No, really what is that?"
    This time I looked very hard and was bewildered by what I saw. It was rectangular in shape and kind of an earthy color and slowly moving across the sky. There were no lights at all on it, no wings just this rectangular shaped thing.
    We both looked quizzically at each other and as he slowed down we tried to figure out what it could be when…it was gone. Just gone.
    We looked all over but it was gone.
    I can't explain it, but we both looked at each other and said "I think we just saw a UFO."
    My husband is not one to be looking for these type of things, he has really opened up since knowing me for almost 28 years so for him to think this surprised me.
    I have never seen anything like this.
    Then today I go to check out what new and interesting posts will be up and it is about UFO's…of course!
    I love it.

  7. whipwarrior says:

    Did either of you sit down to dinner than night and begin sculpting your mashed potatoes into a signigicantly-shaped mountain? 😉 Yeah, I watched Close Encounters last night prior to reading yesterday's post, which in and of itself may constitute a small synchronicity.

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I think the experience you have with a Ouija board depends somewhat on the perspective you bring to it. If you find it scary, then your experience may be scary. The law of attraction, I guess. But we were astounded with the outcome!

  9. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    What an amazing story. My only experience with an ouija board was nothing too good. We'd obviously contacted something bad.

    Never heard of any UFO connection with an ouija board before – interesting.

  10. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    It's like Mulder and Scully, but with an actual love story. Do you remember literally the message? I am both skeptical about that board and surprised that, if it really can create relevant messages (not like the word verification adyingen below), it isn't accepted as an existing phenomenon.

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, incredible part 2 as i was sure it would be! what a series of series for you all! and the radio story, the perfect touch in it all! love love love the empty tables, waiting to be filled! how i feel sometimes – a sponge in the rain waiting for the BIG rain!

  12. Butternut Squash says:

    Another incredible tale. I've never seen a UFO though my home town was known for multiple sightings in the 70's and 80's.

  13. Natalie says:

    That is a terrific story. I wouldn't be game to touch a ouija board…..too scary.

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