First Crop Circle of 2010

I’m not sure where crop circles fall in the synchronicity scheme of things. Sometimes, the interpretations of the images they create seem to coincide with external events in a way that could be termed synchronicity. But as a phenomenon, they are infinitely mysterious, manifestations of something no one really understands, despite the various theories about who or what creates them and what they may mean. At any rate, this one is the first of 2010.

The first crop circle of 2010 measures 180 feet in diameter. According to crop circle connector, it formed in southern Wiltshire, just below the Hill Fort Old Sarum in Hampshire. From the Daily Mail UK: “Old Sarum was a mighty Iron Age hill fort which became the site of the first Salisbury cathedral. Chosen because of its strategic importance, it was where two trade routes and the River Avon meet.The Romans installed a garrison in the river valley below the site which was named Sorviodunum. Under the Anglo Saxons it ranked among the most considerable towns of the West Kingdom before the Normans arrived and built a castle there in 1069. The construction of the cathedral began in 1075 and it was nearly 200 years later that the second cathedral that stands today was built.”

 According to crop circle connector, this crop circle lies on a ley line “which has an alignment with Stonehenge, and cuts the nearside edge of the inner banks of the fortified encampment of Old Sarum.”
Ley lines are supposedly grids of energy that crisscross the planet. The spots where these lines intersect are thought to be imbued with mystical energy. Many ancient structures were built along these lines. They were first written about by Alfred Watkins, an amateur archeologist,  in his book The Old Straight Track.  Crop circles remain one of the most intriguing enigmas on the third rock from the sun.

The ley line grid across the planet

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15 Responses to First Crop Circle of 2010

  1. Natalie says:

    OOPS, It was Tuesday night. 🙂

    wv = feast 🙂

  2. Natalie says:

    On Wed. 5.5.2010, i was in a circle and was given 'Salisbury'as a message. OMG!!!!!

  3. Sansego says:

    OMG…"The Flying Spaghetti Monster" is true! That was my first thought when I saw the design. Yikes!

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Some of them are man-made by hoaxers and skeptics with an agenda to push. But intuitively, they resonate, as a whole, as an enigma worthy of exploration.

    Suppose they are made by us, in the future? If that's the case, then we'd better crack the code.If ETs are responsible, then how about creating one on the white house lawn? If it's about ley lines and energy grids, then how about saying that up front?

  5. terripatrick says:

    I saw this post before I ran out to start my day. I was excited crop circle season has begun and clicked through to the sight. As I scrolled down, in the 4th picture I "saw" a scarab beetle. 🙂

    Personally, I will forever doubt the physically man-made theory because my personal background can not compute the financial backing needed to create such precision machinery and graphic mapping would be kept secret for so many years.

    However, this concept of an energy beneath, maybe in tandem with a design pulse from above, is delightful to me!

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    This relevant comment came in an e-mail.
    I've been studying the site where the crop circle is shown in several pics from different angles. I notice, again, there is a "widening" on the right side of the inside area of the outer circle approximately in the middle of the design. I also just noticed something very odd. The lines of the field, or the furrows of the planting, clearly are seen as continuing reddish or pinkish lines that don't break up within the crop circle itself. This puzzles me. The design of the crop circle appears on either side of each intersecting field furrow line, as if it were somehow "stamped" onto the field…..but the odd widening on the right side gives me pause to wonder if it might be one of the man-made ones, especially considering the continuation of the field furrows within the design itself. This doesn't make sense to me. I can't compute it. Those furrow plant lines should disappear in the flow of the design, but they don't. Can't figure that out. Unless a machine of some kind kept within the furrow field lines and "drew" the design on each side of those planted furrow lines?

    Hate to be a spoil-sport, but I have a learned, strong tendency to evaluate and ponder things and not accept stuff at face value. Some of the crop circles seem impossible to have been made by humans, but this one….I dunno. I need an explanation for those planted furrows not being eradicated by the circle's design, rather than breaking through it.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hey Vicki – happy mom's day to you, too!

  8. Vicki D. says:

    What an interesting circle.
    They just fascinate me and you can see so many different things in this one.
    Interesting theory of the circles being actually "pulled down". I hadn't heard that before.

    Trish, Happy Mother's Day!

  9. simple s. says:

    crop circles created by magnetic fields,,, technology only about 20 years in "our" transparent future,,, the boys (Bob) been meaning to get himself a flask…. w.v. flabsk

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We try to stay on topic, but synchro or not, crop circles are a mystery worth exploring!

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Ah, it's near Salsbury Hill. 'My heart goes BOOM, BOOM, BOOM…'
    – R

  12. Von says:

    Love the way you justify the inclusion!! keep them coming!

  13. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    I'm not sure what to think about crop cicles mainly because I know of people in that area who claim to make these crop circles – or at least some of them.

    The circles do seem to have got more detailed over the years.

    It's possible to see the steeple of Salisbury Cathedral from Old Sarum. The ley line runs through Sonehenge, Old Sarum, Salisbury Cathedral, Clearbury Ring and Frankenbury Camp.

    I have heard a theory that Christian churches and crosses were built on ley lines in England in an attempt to destroy the power of sacred pagan places.

    It's an interesting subject.

    … and just noticed the word verication is 'priest'!

  14. Star says:

    Fascinating pictures of the Wiltshire crop circle. Makes you wonder if the patterns are 'pulled down' from below the earth's crust, rather than crafted from above, if the energy theory is correct.
    Blessings Star

  15. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    a beautiful magnificent circle – and i am SO fascinated with the whole concept of crop circles – your words "infinitely mysterious, manifestations of something no one really understands, despite the various theories about who or what creates them and what they may mean" say it all – and isn't it just mind-boggling to contemplate the possibilities! with all the crops here in delaware, one would just THINK that maybe a circle might appear here 😉

    love the image of the key line grid you attached –

    great post, macgregors, and the perfect way to start my day – with a twist of mystery –

    oh, did you all happen to see the ufo show last night that featured the most recent ufo clusters? some truly fascinating evidence that was being investigated by the team but don't you just know i fell asleep in the middle so don't know results – [and am SO embarrassed to admit that i did]!

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