Synchronicities pop up for readers

When you’re aware of synchronicity, those meaningful coincidences seem to materialize more often. That in a nutshell is the first secret from The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity. So now we’re getting reports of people experiencing synchronicity while actually reading the book. Here are two such stories we received Wednesday, and oddly enough they are even synchronistically connected. I’ll explain that part at the end.

The first one comes from Adele Aldridge.
Holy Moley! Another mini synchronicity to report to you about 7 Secrets. 

I’ve been in a funk.  I have a million things to do. I don’t feel like doing any of them and have had this feeling for a few days now – not rational. I didn’t even go to a new yoga group I scheduled on my calendar for this morning.

So in despair I decided to take a break and read some more of 7 Secrets and ignore my long ToDo list. At least I would be doing something. I even thought to myself, “Am I depressed? I feel numb – not attached to any feeling – just not feeling like doing.

So I took myself outside with your book – reading all the many varieties of synchronicities. I came to the part about unlocking one’s creativity when one has a block. You say, ” . . . move away from your workplace and listen to what other people are saying . . . catch a few phrases . . . look for hidden hints. . .”

I read on a little more and thought, “Well that isn’t going to work for me right now because I’m not going to be seeing anyone and blah blah blah.” I decided I would just have to accept this revolting state of ennui. For a Leo with Aries rising, ennui feels like sickness.

It was getting hot so after reading on a bit more, and thinking that while I experience a ton of synchronicities all the time, today can’t be one of them no matter what Rob and Trish advise.

I went straight to my computer and looked at my Facebook page which was on the screen. Staring at me was a message, written just about the time I was reading your book. It read:

“Emily Cordes okay, so this is for those who’ve seen Indiana Jones 4: Do you think I look like (older) Marion? Because I got cast as her stand-infor a movie being shot here in Pittsburgh! I’m thrilled to get thispart, but is it good that they’re using me to stand in for a middle-aged lady?”

Well I have no idea who Emily Cordes is. She’s recently in my “friend’s” list to do with the arts. I have never seen a message from her before, I don’t know her or have any personal connection with her.

But I thought it damn strange that the first thing my eyes floated to after putting your book down was someone talking about Indiana Jones.  And if I had not been reading your book and grumbling to myself about myself, I would have dismissed this message.  I think the message is from you saying – “O.K. if you don’t feel like doing anything, it is just fine to read my book and report on it. You are doing what you are supposed to be doing” 🙂
So that rang a bell for Adele. As she said, if she wasn’t reading the book, the message from mysterious Emily would have been meaningless.

Later in the day, an e-mail arrived from Dale Dassel. Here’s what he had to say.
I received Seven Secrets today from, and have been reading it non-stop since I got home from work. Excellent stuff! Just a minute ago, while reading the page about numerical Attunement, I happened to glance at the page number (which I never do), and laughed when I saw that it was page 111. Thanks for that!
 Strange universe we live in, eh? 🙂
The story that Dale is referring to is one from Jenean Gilstrap (Gypsy Woman) that involves the following sets of numbers: 222, 444, 666, and 888. If you want to know the whole story, you’ll have to look it up. It’s on page – ah -111.

So how are these two stories linked besides being about the book? At the heart of Adele’s story is a reference to Indiana Jones, and Dale Dassel, without a doubt, is the most hard-core Indiana Jones fan
I’ve ever encountered, and believe me, I’ve met a bunch of them. That’s Dale in the photo above.

To top it off, while writing this post, someone named Dave put up a comment on a post dated May 30, 2009–almost a year ago. The name of that post: Indiana Jones and the Last Synchronicity. Yikes!
 – R

After writing that post last night, I went to bed and picked up a novel I’d started recently called Radix by Brett King. I opened it, and noticed I was coming up to part 2 in a few pages. The name of part 2: Synchronicity.

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15 Responses to Synchronicities pop up for readers

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    WHAT? Natalie, that's the oddest sequence of 11s I've heard of. Maybe it's time for another post on 11s. HOpe today was better for you!

  2. Natalie says:


    I have some not so good ones from yesterday….Our car got a flat at 1:11 yesterday afternoon, our daughter vomited all through her bed at 11:11pm, and then my washing machine flooded the laundry at 1:11am. Sheesh!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Earthquake alert. 7.2. Go to CNN for details. I didn't catch the location.

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i'm still competing for my book with alejandro every night at/after dinner – he has to have it at dinner by his plate and afterward, he comes over to my chair and we go through each page while he sings "i wing my way i wing my way" to each butterfly image, front to back – bless his heart – he has taken such a liking to this book!

    i missed obama's speech this afternoon and haven't had the tv on but for a minute right after i got home – heard wolf blitzer talking a bit about it – anyway, am headed now to see what i can see as to whether or not that silly thing is plugged???

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hi Jarielyn – start writing them down! Send them to us. We're working on a followup book.

  6. ~JarieLyn~ says:

    Can't wait to read the book. Synchronicities happen to me all the time. Maybe I should start writing them down.

    I still read and love your blog even though I hardly ever leave comments.

  7. d page says:

    Trish & Rob,
    While my daughter was unwrapping her b-day copy of your book, her boyfriend grabbed mine, not knowing Desiree had a copy in her hands. He curled up in a chair and starts reading. Suddenly he starts reading out loud (oblivious to what's going on around him.) He was reading about animals predicting tsunamis & quakes. He has no idea that you've posted stories about planetary empaths, including myself. Nor did he know at the time that Desiree's sister is featured in the book.
    He couldn't put the book down! He was happy to know that a copy was going home with him.

    About the Gulf: I haven't blogged this yet, but I had come to the conclusion the the reindeer goddesses represented the World Soul, before the Gulf incident. She was perhaps the oldest figure representing the "soul of the world" to humanity. At the that in history time mankind communicated with her, working with nature. Modern man has labeled those neolithic people "savages. Ironically, the modern plight of reindeer and caribou is dictated by the oil industry. Who are the REAL savages???
    I also did a tarot reading on the Gulf with, the Hermit in the near future. The 10 of swords was representing the circumstances. The situation in the Gulf has me in a space of near speechlessness.

    wv= lyhope

  8. Nancy says:

    I wish my book would get here. I wonder if there is synchronicity in the fact that UPS keeps saying the have the wrong address, when they just delivered something the day before that was from Amazon. I have to track it down today. Geeze

  9. Dale Dassel says:

    I'm 'Anonymous' above. Grrr… I hate this new 'choose an identity' option. Used to be, once you were signed in to Blogger, it automatically listed your username on each reply. It seems now you have to manually type it in.

  10. Anonymous says:

    >>Dale Dassel, without a doubt, is the most hard-core Indiana Jones fan I've ever encountered…

    Ah, guilty as charged! Thanks, By the way, for mentioning Indy and Harrison Ford on page 116. I really got a kick out of that as I glanced around my room, surrounded by Indiana Jones posters. 🙂

  11. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    The post made me smile, so thanks. It's so right that once we are aware things happen.

  12. Anonymous says:

    I'll be darned, Rob, you're right. I hadn't read any farther than this new blog this morning. I think perhaps those of us who are "listening", in whatever way we are able to "hear and understand", are realizing that this catastrophe is only a small part of a huge picture that is far from being "done". I hate sounding so pessimistic, but I've told my family all their lives that the Human Species is arrogant, and that Mother Earth will always, always do whatever becomes necessary to maintain her balance in the universe. We may believe that we are in control, that we are in charge, but we are not. This planet, our Home, is the Boss, and will not be overwhelmed in the end, when push comes to shove. She'll bounce us off her back by the billions if that's what she needs to do to regain and maintain her balance.

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Connie, you thoughts about the planet reacting are very much in line with my comment this a.m. under The Tarot Speaks! Rob

  14. Anonymous says:

    Haven't rec'd my copy of the book yet, but this is a kind of peculiar synchronicity relative to some earlier blog subjects: Yesterday Ellen DeGeneres announced that she has started a recording company, and guess what the name of her recording company is?
    ELEVEN-ELEVEN. Yep. 11-11.

    Is that not just too funny-odd-curious-weird? I'm loving it!

    Re the oil spill, as I awakened this morning wondering how the process to plug it is coming along, a thought occurred to me. Perhaps the explosion and oil spill/spread/kill, although human-caused, was the Voice of our planet losing its temper with us, finally, and screaming like a mad hatter, "OK, you people! If this is what you want, this is what you get! I will not accept more abuse from you without fighting back! You asked for it, you got it. No such silly chatisement for you as Time Out or being grounded You've lost things now that are precious to you that can never be replaced, all in the name of greed. So this is your punishment, and it will be on-going. Now start treating me with some respect or you're going to see your Mother and all her gifts to you gradually die! Pay attention to me! I am furious with you!"

    I have always considered Earth to be a living, breathing entity in and of itself, so it's not far-fetched for me to unconsciously think of her in terms of being a Parent whose children have become tyrants and have utterly disregarded her value.

    Just a thought, but it was unbidden.

    wv: scris (crisis?)

  15. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, good grief, charley brown!!!
    uh, sorry, i mean, good grief, indiana jones!!!

    too neat!!!

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