Oil Spill

aerial view of oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico

When synchronicities manifest themselves through global events, the universe seems to be addressing us as a collective – as people of the same country, continent, world. The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico certainly qualifies as a global synchro.

On March 31, President Obama  unveiled a sweeping plan to open up the eastern Gulf of Mexico, the south Atlantic coast, and areas off northern Alaska to new oil and gas exploration.  As noted in the St Petersburg Times, “Never mind that the eastern gulf has less oil than America consumes in a year.Any supplies would not make a dent in the price of fuel at the pump. But moving the boundary east would shift the next fight over drilling even closer to land.”

Just twenty days later, on April 20, a BP oil rig exploded in the gulf, just 50 miles off the Louisiana coast, killing 11 people and creating what may become the worst oil spill in history.

Initially, BP said that only 1000 barrels of oil a day were leaking (only?!). But a scientist from NOAA says that based on aerial flights and photos, it’s estimated that 5,000 barrels of oil are leaking each day. That’s 210,000 gallons. The spill covers some 600 square miles of water. As of late Thursday evening (April 29) the oil slick was just a few miles from the mouth of the Mississippi River. CNN was reporting that the smell of oil is now present in New Orleans.

Remember the heartbreaking photos in the aftermath of the Valdez disaster? Oily birds, dead fish? Ten wildlife refuges in Mississippi and Louisiana are in the oil spill’s path.

So what’s the message? Is Obama listening?

Look at the picture of the oil slick and see if you can find a message. I see a squatting monkey in the center of the photo representing the pro-oil politicians. There’s a dog on the monkey’s back, representing the oil lobbyists, and the monkey is reaching toward a ship–representing big oil interests–for a campaign contribution.

Politicians spend up to 90% of their time raising campaign funds. Lobbyists are writing the bills. Money equals free speech. Corprations are people.

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25 Responses to Oil Spill

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, and i heard from still another rightwing source just today that green peace was responsible!

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    the planet cries in blackened tears!

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Now a second oil rig went down, and Halliburton is prime suspect in the destruction of the first one!

  4. Ray says:

    The same Virginia governor who wanted a Confederate History remembrance without addressing slavery said:

    "In Richmond, meanwhile, Gov. Bob McDonnell urged that oil and natural-gas drilling at least 50 miles off Virginia continue moving forward as outlined last month by President Barack Obama.

    "What you don't want to do, obviously, is every time you have an incident in a coal mine or if an airplane were to go down, we certainly don't say, 'Well, let's stop flying,' " McDonnell told reporters at a news conference. "What we do as Americans is find out what went wrong and how can we do things better.""

    So many people have their head in the sand when the planet strikes back.


  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I agree with you completely, Nancy. Astrologically, it's called Pluto transiting Capricorn!

  6. Nancy says:

    I've said it before – there is an energy that is revealing the hypocrites. Intentions are being revealed.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Musing – now THAT's a good suggestion, musing. Let's hope the ETs read blogs!

  8. musingegret says:

    If there truly **are** subterranean aliens under the sea, now would be a good time to cap the well and achieve global disclosure of non-human presence helping our species.

    Then we could start the real business of implementing energy converters that do not harm our good earth.

    wv: eltuct (??)

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Right-wing guy at the dog park said Greenpeace blew up the oil rig. He probably got that from Rush.

  10. d page says:

    Obama puts all offshore oil projects on hold:

  11. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    An awful situation. Oil, or rather the profit from it, has caused the world so many problems from wars to pollution. Nobody can fail but to be moved by the current pictures – what are 'we' doing to this planet.

  12. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, dear goodness – now how in the world did i miss this post yesterday??!! well, i could express my own sentiments but it would only be duplicative! what a fine mess we are in, for sure! and i feel/hear/see our earthplanethome fighting back – like the little pink bunny that keeps going and going – but even the little bunny will need a charge sooner or later – a charge/change!

    fantastic post and dialogue!!!

    oh, and to see the money sitting right there in the middle of the image! nothing could be clearer!

  13. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    I've just read that Napoleon sold Louisiana on April 30.

  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I read about that fungus, too, Vicki. It's weird. And yeah, it sure looks as if the planet is fighting back. I'm beginning to think that 2012 is a huge wakeup call, with more of these kinds of events/tragedies rather than one huge cataclysmic event.

  15. Vicki D. says:

    The fungus I mentioned is called cryptococcus gattie or c-gati.
    It is also spread from the soil and so far it has killed 25% of those infected. It infects the lungs.

    It was first seen in British Columbia Canada 5 years ago and now is heading south towards CA.

    They still do not know how it infects people but it also infects animals including dolphins!

    Is nature fighting back?

  16. Vicki D. says:

    When I heard of this story I first thought, wow something again in the New Orleans area and the Mississippi.

    Then I thought of the lives lost, people died, again.

    Then I got angry because I remembered being shocked that Obama thought it was a great idea to do more offshore drilling.

    This morning I heard on a local news channel of some kind of fungus that has been spreading from the northwest of Canada into the northwestern states of the US and it has killed several people, it seems to be from trees and they don't know much else about it.(remember the movie "The Happening" by M.Knight Shamalan?)

    Now I look at your picture of the oil slick and I was surprised that I could clearly see a monkey, but I see a monkey on a tree with his left arm extended as if he is trying to climb the tree and get away from the oil slick. I saw the monkey as more of a message that we are killing our planet and animals.

    We need to wake up and maybe that is what 2012 is about. I do see a future beyond that year, but maybe the planet will try to shake us all up and try to wake us up. Will we all have to go back to depending on nature for our survival and learning to live again with it or will be swallowed
    up by it?
    Wow, this must be impt. info. because as I type this I am getting a huge headache.

    wv-granompl- grumpy also sounds like chernobyl.

  17. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    That's a good synchro, Akesandar!
    Michael Jackson was probably right!

  18. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    Perhaps it's a stretch, perhaps it isn't. After sending my comment yesterday (that I appreciate religion, but have a problem with fundamentalism), I watched the movie Goya's Ghosts. Javier Bardem plays a priest who admitted after being tortured that he is a monkey. He later supported Napoleon and atheism. I thought: That looks like synchronicity. Now there is another "monkey". Considering that I am active in another website in discussions about sustainability, this post resonates with me.

  19. Costea Andrea Mihai says:

    hello!! terrible what happened!!
    for some of us financial interest prevails in front of life…shame that we can not stop them :((


    Michael Jackson said-They don't care about us…long time ago.

  21. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The problem is that capitalism has run amok. Alan Greenspan was a devout follower of Ayn Rand – and if you've read Atlas Shrugged, then you know what this means.

    As a result of Greenspan, we were supposed to believe that corporations – who are now people, thanks to the recent supreme court ruling – can regulate themselves.

    We are supposed to believe that insurance companies, corporations, banks, and every other faceless too big to fail entity will act in the interest of the greater good.

    Right. That belief is not working too well these days, is it?

  22. maggie's garden says:

    This photo makes me sad. Like d page…my heart aches for the Earth. Today I watched Garbage Warrior a movie about sustainable living using garbage. The political system has done so much in stopping this way of sustainable building…because the homes are in no need of outside corporate resources…and therefore no money to be made by the corporations that fund these same politicians. They want us dependent. We are slaves to a system determined to destroy us. Sorry to sound so negative.

  23. d page says:

    And are we listening regarding coal??? There is no clean coal….. nor blood-free.

    My heart aches for the Earth.

  24. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I understand completely, Marlene. It's all about these oil companies, mining companies etc making top profit. Maybe they all think they'll go to the moon or mars when they've finished trashing this planet.

  25. Marlene says:

    The sadness and anger this event has caused me I have no words to express…Is Obama listening? Is humanity listening as a whole? Will we be able to turn these bad choices around in time? I think the messages the universe has been sending us all is very clear..but I still see people twisting these signs around us and interpreting them in bizarre explainations just so that they can continue making the money…ect..I guess they think once we ruin this planet.. we can go to other ones and use them up…Sorry I am in bed today sick with allergies..so my glass is not full today 🙁

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