Category Archives: BP

The Face of Freedom?

This CNN video, a report by Anderson Cooper, seems to have a trickster element to it as well, surfacing as it did over the Independence Day weekend..

Posted in BP, coverup, trickster | 8 Comments


President Obama’s speech tonight about the crisis in the gulf was one of the weakest he has ever given. It is the first time Obama has addressed the people from the oval office. I was hoping to hear at least … Continue reading

Posted in BP, oil spill | 42 Comments

What $ Can Buy

This update isn’t about the horrors of the spill. It’s about BP’s efforts to control the public’s access to information. According to ABC News, BP has bought several phrases on search engines like Google and Yahoo, so that the first … Continue reading

Posted in BP, oil spill | 15 Comments

Oil Spill

aerial view of oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico +++When synchronicities manifest themselves through global events, the universe seems to be addressing us as a collective – as people of the same country, continent, world. The oil spill in … Continue reading

Posted in BP, global, oil spill | 25 Comments