Clusters of Twos

One of the sites I visit periodically is George Ure’s urban survival blog. His posts are mostly about the economy, but now and then he publishes a letter from a reader or something  else that catches my attention. The other day, I ran across this interesting letter from one of his readers who experienced synchronicities involving clusters of twos.

In 7 Secrets of Synchronicity, secret 5 is called The Clusters: “Synchronicity manifests itself in clusters of numbers, names, objects, words, symbols.” Carl Jung, who experienced many numerical synchronicities throughout his life, believed that numbers represent “an archetype of order which has become conscious.” The meanings of such clusters may not be immediately apparent when you experience them.  That was the case for Ure’s reader . We’ve edited it slightly for brevity.


Today is October 20th.  This is a true story.  It just happened to me, starting about a week and a half ago.

I bought a carton of eggs from the local grocery.  The next day I started breakfast, took out the first egg, broke it and out comes two yokes.  Somewhat amazed, I thought to myself that I haven’t seen one of those in a long while.  I picked up the next egg and broke it and again, two yokes!  I remember saying out loud, “Wow…what are the odds?”   So I had two eggs, two yokes.  I broke the rest of the carton and they were regular eggs.

A few days had gone by and I didn’t think much of the event.  I then experienced a major medical situation where I spent four days in the acute care center.  When I was in the acute care center a routine test was performed on me that requires two injections.  The next day, a nurse tells me that the test needs to be repeated because the last one was performed incorrectly. So I received two tests.  The parameters of this test requires two entry points in order to arrive at a diagnosis.

It was here that the number two (2) began to resonate somehow in my life.  It was here that I start to wonder about things – as if something is brooding almost.  I have experienced synchronicity many times before and I know how to recognize when it happens and take notice.

Eventually, I’m discharged from the hospital and my friend took me to the store to pick up a few things here at the local store.  Among the items I purchased was a carton of eggs.

It is important to remember that the “two egg/two yoke” event that happened previously did not resonate within me and I wasn’t expecting anything out of the ordinary – in relation to the eggs.  Also, the thoughts I experienced while in the hospital with my questioning of 2s had already escaped me as well.

The next day I started breakfast, and I took out the first egg and broke it – was a single-yoke egg.  I remember saying to myself “Awww…I was hoping for a double yoke….”

I picked out the next egg, broke it and what comes out?  Two yokes!  I have only used four eggs in this carton thus far so I do not know what is in the rest of my carton
of eggs.

Ok, so now I have experienced a two egg/two yoke scenario, a “second egg”/two yoke scenario.  And a two test scenario.

Today, I had to travel to another rural town to visit the second-hand store  (as I write this I just noticed “second-hand” store in relation to 2s.)  I was looking for a used toaster.

I asked Linda, the store owner if she had any toasters.  She looked at me with amazement
and tells me “Wow!  You’re the second person to ask for a toaster, that guy that just left was asking for a toaster as well.”  But, she didn’t have any toasters for either of us.  I did buy two blankets, though, without even realizing at the moment — two blankets.

I remember when she said this, all these events that are related to 2s: two eggs, two yokes…two injections, two tests…and now two people looking for a toaster!

What are the odds of this happening?  All of this has happened from about one week previous to this past Sunday.  What is going to happen next?  And is there something more that is to be experienced?


There was more material in his letter about various premonitions he has experienced over the last decade that have come true – about 9-11, earthquakes – and more recurring two clusters. He ends his letter to Ure with:

Something is happening.I have experienced synchronicity events before and this is more pronounced than other times. Also other people are playing a part in these events. These are not just stories that I conjure up. I’m being shown a message but I’m not sure what.  I have a hunch, but I’m too frightened to tell the public.

Numerical clusters are among the most mysterious synchronicities.  Frequently, the message is personal, but sometimes, there’s a larger, collective warning in such clusters.  Click here, here, here, here for some of the posts we’ve written on number clusters.  What’s your take on all these twos?


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16 Responses to Clusters of Twos

  1. 3322mathaddict says:

    All of us speak often about 11-11, and understand that it has become a numerical archetype. Consider this about the 2, and the double 2: this year is 2011, which is essentially 2-2, or expressed another way, 2-11. Frequencies and their influences and aspects are measured numerically and each of our ten numbers (0 through 9), represents a particular universal frequency. As noted previously, numbers in and of themselves, (as in elementary arithmetic), are inanimate and have no meaning. It is only when numbers represent something, (as in geometry, astrology, physics, medicine, persons, etc.), that they become animate. When a frequency is in transit, (such as 2011), its numerical representations appear constantly in virtually all aspects of life. So, it isn’t at all surprising that 2 and two 2s and 11-11 are much more evident as we journey through the 2011 frequency of this year. Just as an aside, but an important one, two 2s =4, so 2011, while being two 2s, is the frequency of 4. Next year, 2012, will be unusual, because although it will be two 3s, which would make us think it is a 6, it actually will be a universal 5, and 5 is the frequency of DYNAMIC CHANGE. In any event, these two 2s, etc., are spectacular illustrations of Synchronicity!

  2. “I have a hunch, but I’m too frightened to tell the public.”
    I have a blog where I decided in 2008 to post something each October 20th (the posts are intentionally in Serbian, but Google Translate would do). It’s my home-made experiment which I use for trying to change the time arrow in my life (retrocausality). The conclusion will be written on October 20th 2013. This year’s title is Vrhunac (Climax). Out of nowhere have appeared one more person with very unpredictable behavior and the experiment depends very much on him/her. Rob’s novel Double Heart has two wolves on the cover. My mother’s name is Vuka (vuk is wolf in Serbian) and I’ve found this blog (actually, its previous version on Blogger) after Googling synchronicity wolf.

  3. Darren B says:

    Oddly enough,I decided to go over to Paulo Coelho’s blog after reading your post here (one than I haven’t been to for sometime,but because I’m in the middle of reading his book “The Pilgrimage” I thought I would make the pilgrimage to his blog-site today and catch up.-)
    and what do I find?
    A picture of two eggs in the shape of a Yin / Yang with the words Fear and Courage written on them.
    He had a lot of quotes about courage under the picture…but I chickened out and left .-)

  4. Nancy says:

    I’m with Gypsy – too scared to tell the public??

    I have been experiencing 11:11 constantly! Today I looked down at the treadmill I was on and it was 666. It is happening almost every day that a number will pop up in threes – almost as if there is a dialog going on through numbers.

    I don’t believe in coincidence – the twos mean something.

  5. Natalie says:

    I always see two’s as relationships.

  6. gypsy says:

    well, my poor self is so cold right this minute that my brain juices just isn’t flowing well enough to contemplate and/or comment on the possibilities of these “two’s” clusters within the context of the last paragraph – …too frightened to tell the public???

    twin stars? asteroids?

  7. I guess it’s up to the individual to decide what the message is behind the clusters – unless, that is, they are being experienced by many at the same time. Two, being even, is a feminine number (according to Pythagorus), perhaps a meaning there. (I just wrote this on a post before coming to your blog).

  8. Lauren Raine says:

    those eggs are an amazing picture!

    I tend to feel that clusters of numbers have to do, also, with what the numbers personally mean to the experiencer. For example, 11 means “angelic guidance, divine” to me, “3” means good luck, and “4” used to be my unlucky number, until I got continual “4” cluster synchronicities. So much so that I figured I was either in trouble, or it was time to examine the meaning of 4 – which for me, came to mean working with my “shadow” aspects, and balance. Now when a cluster of 4 happens, I see it as a good thing, something I’ve integrated. Does that make sense?

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