Volcano synchro

Short after the Icelandic volcano,Eyjafjallajökull, blew open, Jeremy Warner, a writer for the U.K. Telegraph wrote a tongue-in-cheek blog post suggesting that the Icelanders had summoned up a Nordic god in revenge for Britain’s use of strong arm tactics to get Iceland to repay a loan, related to the collapse of its banking system.

Then the Icelandic coast guard photographed the three main vents of the eruption, using special cameras.So Warner followed up his blog post with a new entry and photo. “If this is not the face of some fallen deity summoned up from the underworld, I don’t know what is,” he wrote.

We agree. Pretty spooky! Thanks to Jim Banholzer for alerting us to this emerging entity. Let’s see, it could be Thor, god of lightning and thunder. Or maybe it’s Vali, god of vengeance. But I think there’s more involved than paying back the Brits.

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16 Responses to Volcano synchro

  1. Vicki D. says:

    Dust mites, LOL.

  2. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Yes, similar. It makes the sceptics happy!

  3. Star says:

    That certainly does look like a Norse God in a rage. It just goes to show how much Mother Nature has us in her thrall. The eruption could go on for months or years. I am in America and must only hope that when I return to England in July, the airspace will be clear enough for the plane to fly. I am apprehensive because I feel that the pressure on the government and the airlines has now caused the planes to fly (from today) with not enough thought about safety. Are they just hoping it will be all right, I wonder?
    Blessings, Star

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good one, Jim! It could be the symbol for a bad day. Really bad.

  5. JBanholzer says:

    That face would make a great emoticon!

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sci fi, underworld deity, smoldering…just plain ole weird.

  7. therese says:

    Looks like an underworld deity to me, not a fallen one though, just a smoldering one.

  8. Marlene says:

    looks like something out of a science fiction movie.. really creepy….but then lots of things look creepy with the trick of the lens… like dust mites…they look like monsters up close 🙂

  9. Von says:

    Seems highly plausible to me,Britain has been well known for strong arm tactics around the world and look at how many volcanos, earthquakes etc there are!!

  10. Natalie says:

    We have a radio competition running in my city, about what to call the 'naughty mountain'. Boris was the name that came in winner. Now he has a face. :/

    wv = gooda
    Seems Boris is most pleased. 🙂

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    fabulous image!!! summoned from the underworld or overworld for sure! geeezzzzeeee….great shot!

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Pareidolia, good word. Is that a type of apophenia?

  13. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Could just be pareidolia.

    As for Brits using strong arm tactics – huh!

  14. Vicki D. says:

    That's wild.

  15. DJan says:

    Yes, that is a spooky picture. I'm sure now I will think of it when I hear about the volcano. 🙂

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